CNN e-newsletter 
August 2013
Central Northeast Neighbors (CNN)
In This Issue
Summer Fun
Town Hall by Bike
Art Show on 82nd
2013 National Night Out
Updated GardenNet
Friends of Trees
Regional Equity Atlas
Special Events
Join Our Mailing List!
Links to Get Involved!

August fun for all in the Neighborhoods!

















Festive opportunities to be outdoors and meet your neighbors!


Concert on Concordia U Green August 4 6p

National Night Out (NNO) block parties and picnics in neighborhoods on August 6 (NNO)-see article below
Fremont Fest August 3 10a-6p
NNO Hollywood Safety Fair August 6-8p NE 41st Ave between Hancock and Tillamook, behind Velo Cult, 1969 NE 42nd Ave.
Subs on the Slough August 16th 11:30a-1p (Columbia Slough Watershed Council) 

42nd Avenue Street Fair August 24 noon-6p

Cully Community Market Sundays 
Hollywood Farmers Market Saturdays

Visit our calendar for more on these family friendly events and for summer schedule.


NE Portland Legislators to Hold Town Hall by Bike Saturday

Legislators invite neighbors to join them on a casual bike ride through NE Portland Join Reps. Michael Dembrow and Alissa Keny-Guyer and Sen. Jackie Dingfelder as they host a rolling Bike Town Hall through the Beaumont-Wilshire, Cully, Roseway, Madison South and Montavilla neighborhoods. Saturday, August 3rd, the legislators will meet at 10:00 AM at Wilshire Park, before heading out by 10:30. The tour will include several stops, ending around 1 PM. Stops along the route will include a look at the new "road diet" on NE Glisan St., information about the Audobon Society's Backyard Habitat program, a neighborhood intersection repair project, and community-based improvements at local schools. No RSVP is necessary, and coffee and donuts will be provided at the kickoff. 

 A People's Art Show on 82nd Ave. Friday

Join Living Stages and over 20 visual artists and performers for the first annual "Art is Not the Property of the Elite" free festival, First Friday, August 2nd 6 PM at Milepost 5

850 NE 81st Ave. The opening will highlight stunning and powerful work relating to art and activism, and will feature the work of artists: Hampton Rodriguez, Susan Espino, Sarah Farahat, Marcos Aguirre, Bette Lee, Cat Jones, Ali Cat Leeds, Adianet Mauro, Jerry Atkin, Tamara Lynne, Horacio Reyes Camarena, Jeff Williams, Jeff Tiner, Jeffrey Sparks, Eric Running, Bill Oakley, Michael McDonnell, Wayne Conan Hale, Jesse Compton, and Isaac Agee. Performances Starting at 7:30p -Film Shorts Outdoors Starting at 9:00p.
2013 National Night Out is August 6th!
This year is the 30th anniversary of NNO! The official date is August 6th this year. Registration closed July 23rd. For more information click on NNO websiteFor those of you closing a street for your party, the procedure has changed. This year participants filled out the form and submitted it directly to the Portland Bureau of Transportation. You can find all the details here.
Updated GardenNet Resource Online

Find new groups, or re-connect to resources in your area related to urban farming, community gardens, advocacy and more.


Click here to view the online
GardenNet brochure with added links on the pages. Like us on Facebook!

Friends of Trees Seeks NE Portland Neighborhood Coordinators
Bring people in your neighborhood together around trees!  Neighborhood Coordinators (NCs) are the heartwood of the Friends of Trees organizational tree, if you will. NCs encourage their neighbors to get trees, help them select the trees that are right for their space/interests, and then help manage the planting day (a Saturday in March). Register and save your place HERE at our annual Neighborhood Coordinator training -- August 15th, 6:00-8:30pm.  For more information on this role, please check out a recent blog post or contact us, (503) 595-0213.
Updated Regional Equity Atlas is Available
The Coalition for a Livable Future (CLF) is excited to announce the release of The Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 The Atlas is a research and education project to promote widespread opportunity for a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable region. It demonstrates that many communities do not have adequate access to public parks, good transit, family-wage jobs, clean air, quality education, and healthy food.  It exposes deep disparities in access to opportunities and health outcomes affecting people of color, low-income populations, and youth. Get involved in using the Atlas to create concrete changes in policies and priorities!
Special Events
Portland Parks and Recreation


Local Farmers Market Listing click here


Resolutions Northwest Mediation Workshops



Columbia Slough Watershed Council event calendar   


Gateway Green events


Let Us Build Cully Park events (work party, workshops, etc.) 

NE Neighbors Climate Change meeting Aug. 15 7p at CNN 4415 87th Ave., all welcome
Community Harvest Festival Sept. 29 a multi-cultural celebration on NE 42nd Ave.
CNN LUTOP Land use, transportation, open space committee meets Sept. 9, 7p CNN, 4415 NE 87th, all welcome  
Race Talks with Donna Maxey every second Thursday 7-9p Kennedy School Gym, 5736 NE 33rd. Ave., info at
Lunch 'n Renew-Happy Hour on-site yin class for health and wellness in the workplace, community centers, events, and conferences

Visit our calendar    

Sandra Lefrancois
Central Northeast Neighbors