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March 5, 2013 - Vol 5, Issue 5
In This Issue
"Don't Be That Guy" - IPI Goes on TV to Educate Bad Parkers
IPI's 2013 Board of Directors Election
Five Things to Do to Make the Most of the IPI Conference & Expo
CAPP Three-Day Seminar in March - Register Today!
March The Parking Professional: John Walsh Talks Safety and Parking
Q&A Transcript from IPI's Webinar: On-Street Parking Technology
Forward This to Your PR Person
IPI's Webinar: Proactive Risk Management For Parking Structures
New Parking Jobs Posted
IPI Online ShopTalk: Motivating Front Line Staff
New RFPs Posted
Learn from Your Peers at the Parking Matters Blog
IPI Membership Benefits 101 Webinar
Industry Headlines - From IPI's Social Media
State of the States
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"Don't Be That Guy"- IPI Goes on TV to Educate Bad Parkers

Yes, that was IPI's own Wanda Brown, assistant manager of parking, UC Davis Medical Center, who served as IPI spokesperson for a fun segment about bad parking on KTXL/Fox40 in Sacramento, Calif.


The regular series-- Don't Be That Guy --calls out social pet peeves and poor etiquette of all types. This segment focused on bad parkers. In her in-studio appearance with anchor Sabrina Rodriquez, Wanda nailed the interview, providing insights about IPI and the role our members play in parking, and using the fun format to advance the profession. Watch the segment here and smile.


IPI's 2013 Board of Directors Election

IPI is proud to announce that 18 outstanding nominees are on the slate for the 2013 Board of Directors election. One of the indicators of a healthy and active association is having exceptional people willing to volunteer their time to advance the industry, and this year is no exception! View the full slate of candidates.


All eligible voting members should have received instructions to submit their votes via email yesterday. Please contact Lauri Chudoba at 540.371.7535 x124 with any questions about the IPI election process.


Sneak Peek at IPI Conference & Expo Educational Sessions

2013 Conference Logo

This year's IPI Conference & Expo May 19-22 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., is only three months away. Here's a sneak peek at a few of the educational sessions that will be presented in five separate learning tracks: Best Practices, Sustainability, Design/Renovation/Maintenance, Finance, and Technology:

  • ADA Compliance Standards in Higher Education 
  • Make Your Parking Lot Famous with Innovative Technology and Sustainable Developments 
  • Metrics that Matter: Details to Focus on when Evaluating Lighting Retrofit Projects
  • From Paid Parking to Fine Arts: The Branding of a City's Public Parking
  • When Should You Upgrade Your Parking Technology?
  • Hot Topics in Parking: A Structured, Open Debate
  • P3 Part 3
  • Show Me the ROI in Sustainability
  • Transforming the Parking Management Paradigm
  • Demand-Based Parking Permit Pricing
Much more, including ShopTalk roundtables that focus on airport, academic, hospital and municipal parking, and 
PowerPitch forums on the Expo floor (Exhibitor alert:  Booth space is 94 percent sold out).


Register today for reduced rates and best choice of hotels!


Two CAPP Seminars in March - Register Today!

The next offerings for the Certified Administrator of Public Parking (CAPP) program will be two seminars, March 19 - 21, 2013. On Tuesday, March 19, IPI will hold the Parking Enforcement: On- & Off-Street seminar, and on Wednesday and Thursday, March 20 and 21, IPI will offer the You're On! How the Media Gets Your Message seminar. 


Both seminars will take place at The Hotel at Arundel Preserve in Hanover, Md. (Just outside of Baltimore). Please call 410.796.9830 to make your reservation. Be sure to mention "IPI CAPP Training" get the IPI rate of $139/night plus tax. NOTE: The hotel deadline was Friday, February 15, but you should still be able to secure a room at the IPI rate by calling today.


The Enforcement seminar is open to anyone wishing to attend. The Media seminar is for approved CAPP candidates only.


For complete details and the registration form, please download the registration brochure here. If you have any questions or need additional information, contact Lauri Chudoba, IPI's Certification Administrator, at 540.371.7535 x124. 


March The Parking Professional: John Walsh Talks Safety and Parking

This issue is jam-packed with valuable information on security, garage events, gardens and parking lot farms, and many other topics. IPI Members can read all these feature stories and more by accessing the online version of The Parking Professional.


March TPP cover Capturing America's Most Wanted

Author, television host, and crime-fighter John Walsh shares his thoughts on the parking industry and catching the bad guys.


Safer Places

Questions to ask and actions to take to boost the safety and security of parking facilities.


The Eye of the Storm

Planning and proper execution are key to a quick recovery when a parking facility or operation sits in the path of a major storm.


Let's Get This Party Started...Or Not

Leasing garages for special events.


Garages are for Parking

Why rooftop garage events may not be as smart as they seem.


From Gates to Grapes

Researchers find parking lots can make excellent farms. And cities are sitting up and taking notice.


Sowing Seeds, Harvesting Rewards

How parking and gardening come together to improve cities and towns.


Let There be Light

A university lighting retrofit results in increased security and financial savings.


To advertise in The Parking Professional, contact Bonnie Watts at 540.371.7535.


Q&A Transcript from IPI's Webinar: On-Street Parking Technology

e-learning logoIPI's February webinar, presented by Mike Drow, CAPP, senior vice president, Technology Integration, Standard Parking Corporation and Peter Lange, executive director, Transportation Services, Texas A&M University, reviewed various methods to operate on-street parking, currently available on-street parking equipment, auxiliary pieces to improve on-street technologies, and pitfalls and what you can do to avoid them.


Q. How reliable have space sensors been, and what affects their performance?

A. There are a variety of sensors being used in different environments. The most common sensor is the magnetic flux-based technology. This technology detects the presence of metal, similar to the common induction loop used in parking garages for many years. Software is then used to improve the accuracy of the sensor. But there are still errors that can be introduced when used in an operating environment. As the technology improves, the accuracy will undoubtedly improve.


IPI members can access the full Q&A transcript here and anyone can access the archived version of the webinar.


Forward This to Your PR Person

NewsLinkIPI will post a link to member's unedited news releases in the special Parking NewsLink section of our website. News about parking people, promotions, product launches, awards, contracts, grants, openings, and mergers are all welcome.  From the home page at, just click on the Parking NewsLink icon and follow the prompts to submit your news. This is an effective way to boost visibility for your news and optimize internet search capability. Reading the news releases that appear on Parking NewsLink is also a great way to see what others in the industry (including your competition) are doing! 


IPI Webinar: Proactive Risk Management For Parking Structures

crushed car Got risk? We all do, and mitigating it is a vital part of business success. Boost your awareness of proactive risk management during the construction and operation of parking structures during this interactive webinar. By the end of the hour, you will understand the sources of risks and identify strategies to manage them effectively. Actual project case studies will be presented that highlight strategies covered during the conversation. Questions and discussion will be encouraged.


Instructor: Sunil Puri, PE, diagnostic project manager, WALTER P MOORE & Associates. 

Sunil Puri has more than 10 years of experience in the structural diagnostics, forensics, repair, and rehabilitation of parking structures. He regularly works with owners, facility managers, and asset managers to assess existing parking structures, develop cost-effective asset management plans, and execute these plans in multi-year repair programs.

$35.00 for IPI members; $50.00 for Non-members 


Wednesday, March 20 at 2:00 p.m. EDT/ 11:00 a.m. PDT (60 minutes)


For more information and to register!


New Parking Jobs Posted
IPI Online ShopTalk: Motivating Frontline Staff

This virtual roundtable will provide an opportunity for parking professionals to discuss ideas, challenges, and success stories in motivating frontline staff. Participants will be asked to share their experiences and thoughts and suggest other topics for discussion.


The Online ShopTalk will be a free-form discussion encouraging active participation by all registrants. Frank Giles, director of parking at the Georgia International Convention Center, will moderate the discussion. The contact information of all participants will be sent to registrants following the call to allow for offline networking.  


IPI ShopTalks are provided at no charge to IPI members*.


Thursday, March 28 at 1:00 p.m. EDT/ 10:00 a.m. PDT (60 minutes)


Click here for more information and to register.

*If you want to participate, join IPI and receive all the benefits of membership.

Did you miss February's Online ShopTalk on Managing Customer Needs and Fighting Misperceptions of Parking at Colleges and Universities? Then you missed great ideas to deliver valuable customer service and addressing sensitive parent and student relationships. Contact T.J. Cantwell to request free access to the recording.


New RFPs Posted
RFP cropThese are the latest parking RFPs available at the IPI RFP Portal. Access to complete RFP details is a benefit of IPI membership. 


University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
For: Parking Facilities System Management Software 


University of California, Berkeley
For: Development and Operation of Parking Structure 


Albany Parking Authority
For: Garage Construction Consultant


View all RFPs  


Organizations can post RFPs at no charge. For more information, contact Henry Wallmeyer at 540.371.7535. 


*Not an IPI member, but want access to the RFPs?  Join Now!


Learn from Your Peers at the Parking Matters� Blog

PM blog logoSign up to receive Parking Matters� Blog posts as they are published (about two to three times each week). Recent posts:


  • Inspired Leadership on EV by Casy Jones, CAPP
  • Piloted Parking by Isaiah Mouw, CAPP
  • John Walsh, Host of America's Most Wanted, on Parking by Shawn Conrad, CAE
  • Be Human by Isaiah Mouw, CAPP 

Join the conversation and sign up for free.


IPI Membership Benefits 101 Webinar
IPI will host a free webinar on Thursday, March 21 at 1:00 p.m. EST to provide current and prospective IPI members with an overview of the many available membership benefits. Participants will learn how to access the online benefits on the IPI website and how to take advantage of many other IPI programs and services. Participants will also have time to ask questions.
T.J. Cantwell, IPI membership director
Thursday, March 21 at 1:00 p.m. EDT /10:00 p.m. PDT (60 minutes)
Industry Headlines From IPI's Social Media
Did you know that IPI provides an easy way to follow the latest news and trends in the parking and transportation industries? Just join us on Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, and the Parking Matters� Blog. Here are just a few examples of the stories you may have missed:


Just Published! How to Park: The Must-Read Manual for Teens -Download a free copy and share


Parking deal paying off for Circle City


Driverless parking takes charge in Van Nuys building


RT @XeroxTransport: Time magazine -Why Parking in Cities Should Be Way More Expensive -


John Walsh, Host of America's Most Wanted, talks about #parking in The Parking Professional mag


Mobile apps help find parking spots in busy areas


Military Veterans Exempt From Paying Parking Meter Fees in Lynwood


Boot to hit Elizabeth City parking ticket scofflaws


Being Human <-New blog post -Saying I'm sorry is underrated


This is fun! Watch Wanda Brown speaking for IPI on Sacramento TV segment about bad#parking: "Don't Be That Guy" 


State of the States

Sign up now to attend the 2013 Texas Parking and Transportation Association Conference & Tradeshow at the University of Texas at Austin, AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center, April 2-4, 2013. For registration and more information go to Please join us for our annual conference that entails educational value, networking and additional resources relevant to specific parking & transportation needs. Read more...