CanChild Website
June 26, 2012
CanChild Today

This issue of CanChild Today highlights new resources on the CanChild website, as well as new publications by CanChild scientists, research associates, and international collaborators. 

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New Resources on CanChild's website (!

Visiting Research Fellow: Niina Kolehmainen
Niina Kolehmainena UK MRC Population Health Scientist in University of Aberdeen (UK) and a visiting research fellow at CanChild, describes why she chose CanChild as a collaborator to further her work on increasing children's participation in physical play. This video is part of a series of videos highlighting various researchers and research projects at CanChildClick here to view video, and here to read more about Niina's work. 


New Translations!
Thanks to the generosity of our colleagues from around the world, more CanChild resources have been translated and posted, including: GMFCS Family Report 2-4, 4-6 age bands (Spanish), MPOC manual (Japanese), MPOC-56 (Dutch), MPOC-20 (Dutch, Italian), and "If I Knew Then What I know Now" (Portuguese)!

Recent Publications by CanChild Scientists, Research Associates & International Collaborators 
This commentary, published recently in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology by Robert Palisano, reflects on the multi-factorial determinants of physical activity for children with cerebral palsy. Personal and environmental factors that may influence whether children with cerebral palsy participate in ongoing physical activity are discussed. Click here to read commentary (full access generously provided by publisher).


Predicting equipment needs of children with cerebral palsy using the Gross Motor Function Classification System: A cross-sectional study
The aim of this study published in Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, was to determine whether the assistive equipment needs of children with cerebral palsy and the associated costs could be predicted. A cross-sectional study using a chart audit (two hundred forty-two children) was completed. Data was abstracted from the files including Gross Motor Function Classification System Levels, associated impairments and assistive equipment prescribed. The results showed that more equipment was required and the cost of the equipment was greater for children whose gross motor function was more severely affected. This information may be useful for families and for budget and service planning. Authors: I Novak, H Smithers-Sheedy, C Morgan. Abstract.

Critical approaches in physical therapy research: Investigating the symbolic value of walking

Published in Physiotherapy Theory & Practice, this paper used an example of research examining the symbolic value of walking to outline the key features of critical research and its application to physical therapy. The study highlights how socially ingrained notions of normality and disability are reflected in rehabilitation practices and affect parents and children with cerebral palsy. Dominant social assumptions about the value of walking are shown to influence individual choices and contribute to parental feelings of angst and doubt, and negative self-identities for children. Critical approaches to research can be used to address important research questions that have been largely neglected. Authors: BE Gibson, G Teachman. Abstract.

Predicting leisure participation of school-aged children with cerebral palsy: Longitudinal evidence of child, family and environmental factors
Investigators from NetChild investigated which child, family and environmental variables measured at 2 years of age predict leisure participation in formal and informal activities in school aged children with cerebral palsy (CP). Parents of 46 children with CP completed several child, family and environmental assessments at preschool age, and the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment at age 6. Results showed that several variables are found to be related to formal and informal participation at age 6. Movement ability and social skills at age 2 were most predictive of leisure participation when the child is 6 years old. Published in Child: Care, Health & Development. Authors: MK Bult, O Verschuren, E Lindeman, MJ Jongmans, P Westers, A Claassen, M Ketelaar. Abstract.


The experience of disabled children as inpatients: A structured review and synthesis of qualitative studies reporting the views of children, parents and professionals
The aim of this literature review and synthesis published in Child: Care, Health & Development by PenCRU and PenCLAHRC investigators, was to integrate findings from qualitative studies reporting the experience of children with chronic health conditions or disabilities when they are hospital inpatients. The synthesis involved clarifying and integrating common themes. Communication between children and staff was a dominant theme and included giving the child information about their condition and appropriate involvement of the child/young person in discussions and decision making that affected them. Also important was communication between parents and staff, particularly around the division of care for their child. Other themes included emotions, particularly fears, the ward environment and confidence in staff. Authors: V Shilling, V Edwards, M Rogers, C Morris. Abstract.


Cerebral Palsy: From Diagnosis to Adult Life
Peter Rosenbaum & Lewis Rosenbloom have co-authored a new book titled Cerebral Palsy: From Diagnosis to Adult Life. This book was written to provide readers with an understanding of cerebral palsy (CP) as a developmental as well as a neurological condition. Drs. Rosenbaum & Rosenbloom have reviewed classification and have emphasized the wide range of functional impairments that are seen in both children and adults with CP in clear, accessible language. They also offer perspectives on the lives of parents of children with CP and discuss the adult lives of people with CP. The authors dedicate this book 'to those who find themselves on the path of an unexpected 'career' raising a child with cerebral palsy; to adults with CP who are challenging us to recognize their life issues; and to the wide range of service providers who act as guides for families on this journey.' Click here to read more.


Active Video Game play in children with cerebral palsy: Potential for physical activity promotion and rehabilitation therapies

Read more about this article, published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation by J Howcroft, S Klejman, D Fehlings, V Wright, K Zabjek, J Andrysek, & E Biddiss, and highlighted in our May 2012 newsletter!  Click here to read press release.

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