Rose Park Neighborhood Association
Rose Park Neighborhood AssociationSeptember 2014

 Rose Park Neighborhood Assn. Welcomes New Leadership


RPNA elected a new president last month.  Gretchen Swanson is a long time resident of Rose Park and loves Long Beach. She will be a driving force for our community, our historic districts and our city.  When asked about her new role, she said: 

"RPNA is the voice of our neighborhood. I'd like to expand our voice to a choir. Many voices working in concert, having and making greater impact. Who doesn't want their voice heard? Their opinions validated? Over the next 12 months we'll have four community gatherings the first  being planned for later this Fall. Meet others who live near you and share your neighborhood interests. I look forward to meeting everyone."


The Final "7th Street Visioning" Workshop Saturday, September 20th, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., at MOLAA


The final "7th Street Visioning" public workshop is Saturday, September 20th, from 10:00a to 12:00p, at MOLAA (628 Alamitos Ave). It's an important meeting to make, if you can, for Roger Sherman and Matthew Littell, urban planners from RSAUD and UTILE, respectively, have taken into consideration all of the feedback from the two previous public meetings that were held, imput from Councilwoman Lowenthal's office (who is funding the study), as well as various city departments, and will be on hand to offer propoals for the location and content of the project that will follow.

As a reminder, the demonstration pilot project will help demonstrate the value of the overall plan's long-term vision, usefulness, and value not only to those of us who live, work, and travel on the street, but to agencies whose funding will be critical to bringing the needed resources to execute the plan. Community input is essential in making the street work for everyone-residents of the area as much as anyone. Participants in Saturday's gathering will have an important opportunity in locating and shaping the demonstration project. Input obtained at previous meetings has been very helpful in shaping the long-term vision for the street, and we expect Saturday's Meeting to be no different.

In the event that you cannot attend the planning session, the project has a means to gather your opinion (if you've not already provided it this way) via an online survey, which can be reached at

We look forward to seeing everyone on the 20th!


4th Street Long Beach's 2014 Retro Ramble and Sidewalk SaleJoin 4th Street Long Beach for food, drink, fun, and bargains as you and your furry friends stroll 4th street!


where: 4th Street From Temple to Hermosa, Long Beach
When: Saturday, September 27 11:00am-6:00pm

On-site adoptions, mobile grooming, low-cost vaccinations/microchipping, pet portraits, and treats will be on paw! There will also be a best-dressed pet contest-and free Ice Cream!

RPNA will be hosting an information table at the event so if you're strolling about that afternoon, stop by and say "Hi!'

Read more about the Retro Ramble and Sidewalk Sale on 4th Street Long Beach's Facebook page


Join RPNA in supporting Sole Searching Long Beach in their French Toast Fun FundraiserSunday, September 28th at The Red LeprechaunRun/Walk: 8:00a, French Toast Breakfast: 9:00a-12:00p


Sole Searching Long Beach, whose mission is to get volunteer and city-based organizations to work collectively in finding solutions to shared problems and empowering a movement for positive change in our city, is having a delicious fundraiser on Sunday, September 28th that we hope you'll partake in.

In keeping with one of Sole Searching's current projects to run every street in Long Beach, the breakfast will be proceeded by 1.6-mile walk or a 3.2-mile run (your choice, and both are optional)-either of which should only take about 30-45 minutes to complete-for those who are looking to get in a little exercise that morning. Both the run and the walk start and end at The Red Leprechaun (4000 Anaheim St, at Termino, which is where breakfast will be served) and each route winds its way mostly through Recreation Park. It sounds like a great way to start off a lovely Sunday morning! Following the run/walk is the fund/fun part: enjoying a delicious French Toast whose proceeds will help Sole Searching's great efforts at making Long beach an even better place than it is already to live and work-and run and walk-and eat!

If it looks as if you'll be attending, kindly RSVP to

Running every mile of every street in Long Beach is impressive, indeed! And they tell us that they are about 25% of the way through that goal-about 300 miles so far! Their runs-and their walks, especially-are designed to be easy and fun, so consider joining them at 8:00a if you can. But if not, come at 9:00a just for the French Toast!


Meeting With LBPD


Join Commander Paul LeBaron and his staff for a Long Beach Police Department East Division Community Forum on Wednesday, September 17 at 7:00 PM. It will be held in the Fireside Room of the LBPD Police Academy at 7290 Carson Blvd. The forum will include a discussion of crime trends in East Division neighborhoods and a presentation from an LBPD Helicopter Pilot to give an overview of their operations. 

Help Your Neighborhood Association

 Rose Park Neighborhood Association relies on voluntary membership annual dues. 


Do you like what your neighborhood association is doing?
We need your support!


RPNA maintains a PO Box, phone number, monthly newsletter and distributes literature to our neighborhood while hosting community events and helpful assistance.
Your neighborhood is represented for many city meetings, planning discussions and safety issues.  We are available to assist and inform new residents and old with the restoration processes and guidelines. 
Please support your neighborhood association by renewing or becoming a member.  The annual dues are $25.00



RPNA long sleeved tee shirts are available now.  Only $18.00

Show your support or give to a friend. 
We have such a beautiful logo, why not wear it?
Purchase these at the UPS store on 7th & Redondo



 Join RPNA by clicking here: Click Here 


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About Rose Park Neighborhood Association
To become a member of RPNA your neighborhood association click here


3350 E. 7th St.
Long Beach, California 90804
Rose Park Neighborhood Association