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Upcoming ProLife Events
MARCH 20, 2014
Table of Contents
~ Great way for churches to get involved
~ Non-Offensive ProLife poster to hang in churches 
ProLife Individuals: have your voice heard!  


Be a part of CPLC:

~ Help get the government out of the abortion business
~ Print out & send CPLC filled out petitions

CPLC's ProLife 
Spring Training Series

California ProLife Council will be holding its annual ProLife Spring Training Series!
The Spring Training will provide pro-life advocates of all ages the knowledge and tools necessary to become effective members of the pro-life movement. The program seeks to provide clarity to the question: What is the Right to Life?And what are we to do about it?!
Over the past few years we have amassed a large group of speakers ready to teach you how to fight for the Right to Life. To see the full list of speakers,
Current cities on our tour include:
Los Angeles
Stay tuned to our updates in the coming weeks to see if your city is added to the list or request it yourself!
2014 Life Fest Film Festival
Life Fest '14 is the film festival dedicated to showcasing films that reinforce the intrinsic worth and profound significance of innocent human life.

Life Fest is extraordinary! It changes a culture that is constantly devaluing human life. It changes the very face of Hollywood itself. And, best of all, the change is working!


This film festival works because it rewards filmmakers that produce quality films by introducing them to like-minded industry professionals and leaders. It is opening a door for a new generation of life-affirming filmmakers. And it's not too late to submit!


The staff for Life Fest is very excited about the promising responses received from both the pro-life and film communities. This year's Life Fest is going to be huge!


The Life Fest team is very thankful for all the support they have received so far. There is still plenty of work for be done to make Life Fest even better than last year. 


To see how you can volunteer for this important event, click here.


"Doonby" stars, Joe Estevez and John Schneider, with producer Mark Joseph.

California ProLife Council

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