St George's-by-the-River 
Dragon Pause 
Wednesday, September 21st, 2016 
See Our New Fall Schedule!!
(please scroll all the way down, there is lots of new information  
including Adult Ed, Church School teachers, Confirmation, Youth Groups and Mum Sale)

"Father Abraham, have mercy on me..." 
---Luke 16:24

Adult Ed:
Friday, Sept. 23rd, 9:00 am  and  
Sunday, Sept. 25th, 11:15 am.
Led by Rabbi Harry Levin   

Friday, Sept 23rd

"Pursuing Divine Design: Hidden Patterns in the Texture of the Bible's Hebrew Text"

Sunday, Sept. 25th:
"How Can It Be That One Heart's Terror Is Another Heart's Wonder?  Who's Savage Now?"


Please join us!  
Here are some comments from
our Facebook page:

"Amazing service. Absolutely LOVED the Saturday night service! Thank you St. Georges!"

"Loved this service! Thank you

"What a beautiful service. We especially loved offering special prayers and the opportunity to light a candle during the service. And the music was perfect."  
The Once Beautiful Copper Beech Tree

 As you may have noticed, sadly, the giant tree that shades the Tea Garden during Canterbury Fair has died.   The tree experts place the blame on it being steeped in salt water for days after Hurricane Sandy.   We tried valiantly to bring it back from the abyss, but alas it has succumbed to "death by salt."   It will be removed and stumped next week. 

The good news is, that Jeff suggested that if we can salvage some of the wood, we can make a portable altar from what is left.  We have  employed a local sawyer who not only will dry the wood, but is a furniture builder!  Drying the wood can take up to a year, but it will be lovely to have a beautiful remnant of such a majestic creation.

Thank you!
-Debbie Schmidt, Buildings and Grounds


Join Us For Church School:

Our new program is called:
THINK ORANGE,  a fantastic media driven program which helps kids to truly know that
they and others are
created in the image of God!


On-line registration is now LIVE.
Paper registration forms are available in both Narthex and in Ralph Hall.  
The theme for the next 3 weeks will be "Courage."  Imagine if our kids internalized the message below! 

Thank you to all the parents who are teaching Church School  
this year:
Kelly Bird, Lauren Brown, Tom Collard, Lauren Collins, Carolyn DeSena, Steve Feldkamp, Kristy Finnegan, Collen Fischer, Kathryn Fithian, Jenny Glover, Clark Herman, Lynn Hurst, Stacy Izzo, Chuck Jones, Stephanie Lynch, Amy Martin, Gillian Marziarz, Bob McGill, Leigh McMullan, Toma Milouchev, Joe Sapone, Betsy Smith, and Tara Vasquez
Join us for the Blessing of the Animals in Honor of
 St. Francis of Assisi!
  Sunday, October 2nd, 2pm 
Youth Group News

Mark your calendars,
we will have mums for sale on

September 25th

outside the church after the 8am and 10am Services.

We will be ordering 125 mums and colors will be first come, first serve.
One for $8, 2 for $15 and 3 for $22

All monies will go to our Senior High REACH mission trip this summer to Stanton, Kentucky!

Thanks for your support!