Dear Colleagues:
No matter where I've gone on campus the last few weeks, I've had similar greetings from people that go something like this: "I heard the news that your college is getting a new building. Congratulations!" I expected to hear such remarks from people in Postle Hall, but I never thought faculty and staff from other colleges would be so congratulatory about our future.
Our campus is huge! Ohio State is the largest university in the Big Ten, and it's one of the largest universities in the country. The fact that so many people know about our plans for a new facility is truly remarkable. It speaks volumes about the attention we are getting and the interest that others have in our college. This is something we can all feel good about and be proud of.
The university-wide attention we're getting is something that will benefit our college and our profession. It will cause people from all sorts of backgrounds to want to know why we are the university's newest priority for capital funding. They will read newspaper reports, see website postings, and get promotional materials that describe why this is "our time" to receive such unprecedented university support.      
As I have said to so many, the big story about our new facility is that it signifies the value that senior leaders on our campus have for the ways our college contributes to the university's mission. It is this recognition that will cause others on campus to stop and take notice, to partner with us when the opportunity presents, and to reach out when they think we can help. Our responsibility will be to capitalize on this special time in our college's history so that dentistry can continue to maintain its priority status at Ohio State for decades to come.
I hope your sense of professional and personal pride is beaming from you now as brightly as it is from me. This is truly "our time!" 

July 2016 Edition
White Coat Ceremony Welcomes New DDS and DH Students

On August 22, the College of Dentistry's new dental hygiene and dental students will celebrate the beginning of their path to becoming dental professionals at the annual White Coat Ceremony. The event welcomes new students to the college, and it marks the beginning of the professional educational experience of the members of the dental hygiene Class of 2018 and the dental Class of 2020.  

View images from last year's ceremony.
College Welcomes New Graduate Students and Residents

Each summer, the College of Dentistry welcomes its new graduate students and residents with a day-long orientation program. This year's event was held June 15 in Postle Hall, where the residents were given overviews of college facilities, protocols, and resources.

A total of 41 residents/advanced education students joined the college's programs this summer. They include the following: dental anesthesiology program, 3; endodontics, 4; GPR, 9; oral surgery, 2; oral pathology, 1; orthodontics, 5; pediatric dentistry, 7; periodontics, 5; prosthodontics, 3; and oral biology/PhD, 2

"Our graduate students and residents enrich our programs and enhance the clinic experience for our patients," said Dean Patrick M. Lloyd. "It's important that we acknowledge their contributions as we welcome them to our college!"
Dr. Dennis McTigue Receives Distinguished Service Award  

Dennis McTigue, DDS, MS, is a  professor in the Division of Pediatric Dentistry. He was recently honored with the 2016 Distinguished Service Award from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), which represents pediatric dentists throughout the U.S. and also serves as a recognized authority on children's oral health.

As the winner of this year's Distinguished Service Award -- the highest honor bestowed by the AAPD -- Dr. McTigue is recognized for making a "major contribution on a national or international level ... to advocacy for children, improvement of children's health or to the health profession" as it relates to children.
Dr. Sara Marks Leach Certified as Diplomate 

"The dental anesthesiology board certification process involves both written and oral components. This is a significant professional accomplishment and one of which we are quite proud," said  Peter Larsen, DDS, Division Chair and Larry J. Peterson Endowed Professor.
Dr. Neetha Santosh Wins Waldron Award  

A recent graduate of the college's oral and maxilllofacial pathology residency program, Neetha Santosh, BDS, MS, won the prestigious Waldron Award for the best research poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP). The Waldron Award recognizes an outstanding student who is enrolled in a graduate AAOMP residency/training program in the specialty of oral pathology. Her graduate advisors were John Kalmar, DMD, PhD, and Kristin McNamara, DDS, MS.

Dr. Santosh also was recently inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.
Mr. Joseph Saggio Wins Outstanding Staff Award

Mr. Joseph Saggio, a maxillofacial prosthodontics dental laboratory technician, has won the college's Outstanding Staff Award that honors an employee whose actions inspire others to excellence in achievement and performance in the workplace. The award includes a cash prize of $500.00.

Dean Lloyd presented the award at the college's annual Staff Development Day event. He said, "Such awards as this one let others know how much we value our staff members' dedication and excellence. It is a pleasure to present this award to a staff member whose actions set an example for others in our college."
Alumni and Friends Reception at AAP: September 12 

We invite you to join Dean Patrick Lloyd and division faculty for our alumni and friends reception on September 12 in San Diego, held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology

Meet and mingle with your fellow Buckeyes at this event that will include news and updates on plans for a partial replacement of Postle Hall. We look forward to seeing you there!

Date: Monday, September 12
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina

For more information, please call 614-292-1891 or email:
Alumni and Friends Reception at AAOMS: September 21 

The 2016 meeting of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons takes place September 18-23 in Las Vegas. The college will host a reception for alumni and friends on September 21.

We invite you to join Dean Patrick Lloyd and division faculty for this event that will include news and updates on plans for a partial replacement of Postle Hall. We hope to see you at this Buckeye gathering!

Date: Wednesday, September 21
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Mandalay Bay Hotel and Convention Center

For more information, please call 614-292-1891 or email:
CE Course: Head and Neck Anatomy Review: August 12-13  

Review head and neck foundational structure and functional relationships in this course that includes prosection and dissection.

Date: August 12-13; one- or two-day options available 
Topics: Head and neck compartments and spaces; infratemporal fossa and TMJ; nasal cavities and sinuses; common anatomic variants; oral pathology presentations of common soft tissue masses; bone and radiographic anomalies. Clinical correlations will provide practical applications for practitioners in such areas as local anesthetic injections; intraoral surgical approaches; and implant site preparation.  
Location: Biomedical Research Tower/Hamilton Hall (Ohio State campus)
Presenters: Hany Emam, BDS, MS
Eileen Kalmar, PhD; John Kalmar, DMD, PhD 
Course summary: Please click here
Pelotonia: Team Buckeye Biker Bash: July 21

Whether you're a rider, a volunteer, or a virtual rider, save the date for Pelotonia's Buckeye Biker Bash. Enjoy food and fun with fellow Pelotonia supporters! 

 July 21
Time: 5:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Potter Plaza at the Ohio Union;1739 N. High Street, Columbus, OH
Please RSVP: Click here.

Brutus D.D.S. 
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Postle Hall
305 W. 12th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210


OSU College of Dentistry