Helping Everyone Remember Orphans
CoffeeHERO Makers
P. O. Box 261442, Plano, TX 75026-1442November  2012

Only Two Weeks Left To Be On The GO TEAM

December 1st ends our sign-ups for the 3 different Men's Trips for January, 2013.

I don't know how we squeezed this into last year's project, but this 40' x 60' pad is waiting for us to build a structure on it during our three weeks!
New Pad 
Your help is needed, so get registered today by selecting one of these 3 trips by clicking here.
Did I mention that you should get this book? >>>>>>>>>>

Please read it and then pass it on. 


Small Group Book Focus



MEN, if you are not in one-START ONE!


Suggested Small Group Study:


Half Time

Bob Buford


 John Eldridge


Personal Reading:



Be A Hero

 Wesley Campbell













David Platt



Praise the Lord 



Here is a big "Go God" with a few pics of the 2nd classroom that we built earlier this year. Be blessed guys as you see how the Lord was able to use you in helping make this a reality.

 Library  2nd Classroom

The Challenge


So How Can You Be Used This Year?   


Come with us!  Be a part of the "Go Team" and help us get this project finished in a very short period of time.  "I don't have the skills," you say?  Not a problem.  We have many guys who do have the skills and are willing to teach us as we work together to accomplish great things in the name of Jesus.


Not enough funds at this time?   I can testify that time after time the Lord is looking for someone to say "Yes, Lord," and then He makes everything possible.  That doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing as we wait on Him.  That is being idle and He wants us to do our part.  We suggest challenging others to help you be on the Go Team by using a partner letter like this one.  And, your partner will receive the same blessing as you do for helping you go.


Can't get the time off?  Then please consider sending in your trip fee to help pay for the materials.  Just earmark your check for "projects" or click here to donate online.  As always, 100% of the proceeds from these Project Fundraising efforts are spent for building materials on the projects at the children's homes.  The labor is free.  That's us, you and me! 


We covet your prayers.  Please continue to pray for each of the guys on the Go Team and each person who has given funds for the projects, child sponsorships, and for the ministry.  Without prayer we move forward in our own strength, and that is not smart.  Thank you for your time in lifting up this ministry before the Lord.

Sign up today for your next HERO Makers mission trip and challenge someone to come with you.



Child Sponsorship
Any Idea What It Takes To Run A Children's Home?

Many of you support children somewhere in the world today.  We praise the Lord for your obedience to His word to give to the work for His kids. 

It does take money to keep a home for children open and safe, and we want to encourage those of you who are not giving monthly to consider a monthly commitment (click here for Partial Sponsorship ($33) or (here for Full Sponsorship ($63), to support the children at Angeles de Dios or Esperanza Viva in Mexico.  
Fun with Kids
Now we don't want anyone to  drop the current support of a  child through any other organization because we know that they need the help.  But we challenge you to share the needs of these two children's homes with others who might be able to assist.  And, if it is possible, consider picking up another child sponsorship for yourself as well.


How Can You Know - Until You Go?

School Thank You Ready to go?  Trip dates are up on the HERO Makers Website. Be a part of what it means to get out of your comfort zone and go!  Sign up for one of the weeks now so that you can be updated as we get closer.

Whenever I get to this point in the year of challenging others to come down, I remember my first trip over 25 years ago.  I was already familiar with the poverty in Mexico and living conditions there.  What hit me most that first trip was the hope that I saw in the people we were serving, and the strong faith they had that the Lord was able to meet their needs! 

In the early years, before we became fulltime in the ministry, the trip was a yearly reminder of how blessed we have been just being born on this side of the border.  It also was a reality check as to how I was stewarding the money the Lord had provided to me. 

Custom trips can be arranged.

If you would rather we facilitate a special trip for you and 9 of your friends, please don't hesitate to contact us.  There is always something to do at these children's homes.  You will be blessed for it!

Every little bit helps!

Raise money for HERO Makers just by searching the Internet withGoodsearch

Contact Information
Rocky Rhoades