Nature's Rhythms

by Susan Cooper, 2014 | Alaska Art in Public Places

 digital print on plexiglass

McLaughlin Youth Facility Dayroom, Anchorage,  Alaska

 Photo courtesy Susan Cooper

October 2014 ASCA News 

In This Issue
A Note from Shannon
Creative Placemaking Grants
Venture for Alaska's Youth
ASCA Notices
Calls for Art and Requests for Proposals
Grants and Funding
Professional Development
Education and Youth
Employment and Internships
Other Announcements
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Looking for Work in the Arts?
Look no further--these sites include listings of available positions and calls for artists in all areas - museums, performing arts and galleries.
Do you have a notice for the Communique?
If you have an article, short notice, call for art or request for proposal that you would like us to consider including in our next newsletter, contact Keren Lowell  at
A Note from Shannon

This year, the Alaska State Council on the Arts and the Alaska Arts and Culture Foundation unveiled a new program, the Alaska Literary Awards, which are funded through a very generous donation from our former State Writer Laureate, Peggy Shumaker, and Joe Usibelli. 


I am very pleased to announce the five recipients of the inaugural Alaska Literary Awards:

  • Ernestine Hayes | mixed genre | Juneau
  • Erin Hollowell | poetry | Homer
  • Joan Kane | poetry | Anchorage, King Island, Mary's Igloo
  • Susanna Mishler | poetry | Anchorage, Hope
  • Frank Soos | fiction and essays | Fairbanks

We've long known that Alaska possesses an extraordinary amount of literary talent. But when we discovered that nearly 100 writers had applied for this award, we were surprised and, frankly, overwhelmed at the response! Needless to say, narrowing down the group of awardees to five was an enormous challenge, and we look forward to continuing this program annually to be able to honor more of our literary artists.


I believe that the strength of our literary community is helped tremendously by the infrastructure that exists to support this artistic discipline: from 49 Writers to the University of Alaska Press; from the Kachemak Bay Writers' Conference to the Island Institute in Sitka, writers have tremendous resources available to them for professional development, network-building, publication and exposure. We are so pleased to be able to accentuate the existing support for Alaska's writers! 


Creative Placemaking Grants Available 
ArtPlace is Accepting Applications for its National Grants Program
ArtPlace is pleased to open the application process for the fifth round of its National Grants Program.The National Grants Program is one of several ArtPlace  programs designed to invest in creative placemaking projects that involve cross-sector partners committed to strengthening the social, physical, and economic fabric of their communities. ArtPlace America sees its role as providing support for projects that lead through the arts/artists, integrate with a community's economic development and revitalization strategies, and have the potential to attract additional support.


The below definitions are those held by ArtPlace for the purposes of this Letter of Inquiry. We recognize that these definitions can have a different meaning based on social context: particularly distinctions between rural and urban places; as well as financially affluent and low-income neighborhoods. ArtPlace America strives to be inclusive of those different contexts as it builds its grant portfolio and creative placemaking partnerships.


Creative Placemaking: Strengthening the social, physical, and economic fabric of a community through arts and culture.


Community: A group of people related by geography.


Registration is required to submit a Letter of Inquiry. All Letters of Inquiry must be submitted by 3:59 PM EST on November 3, 2014. For complete information visit the ArtPlace America National Grant Summary page on the ArtPlace America website


The National Endowment for the Our Town grant application and Exploring Our Town online resource is now available


Art works to support creative, economically-competitive, healthy, resilient, and opportunity-rich communities. Excellent art is an essential part of building a strong community, as important as land-use, transportation, education, housing, infrastructure, and public safety.  Artists and community development practitioners across our nation --sometimes one and the same, sometimes working together -- are striving to make places more livable with enhanced quality of life, increased creative activity, a distinct sense of place, and vibrant local economies that together capitalize on their existing assets. The NEA defines these efforts as Creative Placemaking.


Through Our Town, subject to the availability of funding, the National Endowment for the Arts will provide a limited number of grants for creative placemaking projects that contribute towards the livability of communities and help transform them into lively, beautiful, and resilient places with the arts at their core. Our Town prioritizes partnerships between arts organizations and government, private, and nonprofit organizations to achieve livability goals for communities.


Our Town offers support for projects in two areas:

  • Arts Engagement, Cultural Planning, and Design Projects that represent the distinct character and quality of their communities

  • Projects that Build Knowledge About Creative Placemaking

Through Our Town projects, the NEA intends to achieve the following outcome: Livability: American communities are strengthened through the arts. Go to our new  Exploring Our Town online resource, which includes case studies of more than 60 Our Town grants with an insights section of lessons learned.


The next deadline for Our Town applications is December 15th, 2014. Visit the website for complete information and application.  

Venture for Alaska's Youth Report Published
Teaching artist Justine Pechuzal worked with students in Sand Point to develop murals that reflect their community. Pechuzal's approach to mural development involved the whole community. Photo courtesy Aleutians East Borough School District
In 2008, the Alaska State Council on the Arts (ASCA), which sits within the Department of Education and Early Development, conducted a survey of arts education in Alaska's Schools. This survey resulted in the report On Thin Ice, and provided a baseline understanding of how arts education was included as part of a high quality, comprehensive education in our state. In the spring of 2014, ASCA repeated this research, resulting in our newest publication, Venture for Alaska's Youth.

The data shows that we have made some gains in access to arts education for some Alaskan students. We are no longer on thin ice; rather, we are beginning a new venture to provide our youth with an arts-rich education that will equip them with the creative and innovative thinking required to succeed in the 21st century workforce. 
 The On Thin Ice report prompted ASCA to strategize how we might better support districts, school leaders, teachers and communities in closing the opportunity gap for students in their access to arts education: we developed the New Visions Initiative, now in its sixth year with five districts involved, and we made targeted efforts to support arts curriculum development and professional development for teachers and teaching artists.     


ASCA is currently engaged in strategic planning that will guide our work for the next five years. The data from this most recent survey and the reported recommendations will inform our path forward with arts education, as we work to close the opportunity gap for students in Alaska. We welcome your feedback on this research--including the ways we can support community efforts in the education of Alaska's students as it will help us strengthen our strategic vision of this venture for Alaska's youth. Please do not hesitate to contact ASCA at (907) 269-6610 to share  

Students at Williwaw Elementary School in Anchorage present their final performance of "Light up the World with Music" at the end of their residency with teaching artist Janet Carr-Campbell. Photo courtesy Ann Gray and Williwaw Elementary School.
youth thoughts, ideas and comments.

Upcoming ASCA opportunities in Arts Education


Round II Artists in Schools Grant Applications Open

Deadline: November 1


The Artists in Schools program is supported by the State of Alaska and the National Endowment for the Arts with additional funding from the Rasmuson Foundation. Artists in Schools (AIS) residencies should provide arts experiences and training for students, teachers, and the greater community. Successful applicants will demonstrate how a residency will augment the arts curriculum and the Alaska State Content Standards for Art, connect to other core curricula, include a professional development opportunity for teachers in integrating the residency discipline into future teaching, and create engagement between the school and community. Click here for more information.     


Alaska Poetry Out Loud for High School Students 

Registration deadline: October 15  


For those educators working with students in grades 9-12 who are unfamiliar with the Poetry Out Loud program, we hope you will take a few minutes to consider this opportunity. For those who already familiar with POL, don't forget to register! Poetry Out Loud provides a wonderful opportunity for high schools to introduce their students to poetry. Competitions in recitation bring other life skills into play - memorization, public speaking, learning how to tease out meaning from the written word. In Alaska, the Alaska State Council on the Arts and the Juneau Arts & Humanities Council partner to make this program available.


Complete information and registration for the program is available at the Alaska Poetry Out Loud website. Not sure you're ready to register, but interested in discussing the program? Contact us at or at (907) 269-6610.


Round II Rasmuson Foundation Cultural Collaborations Project Grant 

Deadline: December 1 

Project Grants are matching awards of up to $6,000 in support of high-quality arts and cultural programs for youth that emphasize skill acquisition and direct participation in settings outside of the school day/year. Eligible programs provide regularly scheduled sessions over an extended period of time. Nonprofit organizations, schools or school districts are eligible to apply. This program is made possible by the Rasmuson Foundation and administered, under contract, by the Alaska State Council on the Arts. 


For complete information, guidelines and application, click here


ASCA Notices
Cultural Collaborations Arts Excursion and Access Grants are available for arts education projects in the 2013-14 school year, on a rolling deadline. Contact Laura Forbes for more information.  


Harper Arts Presenting and Touring Fund Grants are available on a rolling deadline. Contact Laura Forbes for more information.  


Alaska Poetry Out Loud Registration Deadline | October 15, 2014 | Visit for information and registration.   


Artist in Schools Grants for FY15 | Round II Deadline - November 1, 2014 | Visit for information or contact Laura Forbes.  


Rasmuson Foundation Cultural Collaborations Project Grants for FY15 | Round II Deadline - December 1, 2014 | Visit for information or contact Laura Forbes 


ASCA Quarterly Grants for FY15 | 3rd Quarter Deadline - December 1, 2014 | Community Arts Development, Workshop, Career Opportunity, Walker Arts, and Master Artist and Apprentice Grants  

Go to to find out about ASCA opportunities, events and intriguing arts-related articles from across the web.


Calls for Artists and Requests for Proposals

Alaska Veterans and Pioneer Home RFQ

Deadline for Entries: October 10, 2014.  

The Alaska State Council on the Arts on behalf of the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services is requesting qualifications from artists for interior artwork to be commissioned for the recently renovated Alaska Veterans and Pioneer Home (AVPH) in Palmer, Alaska. Budget $8,800 USD 


This RFQ is open to all professional artists residing in ALASKA only.  Applications will be accepted online only through CaFE at .


Bunnell Street Arts Center Community Supported Art 10x10 Show - Call for Entries

Deadline: Register by October 15 | All artwork must be received by November 1 


Bunnell Street Arts Center presents a show of works by Bunnell members, new and continuing! New members may join Bunnell for a special $25 introductory membership. Membership is open to all. Art works will be priced from $100. Artists' commission is 60%. The exhibit will be online and items will be available in time for the holidays. Bunnell will offer a special price for 10 x 10 artboards ready to paint, encaustic or collage at cost, $5 each. Works may be dimensional and fit up to 10 x 10 x 10 inches in any media (such as book arts, jewelry or ceramics).

  • Artists 18+ and all mediums are welcome! The only restriction is that the work must adhere to the theme size.
  • All 2-D art must be sized at 10 x 10 inches. Artists are invited to purchase a blank 10 x 10 inch canvas or wooden board at the Bunnell Arts Center at cost. ~$5
  • All 3-D art must be contained to a 10 x 10 x 10 inch format.

ENTRY FEE: NONE, if member. $25 Introductory Membership, for non-members. For more information, click here


Call For Art for the Juneau Cruise Berths Project

Deadline: October 14, 2014 

For the complete project description, click here.


For questions, contact Gary H Gillette, Architect, Port Engineer, 155 S. Seward Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801, 907-586-0398,  


Bunnell Street Arts Center Noche de Moda 2014 Wearable Arts Show

Deadline for submissions: October 19, noon

  • $25 entry fee / waived for Bunnell members
  • Limit entries to 5 garments
  • All submissions due at Land's End Resort in Homer AK

Pre-register your entries online at Complete information available on the Bunnell Street Arts Center website or call Kari Multz at 907-235-4999 or Bunnell Street Art Center at 907-235-2662.    


University of Alaska Anchorage Vally Center for Arts and Learning (VCAL) RFQ

Deadline for Entries: October 30, 2014  


The Alaska State Council on the Arts on behalf of the University of Alaska Anchorage is requesting qualifications from Alaska artists for exterior or interior public artwork to be commissioned for the new Valley Center for Arts and Learning (VCAL) located at the UAA Matanuska-Susitna Campus (MSC) in Palmer, Alaska. Application is on ALASKA ARTISTS ONLY.  Budget: $80,000.     


Fairbanks Arts Association's Portfolio Review

Deadline: October 31, 2014


The Visual Arts Committee of Fairbanks Arts Association invites artists and craft persons from Alaska to submit digital images of their work for proposed solo or group exhibitions in the

Bear Gallery in the Alaska Centennial Center for the Arts for the year 2016. For a complete prospectus, click here.


Contact Carey Seward, Fairbanks Arts Association, 907-456-6485 ext. 222 or for more information.


American Academy in Rome Accepting fellowship applications  

Each year, the Rome Prize is awarded to about thirty emerging artists and scholars who represent the highest standard of excellence and who are in the early or middle stages of their working lives. The deadline for the nation-wide Rome Prize competition is 1 November 2014

Fellows are chosen from the following disciplines:

  • Architecture
  • Design
  • Historic Preservation and Conservation
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Literature (awarded only by nomination through the American Academy of Arts and Letters)
  • Music Composition
  • Visual Arts 
  • Ancient Studies
  • Medieval Studies
  • Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
  • Modern Italian Studies
Complete information is available at


2015 Call for Artists | Homer Public Library 

Deadline: November 3, 2014


Two-dimensional artwork sought for public display at the Homer Public Library. Although the artwork cannot be for sale, display at the library is an excellent way for an artist to introduce their work to a wide audience. Artists also have the option of conducting a talk/presentation during the display period for their work. Work is displayed for three months in the Fireplace Reading Area of the library. Chosen proposals will be notified by December 1, 2014.


Full Call for Artist information is available at the Homer Public Library or online at


Contact Erin Hollowell, Coordinator, Friends of the Homer Public Library at for more information.


Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century

Deadline: November 7, 2014
$35 for up to three images and $5 for each additional image


Clatsop Community College is accepting entries for the ninth annual international juried competition to be held January 22 - March 5, 2015 at the Clatsop Community College Art Center Gallery in Astoria, OR. $1000 in cash prizes. Up to $2000 in purchase awards. One artist will be chosen for a solo show for the following exhibition season. Juror: Barbara Shaiman, independent curator/art consultant. Au Naturel is open to all artists working in any two-dimensional drawing, painting, and printmaking media with a focus on the nude human figure as subject matter in any form ranging from representational to abstract, and in which the handmade mark is employed as the primary means of image-making. Due to the special focus of this exhibit, photography is not eligible.


Contact Kristin Shauck, Instructor of Art and Founding Director of Au Naturel Clatsop Community College,1651 Lexington Ave., Astoria, OR 97103. 1.503.338.2472 


Polar Lab: Arctic Comfort Design Competition

Deadline: December 1, 2014


Proposals will be reviewed by the Polar Lab Creative Team and designers will be notified of their inclusion by January 31, 2015. Recipient of Arctic Comfort Award will receive a cash award of $1000. Criteria for judging includes degree of innovation, aesthetic quality, functionality and usefulness, emotional content, and impact. Works will be on exhibit at the Museum from  

May 1-31, 2015.


How to Enter

Proposals must include a sketch, description of the object or installation, description of how the public will interact, proposed location for the work, description of durability (relative to indoor/outdoor and public interaction). All proposals must be digital. The Museum may contribute up to $500 for supplies/realization of design ideas, but a proposal of these costs must be detailed in the proposal. For a complete description of the call, click here.  

Email proposals to


Dave Bown Projects - 9th Semiannual Competition

Deadline: December 6, 2014


Prizes: $10,000 USD (1 artist will receive $5,000 USD and 5 artists will each receive $1,000 USD).Dave Bown Projects will be buying works of art from artists as submissions are received.

For the prospectus, go to 


Jurors: Steven Matijcio, Curator, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati; Dominic Molon, Curator of Contemporary Art, RISD Museum; Marina Pacini, Chief Curator and Curator of American, Modern, and Contemporary Art, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art.


For questions about the Dave Bown Projects, call 1-917-365-5265, or email 


Grants and Funding

Chamber Music America Awards for Adventurous Programming

Receipt deadline: is October 3, 2014, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


CMA/ASCAP Awards for Adventurous Programming honor U.S.-based professional ensembles and presenters for outstanding and innovative approaches to the programming of contemporary classical, jazz, and world chamber music. These awards are presented annually by Chamber Music America and the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, the

Applicants are considered in the following categories:

�         Ensembles-Contemporary, Mixed Repertory, and Jazz

�         Presenting Organizations-Contemporary, Mixed Repertory, and Jazz

The awards will be presented during the next CMA National Conference in New York City, January 15-18, 2015. Each recipient will receive a $500 award and a plaque.


For more information about this programs and to download the program guidelines, application and FAQs, visit the CMA website at   or contact Susan Dadian, Program Director CMA Classical/Contemporary, (212) 242-2022, ext. 102  


Japan Foundation: Funding for Performing Arts Touring and Collaborative Projects

Deadline: October 27, 2014

The Japan Foundation is accepting proposals for touring and collaborative projects through its Performing Arts Japan program, an annual program designed to increase access to Japanese performing arts in the United States and Canada; foster an understanding of the these arts by providing educational programs for audiences in each touring location apart from public performances; and support collaborative projects between Japanese and U.S./Canadian performing artists. Grants are awarded only to U.S. or Canada-based nonprofit organizations. To be eligible, projects must present Japanese performing arts and/or facilitate performing arts collaborations between Japanese and American/Canadian artists. In addition, projects must include an educational and/or community outreach component. Visit the website for complete information.   


Chamber Music America Grant Opportunity | CMA Residency Partnership Program

Receipt Deadline: Friday, October 31, 2014, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time


The Residency Partnership Program supports ensembles and presenters in building audiences for classical/contemporary, jazz, and world chamber music through residency projects. Funding is intended for activities that take place in community settings and that are not part of a regular concert series. Activities may include, but are not limited to, interactive or audience engagement programs in classrooms (preschool through high school), libraries, hospitals, senior centers, or other community venues. The program does not support music activities intended for college- or conservatory-level music students.  Projects must take place in the U.S. or its territories. The length of the residencies ranges from a minimum of three days to one year.   


For more information about this programs and to download the program guidelines, application and FAQs, visit the CMA website at or contact Susan Dadian, Program Director CMA Classical/Contemporary, (212) 242-2022, ext. 102  


NEH Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections Grants  

Deadline: December 3, 2014


The National Endowment for the Humanities invites applications from nonprofit museums, libraries, archives, and educational institutions in the United States to the Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections program. This grant program supports planning and implementation of sustainable preventive conservation projects that pragmatically balance preservation goals, cost, and environmental impact. All projects should be designed to be as cost effective, energy efficient, and environmentally sensitive as possible.


Guidelines, FAQs, and sample narratives from successful applications available at:


Professional Development  

National Arts Marketing Project Conference

A program of Americans for the Arts | November 7-10th | Atlanta, GA 

Advance Registration Deadline: October 24th


This November, in the heart of Atlanta's cultural scene, the 2014 National Arts Marketing Project Conference will deliver tools and strategies to move your marketing past the here and now. Marketing triumphs require more than wide-eyed optimism- they rely on strategy, momentum, and bold creativity. See more at:

Education and Youth  

thINKing About Art - 2014 State Conference

Alaska Art Education Association


The Alaska Art Education Association invites you to join us for "ThINKing about Art," with keynote speaker Ray Troll.


When:October 10-12, 2014.

Where: Pike's Waterfront Lodge, Fairbanks, AK.


For additional information please visit:


YEA Alaska Scholastic Art and Writing Competition

Deadline: December 20, 2014


Young Emerging Artists, Inc. ( | is happy to announce registration for the Alaska Region of the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition is now open.


The Competition is open to students in Grades 7-12 in public, private or home schools throughout the entire State of Alaska. Students must submit their work no later than December 20, 2014. While there is a small fee for each submissions ($5 per individual submission with no limits on the number of individual submissions and $20 for portfolios with a limit of two per individual in both art and writing), registration is FREE [REGISTER AT ] and students are encouraged to register as soon as possible (you can register BEFORE submitting.)


TEACHERS are encouraged to register as soon as possible as each submission must identify an adult as an associated "educator" and it makes it easier for students if their teachers are already registered (especially as that means the teachers have a better understand of the submission process.


If you have questions please contact the President of YEA, Ben Ball, at or, if you have a contest specific question, write to .


2015 National Artist Teacher Fellowship

Deadline: November 19, 2014 for letters of intent


The NATF program provides grants of up to $5,500 to enable selected arts teachers from all disciplines to rejuvenate their own art-making. A complementary grant of $1,500 is awarded to each Fellow's school to support post-fellowship activities in the classroom.


Eligibility for NATF:

  • Schools must:
    • Be a public arts high school, magnet school, or charter school with the primary mission of fostering the development of artistic talent; or a Title 1 middle or high school with a sequential arts program.
    • Offer sequential arts courses as a requirement for graduation
    • Employ artists as teachers
  • Arts Teachers must:
    • Be permanently assigned full or part-time faculty (teaching a minimum of 6 hrs/week in an arts discipline)
    • Be minimally in their fifth year of teaching arts at the high school or middle school level (middle school educators must be from a Title 1 schools)
  • Previous NATF and Surdna Fellows (Rounds 1-14) are ineligible to apply for 2015 NATF program. 

For complete program information, please visit our website: 


Alaska Society for Technology in Education Call for Proposals

Deadline: September 10th, 2014


The ASTE 2015 Conference (Februrary 21-24, 2015) is going to explore gaming, including from the student perspective. As always, proposals of all kinds are welcome. But we are particularly enthusiastic about receiving proposals that: 

  • feature some aspect of gaming
  • feature students, working with teachers, to present at the conference 

Check out the Presenter Guidelines and the Call for Presenters online at the  ASTE Website. For questions contact:   


Employment and Internships 

The Canvas Art Studio & Gallery is accepting applications for two part-time art instructors


Deadline for Applications: Friday, November 1st , 2014

For a full job description visit: 


The Canvas Art Studio & Gallery is seeking two part time Art Instructors to teach three 3-hour classes per week, from January through December, to a group of 6-12 adult artists who experience developmental and/or intellectual disabilities.  This position offers other possible opportunities such as; a showcase of work in the Gallery, additional hours of work for Canvas events, workshops, as well as the possibility to teach community art classes in the evening.  This position is an excellent opportunity to be an integral part of Juneau's vibrant art community.  Pay Rate $20-25 an hour, depending on experience.


For more information, contact Kathryn Kell, Canvas Program Assistant, 223 Seward Street, Juneau, AK 99801 907-586-1750

The Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center
has several open positions.

Facility/Maintenance Operation Assistant

This position works under the direct supervision of the Museum Deputy Director of Facilities and Operations and is responsible for coordinating, completing and ensuring the overall cleanliness of the Anchorage Museum.


Chief Curator
The Chief Curator has responsibility for oversight of the curatorial practices of the museum across disciplines. Provides administrative leadership in the development and implementation of visitor-centered curatorial content, ensuring that the Museum's interdisciplinary collections, exhibitions, and public programs balance the highest quality of scholarship and innovation, while providing an outstanding visitor experience and meeting the interests of a diverse audience.


Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs and Museum Programs
This position serves as the project manager to bring together museum program activities, including exhibitions, education, public programs, collections, and library and archives.


Community Outreach Manager
Under the general direction of the Director of Education and Interpretation the Community Outreach position is responsible for the integration of innovative pathways increasing visitor knowledge by leveraging museum resources through a multidisciplinary, multicultural approach to community engagement.   

For complete job descriptions and application, go to 


Arc of Anchorage has multiple openings, they are:   

Arts and Cultural Specialist

The Arts and Cultural Specialist plans and implements art recreation, social, and community/daily living classes and programs for developmentally disabled teenagers and adults in the community and outdoor settings. Major responsibilities of the Arts & Cultural Specialist are development and instruction of art classes and arrangement of other are related events.  Responsible for arranging art shows in-house and in community settings, maintain a file of photos and slides of consumer artwork.


Education & Experience: Preferred:  Bachelor's degree preferred.  Recreation experience or training preferred.  At least one year experience working with people with disabilities preferred.  Experience teaching adults who experience developmental disabilities.

Required:  High School diploma, Art training or art background.  Valid AK driver's license, clean driving record, continuous use of a vehicle, proof of required insurance, First Aid, CPR and Mandt training.  Must be able to pass background check, and show proof of current TB vaccination/health screening.


Art Program Manager  

The Art Program Manager is responsible for the daily operation of the program and supervises Direct Support Professionals who work in the Sparc Art Program. The Art Program Manager is responsible for the daily operation of the program by managing its resources in an efficient manner with outcomes that are aligned with the personal outcomes of the individuals served.  


Education & Experience Preferred:  Bachelor's Degree.  Recreation experience or training

Required:  Associate's Degree.  Art training or art background.  Minimum of one year experience working with people who experience an intellectual/developmental disability, severe emotional disturbance or serious mental illness.  Minimum of six-months management/supervisory experience. Proof of ID, able to pass a background check and must have current TB vaccination/screening. For more information, go to  


Other Announcements



The Alaska State Museums (Alaska State Museum, Juneau, and Sheldon Jackson Museum, Sitka) are seeking candidates for appointment to the Museum Collections Advisory Committee (MCAC). The MCAC is responsible for approving donations, acquisitions, and deaccessions for the Alaska State Museums. Members serve a three-year term without compensation. A minimum of two teleconferences are held annually, in the spring and fall. Candidates should have knowledge and significant experience in at least one of the following areas: Alaska history, fine arts, natural history, archaeology, anthropology, or museology. Interested individuals should email or send a letter of interest and resume by October 24, 2014, to: Addison Field, Chief Curator,, Alaska State Museum, 395 Whittier Street, Juneau AK 99801-1718.


For more information, contact Addison Field at (907) 465-2901,

Contact Us

ASCA Staff
Shannon Daut, Executive Director
(907) 269-6607  

Saunders McNeill, Native & Community Arts Program Director
(907) 269-6603  

Andrea Noble-Pelant, Visual and Literary Arts Program Director
(907) 269-6605  

Laura Forbes, Arts in Education Program Director
(907) 269-6682 

Janelle Matz, Alaska Contemporary Art Bank Manager
(907) 269-6604
Gina Signe Brown, Administrative Manager
(907) 269-6608  

Keren Lowell, Office Assistant
(907) 269-6610 

ASCA Council Members

Adelheid "Micky" Becker (Anchorage)
Benjamin Brown CHAIR (Juneau)
Diane Borgman (Homer)  
Peggy MacDonald Ferguson (Fairbanks)
Nancy Harbour (Anchorage)
Robyn Holloway (Juneau)
Aryne Randall (Wasilla)
Josie Stiles (Nome)
William F. Tull (Palmer)
Kes Woodward (Fairbanks)

For additional information, please visit our web site:  


Copyright � 2014, Alaska State Council on the Arts, all rights reserved.