Silver Hammer
*Cotton Incorporated
Bronze Hammer
*The Valspar Corporation
Architects Circle
The Ruth/Allen Ziegler Foundation
Kenneth and Tami Walker
Silver Nail
Edward Adams and Roberta Turner
William Blake
Susan Booth
Creative Channel Services
Dermalogica, Inc.
Eleanor Eck
Farmers Insurance Group
Shivaune Field
The Jacqueline Glass Family
John and Hilda Arnold Foundation, Inc.
Michael and Laura Lang
Michael Pill
Andrew and Dina Sale
Scorebig, Inc.
Sermoonjoy Entertainment, Inc.
Teles Properties
Towers Watson
Michael Vukadinovich and Janet Bregar
Bronze Nail
Lynn Abess
*All Safety Products, Inc.
Blake Andrews
Jeff Bamond
Charles Baumer
Best Best & Krieger LLP
Julian and Pamela Bieber
Scott Boughton
Antoine and Maria Boulin
George and Janet Buckley
Buuck Family Foundation
Caring Realty
Edward and Julie Chavannes
Annette Crump
Cuningham Group Foundation
Brendan Duffy
C.H. and Diane Eilers
Emergency Groups Office
Ellen Farrell
Sydney and Raymond Feeney
Alan and Nancy Gittelson
Grace First Presbyterian Church
Harvest Home
David Hinkelman
Samuel Hughes
Jack L. Weaver Elementary
Eva Kalawski and John Sutton
Elizabeth Kasimow
Renee Kaswan
Kavich Reynolds Productions
Verra and Earnest Klinkert
Steve and Aeran Koch
Marie Lanniello
Pamela Lifford
Edward and Lily Lin
Jay and Grace Lin
Jennifer Livingston
Los Altos United Church of Christ
Los Altos United Methodist Church
Erin McConahey
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Paula Moczygemba
Michele Nasatir
*NYX, Los Angeles, Inc.
One Fine Stay
Glenn and Eleanor Padnick
Cheryl Perkey and Neil Canter
Ed Pieklo
The Sweat, Dustin Blood Trust
Gertrude Pomish
Brian and Marianne Ring
Rolling Hills United Methodist Church
Fern Ruiz
Nadya Scott
Dan and Stephanie Sernett
Anne and Mark Severns
Sheila Gold Foundation
James Simmons and Olga Mohan
Ronald and Margene Stevens
Troy Thrower and Michele Barney
William and Linda Tyrer
Michael Valerio
Nicolas Villegas
Eric Webber and Gerard Kraaijeveld
William and Winifred Weisinger
Donald and Virginia Whinfrey
Kerrilee Wong
* Denotes In-Kind Gifts