March, 2015
CanChild Today

CanChild welcomes the arrival of spring and the change and growth it brings. As we gear up for a busy season, look forward to exciting developments in the coming months that will improve how we connect with the CanChild community. 


This issue of CanChild Today features a new resource that aims to help readers better understand the research process and effectively evaluate a research study. We also have several videos to share from around the community, and recent publications from CanChild researchers. 

Please feel free to share CanChild resources and this newsletter with family, friends and colleagues. They can subscribe to the CanChild Today e-Newsletter for free by registering here. Our past issues are archived on the CanChild website, and can be accessed here!  Check our What's New page for new postings on our website.   


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New Resource by CanChild!
CP-NET Reflections On: How Does Clinical Research Work?
A Two-part Primer

Clinical and health services research are paramount in improving the lives of children with disabilities. It seems that each day brings word of a new finding or development. CanChild is pleased to offer a two-part "primer" that aims to provide our readers with the essential understanding required to read a study with a critical eye. By understanding the research process, we hope that readers will be better equipped to identify a credible research study and effectively evaluate the personal importance and potential impacts of the study for their issues.  

Part 1: How to Ask a Research Question and Design a Study
Part 2: How to Do a Study, and What Should We Measure?

CanChild Community
Crystal Chin shares her story with the Ontario Brain Institute. Visit for more information on cerebral palsy and the CP-NET program.

Courtesy of the Ontario Brain Institute � 2015

Video: Helping Kids with Disabilities Play

CanChild researcher Keiko Shikako-Thomas appears on Canada AM to discuss a new app that helps families find local programs for children with disabilities.


Courtesy of Canada AM � 2015
Recent Publications by CanChild Members

Knowledge to Practice in Developmental Coordination Disorder: Impact of an Evidence-Based Online Module on Physical Therapists' Self-Reported Knowledge, Skills, and Practice

This study aims to evaluate the impact of an evidence-based online module on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) on self-reported physical therapist (PT) knowledge, skills, and practice. Fifty PTs completed a questionnaire before and after the completion of the online module, with 41 PTs completing the same questionnaire 2 months later. The questionnaires included items rated using a 7-point Likert Scale and short open-ended questions. There was a significant effect of Time for 17 out of 18 items on self-reported knowledge, and all 19 items for self-reported skills. The online DCD module appears to be an effective knowledge translation strategy to increase PTs' self-reported knowledge and skills, and to support evidence-informed practice. Authors: Camden C, Rivard L, Pollock N, Missiuna C. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2015 Mar 19. [Epub ahead of print]


Client-centred occupational therapy with children: A critical perspective
The aim of this practice reflection is to provide a critical perspective on client-centerdness in occupational therapy practice with children. Two action points of the Canadian Practice Process Framework (CPPF): Set the Stage and Agree on Objectives and Plan are applied to examine the concept of client-centred practice using a common practice example. The authors explore the benefits and challenges associated with using a client-centred approach in therapy with children. The authors conclude that a client centred approach to practice is recommended, however clinicians may feel conflicted in attempting to apply this approach in the current rehabilitation context. Authors: Phoenix M, Vanderkaay S. Scand J Occup Ther. 2015 Feb 13:1-4. 


Health system strategies supporting transition to adult care

The move from child-centred to adult oriented health care systems is a period associated with multiple risks, including poor clinical outcomes, increased costs and low patient and family satisfaction. Nonetheless, little is known regarding how to improve health care system transitions, and debates around health care reform often exclude the specialized needs of children and youth. These factors result in a population that experiences increased vulnerability of system 'disintegration'. While the negative impacts of a poor transition are well documented, the issue has remained largely unaddressed by policy. The authors recommend that health system planners consult with healthcare providers in the design and evaluation of a comprehensive transition policy. Authors: Moore Hepburn C, Cohen E, Bhawra J, Weiser N, Hayeems RZ, Guttmann A.

Arch Dis Child. 2015 Feb 16. Open Access

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