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ProLife Legislative Banquet
~ When: Tuesday, February 25
~ Where: Sacramento, CA
Mark Your Calendar
~ When: May 8th - 11th
Where: Hollywood, CA
~ Film Makers of all skill levels welcome
~ Great way for churches to get involved
~ Non-Offensive ProLife poster to hang in churches 
ProLife Individuals: have your voice heard!  


Be a part of CPLC:

~ Help get the government out of the abortion business
~ Print out & send CPLC filled out petitions

Top ProLife News Stories!

Ronald Reagan: Abortion & the Conscience of the Nation
February 6 marks the 103rd anniversary of Ronald Reagan Day. Commemorate this special day by ordering a copy of Ronald Reagan's famous book, "Abortion & the Conscience of the Nation."

Ronald Reagan: Abortion & the Conscience of the Nation includes Reagan's timeless work and a series of introductions by notable speakers such as the Honorable William P. Clark, Brian P. Johnston, and more! 

Our regular suggested donation is usually $14.99, but in honor of Reagan Day, we are giving you the chance to get it for the low suggested donation 
of $9.99! 
Click here to get it now!

Finally, we have included a short clip for your enjoyment. Take this time to remember the legacy of this great president. 

Ronald Reagan: Abortion and the Consitution
Ronald Reagan:
Abortion and the Constitution

Tickets Available! 2014 ProLife 
Legislative Banquet 
The Right to Life is a civil right. It is an issue directly related to the laws we put in place. And it is lawmakers who make these laws. Be a part of the special dinner California ProLife Council hosts to remind legislators of the importance you give to the Right to Life.   


Would you like to sit near your local lawmaker? Request it. Come meet some of the key decision makers of California, enjoy a night of dynamic speakers, delicious food, and  even some fantastic auction items


Most importantly, you will be reminding legislators that you understand Life is the pre-eminent right, and that you care about how they vote on it.


This year's Legislative banquet will be held Tuesday, February 25, 2014 in Sacramento at The Grand located at 1215 J St.


Tickets are $75 a seat and $600 for a table of 8 seats. To book your seats or sponsor a table, please click here!
California ProLife PAC Endorses Assemblyman Mike Morrell

In a State Capitol controlled by a Super Majority of pro-abortion lawmakers, the way to win is one race at a time. Just such an opportunity presents itself in the 23rd State Senate district.
Assemblymember Mike Morrell (R-Rancho Cucamonga) will be running for the open seat in Senate District 23, which covers parts of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. In the coming weeks California ProLife PAC will be offering several opportunities to help impact this race. 
If you are interested in 'making history' in California, contact Pat@californiaprolife.org. 

California ProLife Council

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