We take care of IT.  You take care of business.
February 2014
Technology at it's Best!

Yeah, that's right.  We said it? 



Did anyone see where January went?  Oh, wait, February is gone too!  Well, we have certainly had an exciting couple of months.  First the storm that made national news when it crippled our city.  But then we were back in the news with headlines like, "Hey, didn't you learn from Atlanta?" when other major Southern cities were similarly crippled with the next storm (everybody in Atlanta stayed home)

You know what else is in the news?  Viruses and attacks.  We highlighted the Target Breach last month (and again below).  Well, that was followed by a series of DDoS Attacks (Distributed Denial of Service).  In short, incoming traffic from possibly hundreds of thousands of sources flood it's targeted victim. It could be one machine or an entire network, and it makes that resource virtually unavailable.  It brings traffic to a grinding halt. 

YES, that's what happened last month.  The targets weren't just local companies either.  They were major sources that support network traffic infrastructure... the Internet.   

You know how much we write about security?  Well, even we couldn't see this coming or stop it.  But, we could ask you about your security... like; what about your phone?



Brian G. Wilson
Kardon Technology
Why SHOULD I Open This Newsletter?
Passwords and Your Mobile Devices
Previous KT Blog Posts
A Note to Our Readers

Why Should I Open This Newsletter?
Because, It's News

If you are anything like me, you receive scores of newsletters, most that you never get the chance to read.  You may poke at the topics and make a mental note to go back to that article (which you never do), or just delete it when it arrives for fear of hurting someone's feelings if you unsubscribe.  OR, you read and enjoy it.  That's what you do with mine, right?  RIGHT?

So, what's the purpose of all of this correspondence anyway?  According to Dictionary.com, a newsletter is 'a written report, usually issued periodically, prepared by or for a group... to present information..."  Wikipedia says, "a newsletter is a regularly distributed publication that is generally about one main topic of interest to its subscribers."  I like the point Wiki makes: topic of interest.  

What kinds of newsletters do you get? 
Your Mobile Devices

From TODAY Tech Exclusive 
The only reason we are addressing this is because we have had our rounds of meetings with our clients to address their 2014 Technology Plans.  I mentioned last month that we meet with them once a year to review the good, the bad and the ugly from last year, and make plans for the upcoming one.  There was more than one discovery that made us think about writing here.

By now, you realize how very important Kardon Technology considers security to be.  We write about it a bunch.  If you are our client, you know some of the things we insist you do to protect your business.  And, while "those things happen to other people", you are our other people.  We have seen you affected.  So, our meetings...

Links of Interest


Is Your Day Filled with Phone Calls? Consider This App. 


Target data breach: 9 ways to protect yourself - CBS News  


Previous KT Blog Posts 

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We strive to be your technology partner, not just a phone number or an email address.  If you are seeking an IT provider that is interested in your growth and your sanity instead of just 'fixing problems', then we should talk... soon. 
Contact Us
Kardon Technology, 
A Division of the Kardon Group

(678) 292-5001

A Note to Our Readers 
Please let us know if there is a topic that you would like to learn more about.  We enjoy bringing you posts and articles that you anticipate reading.  Or, maybe you'd like to contribute an article, quote or opinion.  We are interested in what matters to you.