Rose Park Neighborhood Association
Rose Park Neighborhood AssociationFebruary 5, 2015

the BIG HEART show





 Occasional Gardening For Temple & E 7th

Volunteer(s) Needed

Anyone having an interest in weeding the small strip of ground in front of the fence at the NW corner of E 7th & Temple please contact  Our fence is concealing the vacant lot but in front of the fence has weeds.

Volunteer(s) much appreciated!





You may have received a letter from the California Coastal Commission regarding a meeting on Feb 12 in Pismo Beach.


This meeting has an item on the agenda that has to do with the presence/location of Crematoria in our district.


RPNA and others attended meetings last year and were in opposition to having these businesses located within our neighborhood. We supported Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal and the city council's decision to locate these crematoria in a more appropriate industrial location.


The wording on the notice is a little confusing but a NO vote from the Coastal Commission is desired if you want these businesses banned from residential neighborhoods like Rose Park.


You can learn more here:


Click Here




Check on our auctions at RPNA.ORG


We really hope you will support the auctions. Lots of local vendors are participating and not only will you get some cool stuff but you are supporting the neighborhood association.  Our banners on E. 7th are looking a little sad and there aren't any grants for them anymore. 



Mills Act Re-Instated


For those who've been waiting....the Mills Act has been approved by the City of LB to be re-instated. Here is what the Gazette reported:



Love Rose Park?  Let Everyone Know!


Our new t-shirts are sold at LB Skate on E. 7th, The UPS Store E. 7th & Redondo, by emailing or by calling RPNA (562-368-4877) and soon they will be on our website.


Not only are they nice looking but you are supporting your Neighborhood Assn AND all the work done by RPNA for our Historic Districts.


Perfect for gifts at only $20.00



Buying Gifts on


 Support ROSE PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION (a legal charity) by buying on Amazon Smile.


Here's the link:


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.


  • AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
  • Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at
  • Rose Park Neighborhood Assn has received donations from approximately $105,000.00 in purchases this year.
  • You buy, Amazon Gives!
  • It's easy to sign up.  Here's the link:



    Help Your Neighborhood Association

     Rose Park Neighborhood Association relies on voluntary membership annual dues. 


    Do you like what your neighborhood association is doing?
    We need your support!


    RPNA maintains a PO Box, phone number, monthly newsletter and distributes literature to our neighborhood while hosting community events and helpful assistance.
    Your neighborhood is represented for many city meetings, planning discussions and safety issues.  We are available to assist and inform new residents and old with the restoration processes and guidelines. 
    Please support your neighborhood association by renewing or becoming a member.  The annual dues are $25.00



    NEW RPNA tee shirts are available now.  Only $20.00

    Show your support or give to a friend. 
    We have such a beautiful logo, why not wear it?
    Purchase these at the UPS store on 7th & Redondo



     Join RPNA by clicking here: Click Here 


    Be our fan on Facebook here: RPNA Facebook 


    Share our Facebook Posts


    Follow us on Twitter: RoseParkLB


    About Rose Park Neighborhood Association
    To become a member of RPNA your neighborhood association click here


    3350 E. 7th St.
    Long Beach, California 90804
    Rose Park Neighborhood Association