Charlotte Writers' Club


Volume 19 Issue 8

April 2013



In the midst of nature blooming all around us, April offers a variety of fine literary events in the Charlotte region.  Check out the April 7 presentation by Lisa Kline and Chris Woodworth at the Warehouse in Cornelius at 2 p.m.   


In mid-April CWC welcomes poet Michael McFee and our student prize winners on April 16 at 7 p.m., and our "Writing the World" panel takes place on April 18 at 12:30 p.m. as part of CPCC's Sensoria Festival.  Please note that these two events take place in Tate Hall, 1206 Elizabeth Avenue, on the CPCC main campus.  The Sensoria Festival also brings such luminaries as Li-Young Lee and Ron Rash this year to Charlotte. For a full Festival schedule, go to
April 7 Event at CWC North
On Sunday, April 7, from 2-4 p.m., Lisa Kline and Chris Woodworth will give a presentation called "Characters: Emotions + Relationships + Conflicts." Kline is author of ten books for young people and has won the North Carolina Juvenile Literature Award. Woodworth has published four books for young people and won the Best Book of Indiana for Children's Literature.


This free event will be held at the Warehouse Performing Arts Center, 9216A Westmoreland Road, Cornelius, NC 28031. For further informaton, contact Lisa Kline. Don't miss it! 

Sensoria Festival in April at CPCC 
Each year the Charlotte Writers' Club participates in the Sensoria Festival of the Arts at Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte.  This year we will co-sponsor two events:
On Tuesday, April 16, at 7 p.m. in Tate Hall on the CPCC Main Campus, Michael McFee will read and discuss his work for National Poetry Month, along with winners of the Anthony Abbott Student Poetry Prize.  McFee has published fourteen books, most recently a collection of poetry, That Was Oasis (Carnegie Mellon, 2012), a chapbook of one-line poems, The Smallest Talk (Bull City, 2007), and a collection of prose, The Napkin Manuscripts: Selected Essays and an Interview (University of Tennessee, 2006). He teaches in the Creative Writing Program at UNC-Chapel Hill.
On Thursday, April 18, at 12:30 p.m. in Tate Hall on the  CPCC Main Campus, four CWC writers will present their work in a presentation called  "Writing the World."  Kristin Sherman, Ann Tsao, Nitin Vyas, and David Radavich read their work about the Philippines, China, India, and the Middle East.  Don't miss this special event, one of our featured readings of the year.
Many other great arts events will take place during mid-April. Check out the opportunities at Parking is free, located right next to the Overcash Building.
Rebecca McClanahan to present in May

Rebecca McClanahan will be our featured presenter in May.  A "renaissance writer" in multiple genres, she is the author of nine books, including Deep Light: New and Selected Poems 1987-2007, The Riddle Song and Other Rememberings, and Word Painting: A Guide to Writing More Descriptively. Her latest book is The Tribal Knot: A Memoir of Family, Community, and a Century of Change.   




We welcome writers in all genres and forms to join our Charlotte-area literary community.  Your membership in the Charlotte Writers' Club helps support writers, readers, and literacy at a critical time in our nation's and our city's history. Dues are $30 for individuals, $40 for couples, $20 for students, and $100 for patrons. You can pay on-line at or send a check to the Charlotte Writers' Club, P.O. Box 220954, Charlotte, NC 28222. Thank you for your support!  

In This Issue
CWC-North Event
Sensoria Festival Events
Rebecca McClanahan
2013 Calendar of Events
2013 Contest Calendar

Calendar of Events



April 7, 2013, 2-4 p.m.

Warehouse Performing Arts Center

9216A Westermoreland Road

Cornelius, NC 28031

Lisa Kline and Chris Woodworth talk about "Characters: Emotions + Relationships + Conflicts."   


CWC Charlotte

April 16, 2013, 7 p.m.

Tate Hall, CPCC Main Campus

1206 Elizabeth Avenue

Charlotte, NC 28204

Michael McFee will be our guest for National Poetry Month, along with winners of the Anthony Abbott Student Poetry Prize.

Click here for map.


CWC Charlotte

"Writing the World"

April 18, 2013, 12:30 p.m.

Tate Hall, CPCC Main Campus

1206 Elizabeth Avenue

Charlotte, NC 28204

Four writers from the Charlotte Writers' Club read their work about the Philippines, China, India, and the Middle East.

Click here for map.


CWC Charlotte

May 21, 2013, 7 p.m.

Queens University Conference Center 2229 Tyvola Road

Rebecca McClanahan, talented writer in multiple genres, will read and discuss her work.  

Click here for map.


Contest Calendar 


Check out our inaugural Ruth Moose Flash Fiction Contest for stories of up to 500 words.

Deadline: April 16, 2013


The Elizabeth Simpson Smith Short Story Prize, our most prestigious award, honors the best story of 1500-4000 words. 

Deadline: May 21, 2013




James Boatner's first novel, Unlawful Flight, is now available at Park Road Books in paperback and at Amazon and other venues.   


Suzanne Adams' story, "The Wilderness Vow," won second place in Memoir Ink's annual contest. 


Gretchen Hummel's novel, Dreamer's Island, was a finalist for the USA Best Books Award 2012 in both the Visionary Fiction and New Age Fiction categories.


Congratulations to all three members!

On Sunday, April 14, at 4 p.m., Dede Wilson will read from Near Walking and Lucinda Grey from The Blue Hills at the Wingmaker Arts Collaborative, 207 W. Worthington Avenue, in Southend Charlotte. 
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