CBD Hebrew School 

June 2015
Hebrew School students sport their new T-shirts at the CBD Spring Fling on
May 17, 2015

This family newsletter will keep you up to date about the lessons and activities your children enjoyed during their time at CBD Hebrew School and PJ Library events. It has additional ideas for activities you can try at home to continue the learning. Enjoy!

What a wonderful time we all had at Narragansett's North Beach Club House on Sunday, May 17 for CBD's Spring Fling! It was the last day of Hebrew School and families enjoyed being together to celebrate what the children learned, to listen to live music, to share a delicious barbecue lunch, and to romp on the beach in the sun.


The morning began with Rabbi Adler leading the students and their families in the Shacharit Service, which concluded the Shehecheyanu. The children chose the Shehecheyanu prayer to symbolize the first service held on the beach. They also proved their prayer knowledge through games, such as putting the words of the Shema in proper order.  


Throughout the year, the students participated in a wide range of activities and rituals. Photographs of some of these activities were on display in the Club House and the students explained each one. Even Gilor was in one! He taught us so much about Israel and Jewish history. We are fortunate that he will be here for another year!  


Thank you all for sharing this wonderful school year with me and I look forward to seeing you next year! Have a wonderful summer!


-Head Teacher Miriam

Ask Your Children About

We have been talking about the character traits of compassion and courage, trying to decide if one is more important than the other, or if they are equal. Moses showed a lot of courage when he asked Pharaoh to free the Israelite slaves. He didn't give up, even though Pharoah kept refusing. Miriam showed a lot of compassion at the well when she offered water not only to Eliezer, who appeared tired and hot from his long trip to find Jacob a wife, but also to his camels. What do you think about courage and compassion? Ask your children what acts of courage and compassion they have witnessed or shown lately.

What Do the Torah Stories Teach Us?

Every person is important and every person counts. We learned this from reading about Moses, who led the Israelites out of Egypt. When they were gathered together in the desert, Moses took a detailed census of each of the 12 tribes, not just the leaders or 'important' people, but every single person! Each one of us is unique. Even groups of people who may seem alike at first glance are often quite a varied set of individuals. God made each of us different, wanting us to make the most of ourselves by discovering and expressing our unique gifts.

Try This At Home

VISIT ISRAEL...Right now!


Take your family to the Western Wall, (also known as The Kotel)! 

It's just a click away: http://english.thekotel.org/cameras.asp.


You will be instantly transported to the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem via the miracle of modern satellite cameras. This adventure is free, and your whole family can participate at your convenience.  

Here are some ideas for teachable moments:

  1. What exactly is the Western Wall?
  2. Look for modern as well as ancient features in the video.
  3. Note the two sections at the wall: Men pray on the left, women on the right. How does this compare with our own synagogue?
  4. Listen to the sounds at the Western Wall. What language are people speaking?
  5. Can you recognize any prayers that you might hear in our synagogue?
  6. If you click on the wall itself, you should briefly see a close-up of the stones, along with the little notes (prayers) that people have left between the cracks. Why might people insert notes in the wall? What might you pray for?
Save the Date: June 12

On June 12, the Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat service will include a ceremony for the B'nai Mitzvah students of 2014-2015: Ellie Beck, Ari Ahava, and Ryan Snow.

Be sure to join us at 8 pm for this extra special celebration of Shabbat.

The Shema Challenge, part 1

The Shema challenge, part 2.

Spring Fling Name that tune


Green Bible Stories for Children, by Tami Lehman-Wilzig, has fabulous activities to help young people understand how to nurture and protect the environment.

  • Become a biodiversity detective in your own backyard. Then check out biodiversity at Roger Williams Zoo. How many of the animals did you see were on Noah's Ark?  
  • Conduct your own experiment to desalinate water...remember that at Passover we make salt water to remind us of the tears the Israelites cried when they were slaves.
  • Create your own toys from recycled materials. Make an entire road system, or a special dollhouse.
  • Study the effects of overcrowding on the growth of tangerine seeds.  This three-week experiment illustrates sustainable agriculture.