Smithsonian American Art Museum

Recent workshop on the cleaning of acrylic painted surfaces 


Cleaning works of art with acrylic painted surfaces represents a variety of challenges for art conservators. The properties and composition of acrylic paints can make identifying safe and effective cleaning solutions very difficult, and the full effects of different cleaning methods on the paints themselves are not widely understood. In an effort to confront these issues, the Lunder Conservation Center partnered with the Getty Conservation Institute to provide a workshop on the cleaning of acrylic painted surfaces. 


Conservation workshop
Workshop participants put a morning lecture into practice during an afternoon session in the Lunder Conservation Center

From April 30th to May 1st, a group of 19 specialists from museums and laboratories in the U.S. and the U.K. participated in a series of lectures, test sessions, and discussions. Communicating the results of recent scientific research and new developments, the workshop's instructors stimulated dialogue between researchers and conservators about the application of new research and technical insight. 


For more information on conservation programs and resources, please visit the Lunder Conservation Center website.



- Chris

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