Introducing PEGS 2nd Edition, new P4C Webinar and DCD Physician Module UK version!
Welcome to the August edition of CanChild Today! Summer is drawing to a close, and CanChild is excited to share new and featured resources to help parents, educators and health professionals set every child up for success in the coming school year.
Please feel free to share CanChild resources and this newsletter with family, friends and colleagues. They can subscribe to the CanChild Today e-Newsletter for free by registering here. Our past issues are archived on the CanChild website, and can be accessed here!
As children everywhere prepare to head back to school, CanChild is getting ready for our own fresh start! We are pleased to announce that exciting changes and a new look will be rolled out over the next few months. You may see our new logo start to pop up all over the place... Stay tuned for the official launch!
We are pleased to share the completed P4C webinar with you, on behalf of Cheryl Missiuna and the entire P4C team. The webinar describes the P4C model of service delivery and the research supporting it. The webinar also demonstrates the relevance of the P4C model to the Ontario Special Needs Strategy (OSNS).
The webinar is now available as a resource on the OSNS website.
The Perceived Efficacy and Goal Setting (PEGS) system enables young children (ages 5-9 years) to self-report their perceived competence in everyday activities and  to set goals for intervention. Using a set of cards that show self-care, school and leisure activities, children identify the activities that are challenging for them and choose those that they are motivated to work on. Parallel questionnaires for caregivers and educators allow for multiple perspectives to be considered in collaborative goal setting.
What's new in the PEGS 2nd edition?
- All new drawings for the cards
- New items that reflect cross-culturally appropriate activities
- Test forms re-designed for clarity and included in the manual
- Research findings updated
What is included in the package?
- PEGS Manual
- 60 colourful cards (30 pairs)
- Caregiver and Educator questionnaires (reproducible)
- Child Score Sheet (reproducible)
- 2 Placemats
DCD Physician Module - UK Version Now Available!
 DCD is a common health condition that impacts motor skill development. Children with DCD have difficulty learning and doing everyday tasks like printing, getting dressed, or riding a bike. With the right support, children with DCD can participate successfully in school, at home, and in the community. This accredited, online program provides an overview of DCD, how to diagnose and manage the condition to help optimize function.
Spotlight On: CanChild Resources for Back-to-School!
Children with Coordination Difficulties: A Flyer for Physical Educators
Some children have a great deal of difficulty learning to coordinate their movements and may appear awkward or clumsy. What can a physical educator do to help a child with coordination difficulties perform at school? Learn more.
Concussion Management: Return to School Guidlines for Children & Youth
A concussion is a brain injury and must be taken seriously! These guidelines are designed to strike a balance between the importance of returning to school and brain recovery. Learn more.
Recent Publications by CanChild Members |
This study explored the association between increased social contact with people with disabilities and the development of more positive attitudes towards disability. It found that children who self-reported more contact with individuals with disabilities were associated with more positive attitudes about disability in general, and were more likely to feel empathy for, and felt less anxiety about interacting with, people with disabilities. Relevance for families: Negative consequences such as loneliness, anxiety and reduced self-worth can be experienced by children with disabilities as a result of prejudices held by peers without disabilities. Interventions that improve peer perceptions may have a positive influence on the educational experience and success of children with disabilities. Authors: Armstrong M, Morris C, Abraham C, Ukoumunne OC, Tarrant M.; Disabil Rehabil. 2015 Aug 14:1-10. [Epub ahead of print]
Representations of disability and normality in rehabilitation technology promotional materials.
This study examined words and images used in promotional materials for two rehabilitation technologies (a hearing aid and a robotic gait training device) and evaluated them in terms of how they represented disability. When reviewing materials, researchers considered 1) who was represented, 2) what was promised, and 3) who had authority. The study finds that text and images in surveyed materials subtly reinforced commonly held perspectives and negative messages about disability. Relevance for families: Perspectives held by parents and professionals are formed over time, and can strongly influence how children internalize what disability means to them. Sensitivity in how disability is represented in materials accessed by professionals and parents may have a positive effect on how a child views their own disability. Authors: Phelan SK, Wright V, Gibson BE.; Disabil Rehabil. 2014;36(24):2072-9. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.891055. Epub 2014 Feb 25.
Clinically relevant copy number variations detected in cerebral palsy.
Historically, cerebral palsy (CP) has largely been attributed to an injury in the developing brain. While genetic risk factors have also been implicated, genetic testing is not routinely performed when assessing the cause of CP. In this study, researchers who analyzed the genes of 115 children with CP and their parents found that a clinically significant number of children (~10%) had large chromosomal abnormalities called copy number variants (CNVs), with 70% of these variants not shared with a parent. Relevance for families: Prevention and cure have been identified as a research priority by parents and caretakers of children with CP. This study may provide a cornerstone for further study in the part genetic factors play in the development of CP. This study received funding from NeuroDevNet. Authors: Oskoui M, Gazzellone MJ, Thiruvahindrapuram B, Zarrei M, Andersen J, Wei J, Wang Z, Wintle RF, Marshall CR, Cohn RD, Weksberg R, Stavropoulos DJ, Fehlings D, Shevell MI, Scherer SW.; Nat Commun. 2015 Aug 3;6:7949. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8949.
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| Contact Us: if you have any questions or comments, please contact us at canchild@mcmaster.ca. |