CanChild Website

November 20, 2013
CanChild Today

This issue of CanChild Today is being distributed in conjunction with Universal Children's Day, established by the United Nations as a day of understanding among children in the worldwide community, and to benefit and promote the welfare of the world's children.

This newsletter features exciting new resources on the CanChild website (, as well as recently published articles by CanChild scientists. Please feel free to share CanChild resources and this newsletter with family, friends and colleagues. They can subscribe to the CanChild Today e-Newsletter for free by registering here. Our past issues are archived on the CanChild website, and can be accessed here!  Check our What's New page for new postings on our website. 

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Parent Participants Needed!
  • We are looking for parents who have a youth with a disability, aged 12 to 18 years old, to participate in a research study on Participation and smartphone use. Click here to learn more.
New CanChild Resources (!
Trouble de l'acquisition de la coordination (TAC) - Atelier en ligne pour les parents/DCD On-line Parent Workshop available in French!
Cet atelier interactif en ligne a �t� d�velopp� pour augmenter les connaissances des parents sur le TAC et sur d'autres difficult�s de coordination motrice. Cet atelier vise �galement � augmenter leur confiance et � les outiller afin de favoriser le d�veloppement et la participation de leur enfant. (Les parents qui le souhaitent peuvent �galement participer � une �tude en ligne �valuant cet atelier (voir l'atelier pour plus d'information)). Cliquez ici!

Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66 & GMFM-88) User's Manual 2nd Edition now available!

The 2nd edition of the GMFM manual is now available in soft cover! This new book provides:
  • Information on the development and validation of two abbreviated methods of estimating GMFM-66 scores using the GMFM-66- Item sets (GMFM-66- IS) and the GMFM-66- B&C (Basal & Ceiling).
  • Appendices with case vignettes to illustrate both how to use and interpret GMFM scores.
  • A tutorial outlining the features of the updated GMAE-2 scoring software.
  •  Click here to read more. 
Aquatic Exercise Programs for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy- Keeping Current
Exercise in water can provide a fun and motivating form of physical activity for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP). This new Keeping Current summarizes evidence about aquatic exercise interventions, (such as safety and effectiveness) and suggested future directions for research. View Keeping Current.

How Parents View Their Child's Participation and Environment: Creating a Foundation for the PEM-CY
This 'In Brief' includes more details about what was learned from parents about their child's participation and the impact of the environment on participation. This first phase in the process of the developing and designing the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY) helped the developers make sure that the content of PEM-CY was consistent with parents' ideas. Read 'In Brief'.
Recent Publications by CanChild Scientists
The primary purpose of this study was to identify the child, family, and service determinants that explain change in motor function of young children with cerebral palsy (CP). Results: For all young children with CP, enhancing postural stability and preventing secondary impairments of muscle weakness, range of motion limitations, and poor endurance might contribute to optimal motor performance. For children with greater motor challenges, focusing on enhancing adaptive behavior might result in improved motor function. Read more about the Move & PLAY study here. Published in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. Authors: DJ Bartlett, LA Chiarello, SW McCoy, RJ Palisano, L Jeffries, AL Fiss, P Rosenbaum, P Wilk. Abstract.  
The Early Clinical Assessment of Balance (ECAB) was developed by Move & PLAY study investigators, to evaluate postural stability in children with CP. In this study, physical therapists scored children on the Movement Assessment of Infants Automatic Reactions section and the Pediatric Balance Scale. Results: The ECAB provides clinicians and researchers with a clinically feasible test of postural stability for 1.5- to 5-year-old children with CP across all GMFCS levels. Content and construct validity of the ECAB are supported for children with CP. Further research examining test reliability and responsiveness is needed. Published in Developmental Neurorehabilitation. Authors: SW McCoy, DJ Bartlett, A Yocum, L Jeffries, AL Fiss, L Chiarello, RJ Palisano. Abstract. 

The ABI-CA was developed in 2010 to detect the effect of residual motor deficits in balance, co-ordination, strength, speed and agility on the performance of advanced motor tasks for children with acquired brain injury (ABI). The purpose of this study, published in Brain Injury, was to revise the scaling of the tool's response sets through expert input and determination of empirically based cut-points. The revised ABI-CA was pilot-tested with four children with ABI, aged 7 - 15 years. The new response options in the ABI-CA appear suitable for testing high-functioning children with ABI. Authors: C McArthur, S Venkatesh, D Warren, D Pringle, T Doerr, NM Salbach, G Kirkwood, V Wright. Abstract. 

This study published in Research in Developmental Disabilities, examined the influence of theory-based psychosocial factors on the relationship between Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and physical activity behaviors. A questionnaire with psychosocial measures was administered to boys with and without DCD, and accelerometers were used to assess their physical activity behavior over the subsequent week. The findings indicate that DCD was significantly associated with lower physical activity, and poorer physical activity cognitions, particularly with regards to attitude and perceived behavior control. A greater understanding of the psychological factors related to physical activity for children with DCD is needed. Authors: MY Kwan, J Cairney, JA Hay, BE Faught. Abstract.
If you find the CanChild resources useful, please help us to continue sharing the most current information with families and service providers by donating to CanChild. You can do this online by clicking here. Donating online is now much easier and provides an immediate electronic receipt.
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