Welcome to our early-summer e-newsletter (or early-winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere)! This issue of CanChild Today features resources on the CanChild website that address active participation for children, youth, and families. Also highlighted are recent publications by CanChild members.
Please feel free to share CanChild resources and this newsletter with family, friends and colleagues. They can subscribe to the CanChild Today e-Newsletter for free by registering here. Our past issues are archived on the CanChild website, and can be accessed here! Check our What's New page for new postings on our website.
Physical Activity & the Summer HeatThis archived Preschooler Focus newsletter, by McMaster's Child Health and Exercise Medicine Program, provides evidence-informed information about overheating and dehydration in young children, and some tips on how to help them beat the summer heat. Click here to view. You may be interested in other fitness tips for preschoolers; click here! Flyers for Coaches and Community Leaders about DCDThese resources provide information about developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and describe ways that parents and community leaders (coaches, instructors, group leaders) can help children with DCD participate in physical and social activities with their peers. Parents of children with DCD may find these resources useful for sharing information with individuals in their community such as coaches and other group leaders. Click to view. I Want to Participate In...The "I Want to Participate In..." series of Tip Sheets provide examples of a wide range of leisure activities and are designed for use by children and young adults. Developed with input from families, occupational therapists and representatives from community organizations, these Tip Sheets highlight the use of a strengths-based, skills-based approach to participation. You can print the Tip Sheets, customize them or use them as a template for other leisure activities. View here! CanChild's Concussion Guidelines - When in doubt, sit them out!Concussion management guidelines were developed as part of a knowledge translation project "Education is the Key to Protecting Children's Brains". On this webpage, you will find 'Return to Activity', 'Return to School', 'Guidelines for Infants & Toddlers', and 'Activity Suggestions for Recovery Stages After Concussion' brochures. This evidence based information is being disseminated to help consistently manage the care of children with mild traumatic brain injury. Click to view.
Recent Publications by CanChild Members
Strategies that facilitate participation in family activities of children and adolescents with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: Parents' and personal assistants' experiencesThis study identified ways to facilitate participation in family activities for children and adolescents with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Interviews revealed participation-facilitating strategies related to the child's/adolescent's environment: "Availability and acceptability of the activity", "Good knowledge about the child", "A positive attitude of people close to the child". Also identified were strategies related to the children/adolescents themselves: "Sense of belonging", "Possible for the child/adolescent to understand", "Opportunities to influence" and "Feeling of being needed". Children and adolescents with intellectual and multiple disabilities are dependent on support obtained through their environment. Published in Disability & Rehabilitation. Authors: AK Axelsson, C Imms, J Wilder. Abstract. Determinants of self-care participation of young children with cerebral palsyInvestigators with the Move & PLAY study tested a model of child, family and service determinants of self-care participation of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Participants were a convenience sample of 429 children with CP, aged 18-60 months. Data on impairments, gross motor function, children's health conditions and adaptive behavior were collected at Time 1. One year after study onset, parents documented children's self-care participation. The data were analyzed using structural equation modelling. Results: Children with higher motor function, fewer health conditions and higher levels of adaptive behaviour demonstrated greater self-care participation. Published in Developmental Neurorehabilitation. Authors: DJ Bartlett, LA Chiarello, SW McCoy, RJ Palisano, L Jeffries, AL Fiss, P Wilk. Abstract. Key health outcomes for children and young people with neurodisability: Qualitative research with young people and parentsThis aim of this qualitative research study was to identify key health outcomes perceived as important to children and young people with neurodisability, and their parents. Fifty-four children and young people participated and fifty-three parents participated. Results: Aspects of health most valued were communication, mobility, pain, self-care, temperament (mood and anxiety), relationships, community and social life, emotional wellbeing, self-care, independence and future aspirations. Parents also felt their child's sleep, behaviour, and safety were important. These key outcomes provide a basis for selecting appropriate health indicators and outcome measures. Published in BMJ Open. Authors: A Allard, A Fellowes, V Shilling, A Janssens, B Beresford, C Morris. Full access! View PenCRU's plain english summary here. Emerging therapy approaches: An emphasis on functionThe focus of therapy interventions for children with cerebral palsy has changed from "fixing a deficit" to promoting functional independence and participation and recognizing children's spontaneous adaptive movement solutions. In this article, factors that have influenced emerging intervention approaches are discussed. These factors include family-centered philosophy, changing definitions of disability, the ICF framework of health status, new outcome measures and contemporary theories of motor development. New research findings indicate that rehabilitation interventions embracing family-centered services and focusing on functional improvement can be more effective in promoting participation. Published in Journal of Child Neurology. Authors: M Law, J Darrah. Abstract. Classification in childhood disability: Focusing on function in the 21st CenturyThe authors of this article have developed and validated classification systems for specific aspects of everyday function in children and youth with cerebral palsy: gross motor function, manual ability, and communicative function. These classification systems are complementary to traditional biomechanical descriptions of disorders and disabilities. This article describes the tools, their development, reliability, validity, utility and clinical applicability. The use of these tools for research, and the uptake and impact that they have had around the world is also discussed. Published in Journal of Child Neurology. Authors: P Rosenbaum, AC EliassonC, MJ Hidecker, RJ Palisano. Abstract.

Did you know?
In 1989, CanChild (formerly NCRU) formed a close
partnership with all 18 of the children's treatment centres in Ontario. OACRS (Ontario Association of Children's Rehabilitation Services, formerly ATCO) now represents 21 children's rehabilitation centres. The close links with the children's treatment centres, their professional staff, and the children and families they served, provided opportunities to share stories and collectively try out new ideas. One of the first collaborative studies was about Family Centred Services and resulted in the FCS Sheets.
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| Contact Us: if you have any questions or comments, please contact us at canchild@mcmaster.ca. |