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This Week - April 13, 2014
This Sunday - Worship 10:30 a.m.
April 13: Big Music Sunday. "A Celebration of Celtic Music." Our Choir with instrumentalists will present a morning celebrating music old and new from the Celtic tradition. Guest fiddler Alexander Weir joins the celebration, and storyteller/reader Rebecca Fisher will read excerpts from Frank McCourt's book
Angela's Ashes, a memoir of the Irish American experience of the early 20th Century.

This Sunday - Adult Forum    

9:30 - 10:15 a.m. in Room 25   

April 13: Adult Forum continues the video series "Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad" by Professor Mark Muesse. Facilitator: Jim Davis  
This Sunday - Faithful Dialogues
9:30 - 10:15 a.m. in Brunner Chapel
April 13: Thomas Merton. Thomas Merton was a 20th century American Catholic writer; a Trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky; as well as a poet, social activist and student of comparative religion. He became well known for his dialogues with other faiths and his non-violent stands during the 1960s. As a Roman Catholic who had so immersed himself in Buddhism, he claimed he saw no contradiction between Buddhism and Christianity and intended to become as good a Buddhist as he could." We will explore his life, his thinking, his writings and even his photography that will resonate with many UUs. Facilitator: Parry Norling 

Children & Youth Religious Exploration 

To find out what interesting and inspiring things our children and youth are up to, please click here for the CYRE website
Next Week - Sunday, April 20, 2014
Next Sunday - Worship 10:30 a.m.

April 20: Rev. Dr. Joshua Snyder. "When Our Heart Is in a Holy Place." Come celebrate Easter with us! Confession is not normally thought of as a Unitarian Universalist virtue or spiritual practice, but within the paradox of Easter it finds a place. Confession is less about wallowing in our sinfulness, and debasing our inherent goodness than it is about aligning our souls to our values; putting our heart once again in a Holy place. This transformation is pivotal to the Easter story.


A pre-service concert will begin at 10:15 a.m., featuring the Wilmington String Ensemble. Music during the service will feature violinists Donna Rudolph and Jennifer Lee performing the Double Concerto for Two Violins by J. S. Bach.

Next Sunday - Adult Forum
April 20: Adult Forum continues the video series "Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad" by Professor Mark Muesse. Facilitator: Jim Davis
Next  Sunday - Faithful Dialogues
April 20: There will be no Faithful Dialogues due to the Easter holiday.
News and Events

I am reminded of this old saying that applies to many things in this life when I look at the pie chart below. In the seven weeks since our stewardship campaign kicked off on Community Sunday with the luncheon at the Talleyville Firehall, you have made financial commitments totaling $468,000. - thank you, thank you! That brings us so close to what we need to finance a great church year beginning in July. To close the gap, the stewardship team is attempting to reach about 25 members who have not made their commitments yet; please respond generously when contacted. I don't want to have to say close, but no cigar next week.

 Bill Hardham

Southern Delaware (UUSD) Will Build a New Sanctuary in Lewes 
UUSD logo
The plate offering on Sunday April 13th, 2014 will fund a Grants for Growth to assist in meeting the immediate costs for their engineering studies, design work and permits. The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware's capital campaign has raised over $435,000 in pledges and soon they will solicit bids from builders. UUSD is the second of three new congregations sponsored by First Unitarian Church of Wilmington to reach a membership sufficient to afford their own sanctuary. Please contribute generously as one of our Delmarva Cluster congregations works to fulfill their Dream.
      Denominational Growth Committee
Bring-A-Friend Sunday
yellow-pitcher-flowers.jpg Have you asked a friend or 20 to come to Big Music Sunday on April 13? Don't forget, register your friend at the B-A-F table in the Parish Hall before church, and they will receive a flower and a choir-baked goodie. The person who brings the most friends wins a prize!
Food Drive: Now - April 20
Questers (4th - 5th graders) are running a Food Drive for the Food Bank of Delaware!


Please bring canned food to church now - April 20.


For each food item, you will receive a Raffle Ticket. On April 23 a ticket will be drawn. The Lucky Winner receives a gift certificate to Regal Cinemas.


Food collection areas:

  • Parish Hall before and after church
  • CYRE Rooms after Time for All Ages (children may take items to their classroom)
Please help support the Food Bank of Delaware!

Pathway to Membership Newcomer & New Member Class


If you have been visiting the church for a while and would like to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and about our church, we invite you to join our three-week Pathway to Membership class series, our last before the summer. There will be time for sharing about your beliefs and values and an opportunity to connect with other newcomers. An invitation to join the church will follow the class. We'll meet before church on Sundays, April 13, 27, and May 4 at 9 a.m. in Room 27. This year the series will be taught and facilitated by Rev. Michelle and Nancy Pinson with a few special guests. To register, please visit the Welcome Table in the Parish Hall after worship or contact Rev. Michelle at 302-478-2384 or michelle@firstuuwilm.org.

Getting Involved!
Looking for ways to get involved here at First U? There are many group activities and social justice initiatives here.  You only need check out this link to read about several to feed your spiritual and intellectual hungers.  Volunteering on teams and committees also help you feel more connected.  There's a list of our committees with their contacts in the Members' section of our website.  You'll need the ID and password to access it and you can get that from anyone in the church office.  Here's a sample from that list of how you can get involved in teams that support our church (along with primary contacts listed online):
  • Book Corner - help to plan, organize and sell books that reflect our UU values (Debbe Krape and Suzie Cornell)
  • Booster Cards - help sell these on Sundays to support the operating fund - such an easy fundraiser (Marina VanRenssen)
  • Buildings and Grounds - our building and property need loving care and Terry needs our support.  There's opportunity for many hands and varying kinds of projects. (Donna Gonzalez)
  • Children's and Youth Religious Exploration - help to nurture our youngest members as they begin their search for truth and meaning (Debbi Zarek)
  • Denominational Growth Committee - supporting our long tradition of starting and supporting new congregations in our region so that all who share our values might have a place to worship and serve (Vivian Gray)
  • Green Sanctuary - supporting First U activities towards our 7th principle (Elizabeth Siftar)
  • Library - caring for and supporting our fine First U Library (Judy Windle)
  • Membership - working to increase and strengthen our membership (Nancy Pinson)
  • Pastoral Care - supporting our members in need (Donna Curtis)
  • Stewardship - inspiring financial support for our congregation (Bill Hardham)
  • And many more... list of committees 

Reminder:  Sunday is "Bring A Friend Sunday." Introducing friends and neighbors who share our values and outlook is our most powerful method of growing our membership.  During the year from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014, we had 114 registered first-time visitors to our church - 24% of our current membership.  The standard used by the UUA for membership growth is 100% - the same number of visitors in a year as current members; this doesn't include out-of-town guests or travelers passing through. Let's see how we can move towards that goal!

Nancy Pinson, on behalf of the Membership Team

Help Support ILYA Youths with Cookware Donations and More!

When you're cooking, do you have a favorite pot or pan? It might be brand new or one that was handed down from other cooks in your family. But is that the only pot or pan you use? Most of us like to have a variety of cookware to make cooking easier (and fun). Imagine if you only had one pot and maybe one frying pan to cook all of your meals with and maybe one spatula and one mixing spoon...no food processor, no mixer.


The Thrift Center, where the young adults that ILYA (Independent Living for Young Adults) supports go to furnish their first apartment, accepts not only furniture but also other household items, such as large appliances, bath and bed linens and kitchen/dinnerware. One thing they hardly ever receive but really need are pots and pans and cooking utensils.


Well, First U... let's see if we can change that! If you have extras or you know someone who is changing lifestyles/stages and getting rid of kitchen goods, please consider donating anything you can for a young person starting out with nothing. For more information, click here or contact J Harry Feldman at JHarryF@aol.com or 302-654-0681.

Holiday Information

Office Closed

Friday, April 18, 2014

Last Chance to Order Easter Lilies!

This year as part of our Easter d�cor we plan to place lilies around the Sanctuary. The 6" pots will be on display Easter Sunday. An order form is available herePlease complete the form by April 13th. The names of the donors will be listed in the Order of Service Easter Sunday, April 20th.


Donations are $10 per plant or 3/$25. Please contact the church office at 478-2384 if you have any questions. Checks are payable to: First Unitarian Church (please put "Lilies" in the memo line.)


Please write your dedication as you would like to see it printed ("In loving memory of"/"in honor of"...) Include your name and a telephone number in case we have questions about spelling or dedication details.


Please pick up your lilies after the Easter Sunday service.

Did You Take Our Survey?

How well is our church fulfilling its mission of being a beloved community that nourishes minds and spirits, reduces injustice, and transforms the world through loving action? We would love your help in finding out! Please click here to take our congregational survey. 


In addition, we would like parents and guardians to take a short survey to help us learn about your children's experiences at church.  Please click here.

And for youth who would like to take the survey themselves, please click here for a short survey for them.


Thank you for sharing your experiences with First Unitarian! Your input helps plan the future work of the church. 
Earth Day Celebration and Marsh Clean Up
Sunday, April 27th, 2014 from 12:30 -3 p.m.

In celebration of Earth Day, we are having a marsh clean-up. Join us after church at the DuPont Environmental Education Center at the Russell W. Peterson, Urban Wildlife Refuge at 1400 Delmarva Lane, Wilmington. Bring your lunch and meet us at the big tree in the middle of the parking lot at 12:30 p.m. After lunch we'll begin the marsh clean up at 1 p.m. Bring yard gloves and be sure to dress casually for church because we will be going directly from there. All church members are invited to participate in this environmental service event. We hope to see you there. Please RSVP here. Any questions, contact Debbi Zarek at 302-477-6955 or debbi.zarek@gmail.com.  

May Day of Mindfulness Retreat

"Spring is a natural resurrection, an experience in immortality."

- Henry David Thoreau

On Saturday, May 3, 2014 come celebrate spring with a wonderful day of being in silence and peace. A day of sitting and walking meditation together cultivates a spacious environment for opening to ourselves and each other. At the retreat, we serve a delicious vegetarian potluck lunch where all sangha members are invited to contribute a vegetarian dish of their choice. All are welcome regardless of experience. The retreat is held in the Brunner Chapel from 9-3 and costs $25 (Cash or check made payable to First Unitarian Church of Wilmington). If you plan to attend, please contact Ben Fleury-Steiner by cell phone 302-379-6918 or email: openheartzen@gmail.com.

Togs & Treasures!

Saturday, May 10, 2014: 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Drop off Thursday, May 8:  1 p.m. - 5 p.m. and  

Friday, May 9:  9 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Don't feel guilty if you haven't started to fill some boxes and bags with the treasures you plan to contribute to our Togs and Treasures sale. You still have time. Remember that all of the money raised goes to support the UU efforts we all enjoy. Do you have some cute candle holders that you never use? How about some good coats and dresses that you have only worn once? True confessions...most of us dust some of those white elephants that no longer pull at our heart strings. Save the dusting for someone else and bring them over so a customer can "find" a new "treasure" to love.  


Good clothing, plants, knickknacks, kitchen appliances and accessories, linens, pictures, small furniture items like lamps, toys, games, good jewelry, funky or upscale clothing, and whatever you think might sell are welcome! (No books, shoes or exercise equipment.)


Many thanks to all who can volunteer some time to help the cause. Call Martha Gessler 302-427-9037 if you can join us. Co-Chairs for Togs and Treasures are: Donna VanName, Jackie Watson and Martha Gessler.

Plant Co-Chairs are Lucy Rabe 302-764-3241and Suzie Cornell 610-925-0510.

Save the Date for Welcome Summer Bingo Night!
Friday, May 30th illustrated-sun-boats.jpg


The All Church Retreat Team is hosting a bingo potluck dinner night to raise money for scholarships for our annual All Church Retreat.  Mark your calendars now as you will not want to miss this fun event. With all this snow and rain, help us welcome summer early! More information to come next month.

Save the Date for the All Church Retreat!
tockwogh logo

All Church Retreat

October 3, 2014 - October 5, 2014

Camp Tockwogh

Links to Explore
Thank you to all our volunteers!
Sunday volunteers:

Peggy Rawheiser 


Ruth & Ben Fleury-Steiner, Burley & Helga Melton 


J. Harry & Jackie Feldman, Deborah Haskell, Patricia McGee 

FIRST U LIBRARY:              

Open Sunday mornings, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Suzanne Shahan 


Barbara Marrs  


Suzanne Proud 


Steve Marek 


Jon Claney 


Bev Bach 


Ministry of Compassionate Action 


Stewardship Team
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