As the end of the calendar year approaches, we want to thank those who have supported
CanChild in 2012 and to let you know of our progress over the last year.
- The team of research scientists and international collaborators associated with CanChild has expanded. Forty seven scientists from seven countries are now working to increase the scope of knowledge available in the field of childhood chronic disability and illness!
- We have made the CanChild website accessible for people with a variety of disabilities.
- Website traffic has increased by 24%. CanChild now has a Facebook page and a Twitter account, both of which are rapidly gaining attention and helping to spread CanChild evidence.
- Our e-Newsletter, CanChild Today, now has over 5,000 subscribers from around the world.
The amount of new knowledge
CanChild is generating is growing exponentially. Families tell us that they would not be able to manage as well without
CanChild information.
Will you consider helping us get this new information to those who need it most, families and service providers? We hope that you will also let organizations who serve children and youth with disabilities know about the important work of
CanChild! Share this newsletter with others who may be able to help!
Your gift will make a difference!