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April 16, 2013 - Vol 5, Issue 8
In This Issue
Congratulations to IPI Board of Directors Election Winners
Hurry! Tomorrow is Last Chance to Respond to IPI's Emerging Trends Survey
Monday, April 22 is the Deadline for Discounts on the 2013 IPI Conference & Expo
Call for Parking Posters at IPI Conference & Expo
The Sunny Side of Parking
IPI's Webinar Tomorrow: Legal Issues and Parking
April The Parking Professional: For the Love of Parking
New Parking Jobs Posted
New RFPs Posted
Learn from Your Peers at the Parking Matters Blog
IPI Membership Benefits 101 Webinar
Industry Headlines - From IPI's Social Media
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Congratulations to IPI Board of Directors Election Winners
IPI is happy to announce the winners of the 2013 Board of Directors elections. This was a highly competitive election with a slate of 18 candidates running for this year's seven open seats. Congratulations to these wonderful additions to the IPI Board who will assume their new roles at the conclusion of the upcoming IPI Conference & Expo May 19-22 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.:
Bridgette Brady  
Bridgette Brady, CAPP, Washington State University 
Kim Jackson
Kim E. Jackson, CAPP, Princeton University
Rick Decker  
Rick Decker, CAPP, Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport
Rachel Yoka  
Rachel Yoka, LEED AP, CNU-A, Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc.
Hospital/Medical Center
Wanda Brown  
Wanda Brown, UC Davis Medical Center
 Dennis Garrett  
Dennis Garrett, CAPP, City of Greenville, SC
Mike Klein  
Mike Klein, CAPP, Albany Parking Authority
These recently elected board members will join the current Board of Director members, who include:
  • Liliana Rambo, CAPP, Houston Airport Systems (Incoming Chair)
  • Casey Jones, CAPP, Boise State University (Immediate Past Chair)
  • Michael Swartz, Standard Parking Corporation
  • Tracey Bruch, CAPP, Duncan Solutions
  • Larry Cohen, CAPP, Lancaster Parking Authority
  • Allen Corry, CAPP, City of Greenwich, Conn.
  • Laurens Eckelboom, Parkmobile USA, Inc.

These members will soon be joined by an international representative to be selected by the Board later.


IPI  is thankful to the membership for their due diligence and support of all of the candidates. IPI is fortunate to have such strong and passionate people dedicated to this industry.  

Hurry! Tomorrow is Last Chance to Respond to IPI's Emerging Trends in Parking Survey

10 Questions. 10 Minutes. Your opinion counts! This is your chance to name best cities for parking, identify trends related to technology and sustainability,  share your insights on the "next big thing" in parking, and be part of IPI's Annual Emerging Trends in Parking Survey among parking professionals.


You don't have to be an IPI member to participate. Take the survey here. 


Monday, April 22 is the Deadline for Discounts on 2013 IPI Conference & Expo Registration and Hotel
2013 Conference LogoDiscounts on conference hotel blocks and $50 online registration savings end Monday, April 22! Don't miss your only opportunity to learn, share, and network with more than 2,500 parking professionals from around the world. The 2013 IPI Conference & Expo features nearly 60 educational opportunities focused on best practices, sustainability, finance, technology, design, and much more. 
Register today for the 2013 IPI Conference & Expo in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. May 19-22.


Call for Parking Project Posters at IPI Conference & Expo

Here's your chance to showcase a real-world parking success story outside the Expo hall to maximize exposure to your peers. IPI's first poster session will help illustrate innovative parking solutions in a new and different way that will benefit the entire industry. Whether you are an equipment provider, a consultant, commercial operator, or parking manager at a university, municipality, airport, hospital, or numerous other places, you're eligible, as long as you are planning to be at the IPI Conference & Expo, May 19-21 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


Your parking project poster (approximately 4 feet by 8 feet) will be on display throughout the IPI Conference & Expo in the high visibility, high traffic concourse between the Expo hall and the educational sessions.


Call Jean Miller at 540.371.7535, or use this link to learn more or access short, easy submittal forms. Download more information here


The Sunny Side of Parking

Solar Road
Credit: Mark Dixon and YERT
What if entire roads and parking lots could be constructed out of super-strong solar panels and lane markings made out of built-in, customizable LED lighting that could change at the touch of a button? What if they incorporated heaters to prevent snow and ice accumulation? And what if the power collected from those solar roadways could pay for their construction over time? This futuristic scenario is already being tested by the Solar Roadways™ project. Its developers say Solar Roadways™ panels produce power, illuminate road lines and parking spaces, melt snow, and make driving/parking surfaces intelligent, and they're totally green. 


From early conception to the present-day, real-world prototype parking lot, pictures and videos of the project will be shared during this presentation, along with more detail about the features that are specific to parking lots. The future is now.

Intrigued? Scott Brusaw--Who, along with his wife Juile, is the visionary behind Solar Roadways™--will present research, findings, and ideas about this technology at the 2013 IPI Conference & Expo, Monday, May 20, at the Welcome Breakfast & Keynote, in sunny Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and you won't want to miss it. 


Visit the conference website for more information about the keynote speaker and to register.

IPI Webinar Tomorrow: Legal Issues and Parking

Risk Management and General Liability from the Legal Point of View


Does your security plan or facility design set you up to be sued? Believe it or not, many do and while their design certainly wasn't intended to do that, the legal risks are all too real.


This webinar will discuss safety and security in parking facilities as part of an overall management plan, including contracts and helping managers develop plans to keep customers and employees safe and owners out of court. It will review passive and active design features, measures that can be taken to protect employees and patrons, and parking facility concerns that include risk management, insurance coverage, and reducing liability exposure.


Instructor: Michael V. Tinari, Esquire, Leonard Sciolla Hutchison Leonard & Tinari LLP   

$35.00 for IPI members; $50.00 for Non-members 


Wednesday, April 17 at 2:00 p.m. EDT/ 11:00 a.m. PDT (60 minutes)


For more information and to register!


All CAPP candidates and graduates who register and participate in the webinar will receive .5 points toward their CAPP certification or recertification requirements. 


April The Parking Professional: For the Love of Parking

Love of parking spread

Meet George Bourekis. He's a dentist who grew up in Spokane, Wash., and never left. He has a healthy practice, a wife and three daughters, and a life-long family friend named George Prekeges, who owned a parking garage. But not just any parking garage-Prekeges, or "Uncle George," as Bourekis calls him, owned the City Ramp garage, which may well be the oldest continually-operating garage in the U.S. Built in 1928, it resembles a castle with points and a parapet across its roofline, ornate concrete spires, terra-cotta ornamentation, and a facade bejeweled with geometric designs. The City-County of Spokane Historic Preservation Office calls "one of the finest Art Deco designs in the city," and it was considered the most modern ramp parking facility west of the Mississippi when it was built.


To read the rest of the story, click here to access the online version of The Parking Professional and contact Bonnie Watts at 540.371.7535 to advertise in IPI's award-winning magazine. 


New Parking Jobs Posted
New RFPs Posted
RFP cropThese are the latest parking RFPs available at the IPI RFP Portal. Access to complete RFP details is a benefit of IPI membership. 


King County Metro, Seattle, Wash.
For: Ticketing Vending Machine


University of Texas at San Antonio
For: University Bus Transportation Services


County of Volusia, Fla.

For: Parking Consultant


Oregon Health & Science University

For: Parking Management


View all RFPs  


Organizations can post RFPs at no charge. For more information, contact Henry Wallmeyer at 540.371.7535. 


*Not an IPI member, but want access to the RFPs?  Join Now!


Learn from Your Peers at the Parking Matters� Blog

PM blog logoSign up to receive Parking Matters� Blog posts as they are published (about two to three times each week). Recent posts:


  • Join the Smart Revolution by Brett Wood, CAPP, PE
  • Spreading The Word by Bill Smith
  • Action Item: Parking Trend-spotting Survey Time by Helen Sullivan  

Join the conversation and sign up for free.


IPI Membership Benefits 101 Webinar Tomorrow
IPI will host a free webinar on Wednesday, April 17 at 1:00 p.m. EDT to provide current and prospective IPI members with an overview of the many available membership benefits. Participants will learn how to access the online benefits on the IPI website and how to take advantage of many other IPI programs and services. Participants will also have time to ask questions.
T.J. Cantwell, IPI membership director
Wednesday, April 17 at 1:00 p.m. EDT /10:00 p.m. PDT (60 minutes)
Industry Headlines From IPI's Social Media
Did you know that IPI provides an easy way to follow the latest news and trends in the parking and transportation industries? Just join us on Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, and the Parking Matters� Blog. Here are just a few examples of the stories you may have missed:


Mayor Bloomberg Announces New Programs to Pay Parking Meters Remotely (video) http://ow.ly/jXTQt


Brass thefts hit Twin Cities parking ramps and buildings http://ow.ly/k4A9s


New York City Unveils Parking App Pilot Program http://ow.ly/k4AOA


5 Parking meter manufacturers test out their products to the public in downtown area http://ow.ly/k4Gu6


Parking is a whole lot easier at the Philly Zoo http://ow.ly/k4RGz


Pay Your Parking Meter at Boise State? There's An App For That http://ow.ly/k77bc


Dining in public parking spaces poses tricky questions for Portland http://ow.ly/k788t


Parking Structures Should Target LEED Models http://ow.ly/k78E9


Durham study advises end to free parking downtown http://ow.ly/k7cNk