Birmingham Sykline
Birmingham District Dental Society


November 8, 2012

In This Issue
FaceBook is here
BDDS now has Twitter

Quick Links

Hi All BDDS Members,


REMINDER--Our next bi-monthly speaker meeting will be on Tuesday, November 13th.  


Thanks to all of you that have already registered for our meeting Tuesday, November 13th.  I you have not registered, you still have time but I need to give an accurate total of attendees to The Club so they can prepare meals.  If you plan to attend and have not registered, please register today.  


We will continue to use The Club atop Red Mountain to host our meetings.  Our meeting starts with social time at 5:30pm and our meeting gets started at 6:15pm.  


The speaker for our November 13th CE meeting will be Dr. Gerry Walker and his topic is "Meth Mouth - Truth or Fiction."  Please register on our website by clicking here or use the links below.


Staff is welcome to attend!  Some of you have requested the ability to bring staff to Monthly CE meetings.  The EC has approved staff attendance and you may register them by check, email or via PayPal. The cost is our normal fee of $40.




Richard Morgan

Executive Director

Birmingham District Dental Society




Dr. Gerry Walker CE Lecture on Tuesday, November 13th at BDDS Bi-Monthly Meeting at The Club.  Price Includes Dinner
Dr. Gerry Walker

Course Topic will be: Meth Mouth - Truth or Fiction


Make your reservations for yourself and staff by:
Click Here to Pay Members and Staff $40 and includes dinner
 Click Here to Pay Students $25 and includes dinner


FaceBook Now Active for BDDS 
 Find us on Facebook


BDDS now has a FaceBook account.  Please visit and add as a "Like" to follow BDDS on FaceBook. 


Thanks.........Richard Morgan


BDDS is now on Twitter

With the success of our FaceBook account, a Twitter account has now been activated. 

Follow us on Twitter

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