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February 17, 2015 - Vol 7, Issue 4
In This Issue
Tell Us What You Think
February 25 Webinar: Why Install Workplace EV Charging at Your Parking Facility?
FHWA Invites All to Parking Pricing/Management Workshop
Less Than Two Weeks to Save on IPI 2015 Conference & Expo
Virginia Considers Limits to LPR
Got News? Send It Here.
New Parking Jobs Posted
New RFPs Posted
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Tell Us What You Think...Trends Survey

Please take the 2015 Emerging Trends in Parking Survey today and weigh in on trends, disabled placard abuse, parking perceptions,
zoning minimums, sustainability, and more. It
's a short survey with long-term impact for the parking industry because it helps measure trends over time.


The survey closes Friday, Feb. 20. Here's the link.


February 25 Webinar: Why Install Workplace EV Charging at Your Parking Facility?

More than 170 employers at more than 300 worksites across the U.S. are partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through the Workplace Charging Challenge to achieve a tenfold increase in the number of employers offering workplace electric vehicle charging by 2018. As an ambassador in the Challenge, the International Parking Institute (IPI) is working to promote and support workplace charging among its members. Join DOE's Sarah Olexsak for this webinar, Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 2 p.m. EDT, on how the parking industry can be a leader in the development of charging infrastructure for customers looking to charge up during the workday.


Register now for this 60-minute webinar on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Time conflict? All IPI webinars are available on-demand for a full 12 months. Register now and watch it anytime after it's presented live.


Register and participate to receive 1 point toward your CAPP recertification or CAPP application eligibility requirements.


FHWA Invites All to Parking Pricing/Management Workshop

The U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will offer "Contemporary Tools and Approaches for Parking Pricing and Management," in Minneapolis, Minn., on March 6, 2015, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The workshop will be held in the Minneapolis Convention Center at 1301 2nd Ave. South in Room 200DE.


This workshop is designed primarily for parking program managers and transportation policy leaders from local governments to exchange ideas with national leaders and among themselves. Join your regional colleagues to exchange experiences and information with each other and with national experts on a wide range of parking topics, including:

  • Parking pricing policy.
  • Parking payment technologies.
  • Data collection and system management strategies.
  • Parking management issues facing cities.
  • Innovative strategies to reduce parking demand and address the needs of preferred users.
  • Tools for developing a local parking pricing and management action plan.

Seating is limited, so please register early here.


An additional workshop is being scheduled in Atlanta. We ask that you note your interest in attending the Atlanta workshop in the event that the Minneapolis workshop is not able to accommodate all registrants.


Less Than Two Weeks to Save on IPI 2015 Conference & Expo

Registration rates increase after Feb. 28 so register today!


Collaborate with colleagues from around the globe while exploring more than 150,000 square feet of parking and transportation products/services and more than 100 hours of networking opportunities.  Attend the International Parking Institute 2015 Conference & Expo, in Las Vegas, June 29-July 2. Visit IPIConference.parking.org for more information and to register.

Virginia Considers Limits to LPR

Virginia legislators recently introduced a bill that would limit how much data police could collect from sources that include license plate readers, and how long they would be able to retain such data.

Virginia State Senator Chap Petersen and Representative Rich Anderson last week introduced legislation that would require police to purge license plate recognition (LPR) information after seven days and limit the number of plates that could be read in the first place; the lawmakers said citizens are concerned about privacy. Similar legislation was tabled last year.

Got News? Send it Here.

Did you know there's a place on the IPI website where unedited member news is posted?

Send us a link to your latest news release and we'll publish it in our IPI NewsLink section.

(It's also a great place to check out what your colleagues are up to!)


Send news to ipi@parking.org with Member News in the subject line.

New Parking Jobs Posted

IPI Career HQ

Have a job to post? Reach thousands of parking professionals at parking.org/careers. Looking for a job in the parking industry? View our latest listings: 


Assistant Director, Transit Operations -- Duke University


Parking Facility Manager -- SP+, Los Angeles


Assistant Director of Transportation Services -- University of Colorado Boulder


Operations Analyst/Project Manager -- Parking Solutions Inc., Columbus, Ohio


Facility Manager, Valet Operations -- SP+/Los Angeles Area Airport


View more job listings  


New RFPs Posted
RFP crop
These are the latest parking RFPs available at the IPI RFP Portal. Access to complete RFP details is a benefit of IPI membership.


Stanford University Parking & Transportation Services

For: Permit Management System


Montreal Airport

For: Automated Vehicle Identification System (AVI)


San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

For: Design-Build for Terminal 2 Parking Plaza


City of Yonkers, NY

For: Complete processing system/application for multiple violation types


City of San Antonio Aviation Department

For: Temporary passenger busing services at the San Antonio International Airport


City of San Rafael

For: Downtown Parking/Wayfinding Study


The Port of Seattle

For: Parking Revenue Control System 


View all RFPs  


Organizations can post RFPs at no charge. For more information, write ipi@parking.org, or call Jean Miller at 571.699.3011. 


*Not an IPI member, but want access to the RFPs?  Join Now!


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Find the latest parking and transportation news by following us on Twitter, FacebookLinkedInPinterest, and the Parking Matters� Blog