Your City Newsletter for 
Sorrento Parkway Closure - Begins Monday

The closure of Sorrento Parkway planned for July 22nd through August 4th has been changed to July 22nd through August 11th.

During this time, all of Sorrento Parkway will be shut down. Originally developers planned to construct the new north half of Sorrento Parkway, and then alternately shut down the south half of Sorrento for construction, keeping one half of the roadway open during both phases of construction. This new construction schedule will extend the road closure period, but will allow the construction to be completed in one phase instead of two.

In addition, during this closure of Sorrento Parkway a gravel Emergency Vehicle Access will be maintained along the future alignment of Portello Way to avoid any impact on response times for police and fire vehicles. For your safety, this access is to be utilized only by emergency vehicles, and is not to be utilized for pedestrian or vehicular access, either during or after construction hours.

Questions? Contact Stephen Hicks at Bayless & Hicks at


Thinking of Having a Neighborhood Block Party?

Thinking of having a Neighborhood Block Party this summer? Complete a Neighborhood Block Party Permit application through the City's Recreation Department. 


All block parties associated with National Night Out on Tuesday, August 6th, will have the fee and insurance requirements waived. Go here to download the application now. 


Questions? Contact the Recreation Department at 434-3220.  



Hawaiian Luau - July 27th

2013 Luau Flyer


Jill Thompson, Public Information Officer
City of Lincoln
 600 Sixth Street
Lincoln, CA 95648
(916) 434-2448
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