St George's-by-the-River 
Dragon Pause 
Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 
The 15th Sunday After Pentecost
(please scroll all the way down, there is lots of new information.)

"But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame,
and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you,
for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous"
---Luke 14:13-14
Join Us for this season's final Holy Eucharist on the Beach!
THIS Saturday, August 27th, 5:30 pm 

Anchorage Beach
Bring a chair/towel and dress casually;
Parking now metered;
Best plan - park at St. G.'s and walk.
(Over bridge, turn left.  Anchorage is first beach on right;
look for the Episcopal flag).  
In case of "iffy" weather, check St. George's Facebook page  for updates on location or call the church, 732-842-0596, then press 2# and listen to the message.

Canterbury Art Show  
Raffle Tickets

Please gather up your raffle tickets and send back with your check. $50, $100, $150. Whatever you can do. Not only might you win a $5,000 vacation voucher, or $500 to The Grove, or $200 to a fabulous will be helping St. George's help others! Proceeds benefit many ministries.
Call or text Cathy Sutherland : 732-986-8290 for tickets.
Share with your friends!!!!

"Let the children come to me and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs," (Matt. 19:14).
Dear Friends in Christ,
Recently, Monmouth County has experienced a shocking number of tragedies related to young people, most especially suicide and drug over dose, particularly related to heroin.  Between 2011 and 2013, there were 322 recorded suicides in New Jersey involving children.

An analysis by NJ Advance Media shows that the heroin overdose death rate in New Jersey is more than triple the national rate. Monmouth County is tied with 2 other counties for the highest rate of overdose in New Jersey.

What if there were a way to shore up the defenses of young people to help prevent suicide, drug overdose and other psycho-social problems?

St. George's aims to provide a way. We want every child to know that s/he is made in the image of God. We want every child (and adult) to know that s/he has been created by God for a purpose. No life is random or purposeless. Every life is treasured and precious.
This fall we begin an exciting, new Church School program, built on the foundation of helping youngsters recognize their belovedness and purpose. The program will not only teach the children that they are created in God's image, but will also provide reinforcing resources for parents' use at home. See box below. 
In addition, we are adding a Saturday 5pm service of Holy Eucharist, "Come As You Are," beginning on September 10th to give families increased opportunity to come to church. We know that children's sports can make Sunday morning attendance challenging.

There is no more critical task than providing our young people with every opportunity and resource to grow into healthy, confident, and loving human beings. Everything else - sports, college, career, income - is meaningless without a healthy, spiritual and psychological core.

 Here are the links to our fall calendar  reflecting the many opportunities for us to join together in God's presence, to learn that we are loved and cherished and to know that our lives have purpose.

Church School will begin on the  
11th of September  
with a Kick-off Celebration 
in Ralph Hall at 10am. 

Our new program is called:
THINK ORANGE,  a fantastic media driven program which helps kids to truly know that
they and others are
created in the image of God!

If you would like to be a
Church School teacher in this fabulous new program,
please email Brenda.

On-line registration is now LIVE.

Have you made your
reservation for the
Canterbury Art Show Reception
on Thursday night (8/1)?
The fifth annual art show is swiftly approaching and you won't want to miss it.
Making your reception reservation and ordering your art show tickets is as easy as going to our website, completing the form and paying by credit card. If you don't want to pay online there will be forms at the back of the church that will let you pay by cash or check. Also, remember that if you sell 5 raffle tickets you are entitled to one free reception ticket. If you have already received free admission for the reception because you sold 5 or more raffle tickets, please RSVP to Beth Sherrard: [email protected] to let her know if you will be attending (or call Beth at 732-383-7465). We need an accurate count for the caterer. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you at the reception and the show!
Volunteers are still needed
to help with artwork check-in on Monday, August 29th
in the afternoon, art guides and cashiers at the reception and various other jobs throughout the show.
Try our new automated volunteer sign up system to see what slots are available. Just click on the link below. Sign in with your e-mail address, take a look at the schedule and fill in your name in any of the slots that strike your fancy and fit your schedule.
If E-mail or the Internet is not your thing, please call Coni Lefferts (732-888-1194) or Beth Sherrard (732-383-7465) or Maggie Raynor (732-571-7972) and we will give you a hand.

The Canterbury Art Show
Featured Artist:
Bonnie Smith
The beautifully realized watercolors of New Jersey-based artist Bonnie Smith begin with the simple mandate: paint what you love and create an emotional reaction to your paintings in the viewer. Considering herself more of an illustrator than a fine artist,
Bonnie exquisitely renders all of her
watercolors and colored pencil drawings, from whimsical to serious. She studied art at the Newark School of Fine and Industrial Arts where she was not only taught to draw, but how to make a living as an artist. For over 30 years, she designed soft goods for textile companies, pet toys for Hartz Mountains, glass ware, fine china, logos and needle arts and crafts. One of the most popular and award-winning artists at the Canterbury Art Show, Bonnie loves to draw animals, especially horses. She has amused past visitors to the art show with her quirky depictions, like the seagull and the crab shown above, as well as pet portraits. Be among the many return visitors to the Canterbury Art Show who make a beeline to Bonnie's artwork in the Juried, Non-juried and Portfolio sections of the show.

The Trinity Choristers
Trinity ChoristersThe Choristers of Trinity Church, Asbury Park were featured on NJ Channel 12 on Monday, August 22nd. Click here to see the video clip!