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Volume 25
June 22, 2015

Take advantage of discounted prices on all Flexi Training DVDs! All feature instruction by Mark Rugen, the official trainer of all Flexi products!

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TIP OF THE WEEK - Operating on a Shoestring? 20 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Business

The prospect of marketing your business can be overwhelming, especially when you are a small business with an even smaller budget. The good news is that marketing doesn't have to cost thousands or even hundreds of dollars.

Here are 20 ways you can market your small business on a shoestring budget -- or even on no budget at all.

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THE HOT TOPIC- Don't Let Adversity Keep You Down. Here's What Every 'Comeback Kid' Knows.

You may have heard of Marvel. The name responsible for blockbuster hits such as The Avengers, Iron Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy.

It is one of pop culture's most iconic brands, but this wasn't always the case.

Let's travel back to the mid-1990s. Almost 20 years ago, amidst a struggling comic book market, and after taking some financial risks that just didn't pan out, Marvel was in trouble, and its leadership knew it. Unable to dig itself out of a financial hole, the company declared bankruptcy, and made the difficult decision to sell off the movie rights to some of its biggest characters. Spider-Man, X-Men and the Fantastic Four all went. It seemed the company was destined to die.

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 Please submit any comments, suggestions or requests to:
Julie Melander, Operations Coordinator, Marketing
In This Issue
June Promotion...Discounted Pricing on Flexi Training
Tip of the Week...Operating on a Shoestring? 20 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Business
The Hot Topic...Don't Let Adversity Keep You Down
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