We take care of IT.  You take care of business.
March 2014
Technology at it's Best!

Yeah, that's right.  We said it? 



Ooohhh, March.  What interesting weather patterns this month offered us again this year.  But, now we await April.  Hopefully the temperatures become more constant, but it is another month of intrigue. 

One thing about this time of year though is the increase in outside activities.  The days are longer to work in the yard or enjoy a brisk walk in the park.  Now is when everyone begins to work on their 'summer bodies', home improvements and tidying up the landscaping. 

But, what about your offices?  We've mentioned beginning of the year planning in the last several articles, and we've mentioned our technology Planning meetings with our clients.  Perhaps it's time to look at the improvements your office needs while you are working on your waistline or the shrubbery at home.  Do you have what you need, and want, for 2014? 

Kardon Technology is available for complimentary consults.  Let's meet and discuss your needs and goals.  It's easy to contact us to schedule a meeting.



Brian G. Wilson
Kardon Technology
Dream Jobs Really Do Exist
Pay at the Register With... Your Smartphone
Previous KT Blog Posts
A Note to Our Readers

Do You LOVE What You Do?
Dream Jobs Really Do Exist

I'm not going to ask the age old question, "What did you want to be when you grew up?"  Some people kept their eyes on the prize and ended up hating the reality.  Others started out learning one thing or another in college, but their goals changed as they matured and discovered other opportunities.  Some had no idea, and learned from the school of life. Some people are great with numbers, while others are extremely creative.  Some live for the adrenaline, while others prefer to stay on the sidelines.  


I was looking at social media posts and came across a team that just wanted to photograph " The President", a 3,200 year old tree.  WHAT?!  I know! From what I can tell from the pictures, it was a cold venture.  But the reward for their efforts are... 
Mobile Wallet
Pay at the Register With... Your Smartphone?!

"This technology thing has gone far enough!" is the concern from some.  While others are seeking the next great technological fix.  This idea of paying with your phone is no longer a new concept.  And, it's catching on!  According to ZDNet,"frustrations like forgetting to take their wallets out, forgetting to put specific items in the wallet, and having to carry a bulky wallet" are reasons that many "consumers are 'going mobile', and they are clearly showing their preference for the convenience and simplicity of transacting on mobile anywhere, anytime, and on any device."   What about you? 
Links of Interest


Microsoft Unveils Office for Apple iPad 


How to Monitor and Improve Your Site's Load Time  


Previous KT Blog Posts 

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We strive to be your technology partner, not just a phone number or an email address.  If you are seeking an IT provider that is interested in your growth and your sanity instead of just 'fixing problems', then we should talk... soon. 
Contact Us
Kardon Technology, 
A Division of the Kardon Group

(678) 292-5001

A Note to Our Readers 
Please let us know if there is a topic that you would like to learn more about.  We enjoy bringing you posts and articles that you anticipate reading.  Or, maybe you'd like to contribute an article, quote or opinion.  We are interested in what matters to you.