Project Compass Workforce Recovery
October 2012
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Money Smart Week @ Your Library


October 18, 2012

3:00-4:00 p.m.


Learn how your library can be part of Money Smart Week @ Your Library, a national initiative of the ALA and the Federal Reserve Bank (Chicago) designed to provide financial literacy programming to help members of your community better manage their personal finances.


Register here.

Returning Balance to Your Life


December 3, 2012

10:30-11:30 a.m.


December 6, 2012

2:00-3:00 p.m.


Do you dread the hustle-bustle of the holidays? Already feeling out-of-balance and they aren't even here yet?  How do we achieve balance? Attend this eye-opening two-part webinar series, where you'll learn how to take back control of your life.


Register here.



Greetings from Florida - Florida Library Snapshot Day


Wednesday, January 30, 2013



This month's newsletter is all about connecting your job-seeking patrons to workforce recovery resources that they can use. We have focused on new resources to help you make those connections for your patrons.


Please let me know if I can help you with your efforts, and don't forget to share your ideas and resources on the Project Compass Florida website.


Pam Thompson

Connect to Veterans Resources
Florida veterans may be missing out on millions of dollars in benefits, so the Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs has launched a statewide multimedia campaign that will help connect your veteran patrons with federal and state benefits and services they have earned.
Hiring Florida's Heroes is a campaign to connect businesses in need of high-quality talent with these dedicated, well-trained men and women who are veterans.
The Employ Florida Vets Web portal provides the veteran job-seekers with access to online services and information on Florida's nearly 100 One-Stop Career Centers.
Connect to Small Business Resources
The Hispanic Business Initiative Fund is a Hispanic nonprofit economic development organization in Florida specializing in bilingual business development for Hispanic entrepreneurs trying to establish or expand their businesses. 


Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), a part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is an organization that is focused on wealth creation in minority communities and economic prosperity for all American businesses. The Agency's mission is to actively promote the growth and competitiveness of large, medium and small minority business enterprises.  


Start Up A Florida Business provides small business owners with the support of an extensive network of state, federal and nonprofit resources ready to assist with everything from business plan writing to accounting and marketing. Start Up a Florida Business is part of Enterprise Florida.

Connect to Food Assistance
WhyHunger works to end hunger and poverty by connecting people to nutritious, affordable food and by supporting grassroots solutions that inspire self-reliance and community empowerment.
WhyHunger's National Hunger Clearinghouse can help your patrons who are looking for food assistance in their communities.


Through the Florida's Department of Children and Families (DCF) ACCESS program, Food Assistance helps people with low incomes buy healthy food.

The Food Assistance pages on Get Help Florida link patrons to resources in their communities. Get Help Florida was developed by the Pasco County Library System and is funded through a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant.
Connect to Housing Assistance
There are many programs designed to help your patrons who are struggling to pay their mortgages or find affordable housing.
Some of the areas patrons can explore include loan modifications, how to lower their interest rates or monthly payments, rental housing and even programs for financial relief for the unemployed or underemployed.
The Making Home Affordable Program (MHA) is a critical part of the federal government's broad strategy to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, stabilize the country's housing market and improve the nation's economy.


HUD.gov, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's website, provides Florida-specific resources for your patrons to help avoid foreclosure, find rental help or resources for the homeless.


There are also links to HUD-approved Foreclosure Avoidance Counseling. These foreclosure prevention counseling services are provided free of charge by nonprofit housing counseling agencies working in partnership with the federal government.
In Florida, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation can provide your patrons with a wide variety of information on affordable housing for both homebuyers and renters. 
Florida Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) helps pay the mortgages of qualified homeowners who are unemployed or underemployed through no fault of their own. Library patrons in all 67 counties who are homeowners and want to apply for HHF financial assistance can use the online application. 
Connect to Training
Florida Ready to Work is an innovative new workforce education and economic development program. The centerpiece of the program is the Florida Ready to Work credential, a career readiness certificate signed by Governor Rick Scott that certifies that a Florida student or jobseeker has the fundamental job skills necessary to succeed in today's rapidly changing and competitive economy.


Florida's One Stop Career Centers work to equip your patrons with essential, work-ready skills that enhance their job searches and their future careers.


GCFLearnFree.org creates and provides quality, innovative online learning opportunities for your job-seeking patrons who want to improve the technology, literacy and math skills needed to be successful in both work and life. They will find a wide variety of free lessons to help them prepare for and find employment. The tutorials are on resumes, job search and application, interviewing and more. There are over 750 online lessons available.
Can You Help?

Does your library offer training in computer basics? How about in languages other than English?


The Office of Reemployment Assistance would like to know about the types of classes Florida's public libraries provide.  Please share the information about types of classes and languages with Pam Thompson at pam.thompson@dos.myflorida.com.

This program is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.