Stay Informed:
E-Government in Florida Public Libraries
Tuesday, October 8
2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern
Join Pam Thompson for an online discussion of E-Government services in Florida libraries.
Who's Afraid of the ACA?
Wednesday, October 9
2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern
During Open Enrollment (October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014), Floridians will use to apply for coverage, compare plans, and enroll. Join Pam Thompson to learn how to access the tools and resources you need to help your patrons find answers to their questions, and understand their health insurance options.
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October 1 marks the beginning of Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace. Florida libraries have a unique opportunity to reinforce their value in their communities by providing access and information to Floridians enrolling for health insurance through
This newsletter focuses on two areas - the consumer side of the Marketplace that assists individuals, and the informational side with resources and tools for libraries to assist their patrons.
Pam Thompson
Overview of Affordable Care Act
Whether your patrons need health coverage, or have it already, the health care law offers new rights and protections that make coverage fairer and easier to understand.
Did you know that the ACA:
| - the Consumer Side
Where will your patrons enroll? Florida is a Federally facilitated marketplace, so your patrons applying and enrolling for health insurance during open enrollment will use the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) website,, or the Spanish language mirror site Small businesses will use the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) website.
What will your patrons do? Beginning October 1, individuals, families, and small businesses will use to create an account, compare health insurance options, find out if they qualify for assistance, and apply for coverage. Where will your patrons find answers? has toll free Helplines and Live Chat available 24/7 in both English and Spanish. Free translation and interpretation services are available for an additional 150 languages. Small business patrons can find information on their needs through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP), including a toll free Helpline to answer questions Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern.
How can your patrons find out how much insurance will cost?
Prices of Marketplace plans have not yet been set. They will be available on October 1, when open enrollment starts. Patrons can use Kaiser Family Foundation health insurance cost and savings calculator to get an estimate of how much health insurance may cost in 2014.
Questions Your Patrons May Ask - And the Answers
What is the Health Insurance Marketplace?
The Health Insurance Marketplace is where people and small businesses can shop for, and buy, private health insurance. The Marketplace is not a private insurance company or government run health plan.
With one application, your patrons can find out if they qualify for health plans in the Marketplace, and other programs like Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), tax credits, and cost sharing reductions.
Why do I have to apply?
Along with changes to the health insurance system that guarantee access to coverage to everyone regardless of pre-existing health conditions, the Affordable Care Act includes a requirement that people be insured or pay a penalty.
This simple flowchart from the Kaiser Family Foundation will give your patrons information on how this requirement (sometimes known as an "individual mandate") works. It also shows who will be exempt from this requirement.
How will they know if I don't apply for coverage?
Your patrons will report their coverage or exemptions when they file their 2014 income tax return, which won't be due until April 15, 2015. Insurance providers will also be required to help their clients report their health coverage.
The Internal Revenue Service provides more information on reporting.
Why is the federal government running the Health Insurance Marketplace in Florida?
Florida is one of 27 states that chose not to set up a state run Marketplace, so the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will carry out all functions of the marketplace.
How do I use the Health Insurance Marketplace to apply for coverage and enroll in a health plan?
Beginning October 1, 2013, your patrons will be able to file a Marketplace application online. Coverage can start as early as January 1, 2014.
The Marketplace will automatically tell consumers if they qualify for discounts, or qualify to participate in state programs based on their income.
Your patron can choose the health plan that's right for them through the online plan comparison tool.
How will I be able to afford the health insurance offered by the Health Insurance Marketplace?
Financial help will be available to many of your patrons who are uninsured and have low incomes through tax credits and cost sharing reductions, as well as Medicaid, or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Tax credits are based on household income and family size for the taxable year. When your patron enrolls in a plan, the tax credit will be sent to the health plan if they are qualified.
They can find more information about getting lower costs on coverage.
I have Medicare. Do I need to enroll?
Medicare isn't part of the Health Insurance Marketplace, so your patrons with Medicare don't need to do anything. If they have Medicare, they are considered covered.
The Marketplace won't affect their Medicare choices, and their benefits won't be changing. No matter how they get Medicare, whether through Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan, they will still have the same benefits and security they have now.
The Marketplace does not offer Medicare supplement (Medigap) insurance or Part D drug plans. For information on these programs, your patrons should visit
Medicare's Open Enrollment Period (October 15-December 7) hasn't changed.
I own a small business. Which Marketplace should I use?
Information about which Marketplace to use, Individual or the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP), for your patrons that are self-employed or own small businesses that have no employees can be found here.
Resources that Libraries Can Use
There are many ways libraries can help spread the word and prepare for patrons questions about Open Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace:
- Educate your staff - Training materials and presentations include webinar training schedules, downloadable training videos, and slides and notes for both Health Insurance Marketplace and SHOP Marketplace.
- Order brochures, fact sheets, and other promotional materials available from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Follow the link for Product Ordering Website and create an account to request free materials.
- Materials in Spanish and other languages are available to order or print.
- Connect with Community Health Organizations. In Florida 46 health centers received funding to assist with outreach and enrollment. A list of these centers can be found here.
- Consider bringing in application assistance to your library. Navigators are grant funded and will provide in person assistance enrolling through the Health Insurance Marketplace. The Navigators are currently being trained and certified by HHS. Florida statutes also require that Navigators register with the state, be fingerprinted, and pass a criminal background check. The Florida Chief Financial Officer will maintain the list of registered Navigators.
- Include the widget on your library's website.
Additional resources for your library can be found here.
Can You Help?
Tell us how your library is preparing for Open Enrollment. Share your experiences with other libraries by emailing at: Pam Thompson, or calling 850.245.6633.
This program is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services. |