BEASY Software & Services 
February 2015
AA&S 2015


Aircraft Airworthiness & Sustainment (AA&S) Conference

BEASY will be again attending the Aircraft Airworthiness & Sustainability Conference where we will be presenting our corrosion and fracture mechanics simulation solutions for aerospace structures. The conference will take place between March 30th and April 2nd in Baltimore, Maryland.


We welcome you to come and visit us to find out more about the capabilities of BEASY simulation products, or how BEASY modelling services can provide the solutions you need. Alternatively to make an appointment to meet Tom Curtin at the conference, or to obtain further information, please contact us.

Airframe Damage Tolerance DesignBEASY Software & Services

Further information about BEASY's expertise in defect assessment, crack growth and galvanic corrosion can be found on our website 

As well as an overview of our software and services, visitors can download a variety of technical papers and case studies, including some that will be of interest to visitors to the AA&S conference such as:

Corrosion Risk Assessment



NACE Corrosion Conference NACE Corrosion 2015


BEASY will once again be attending the annual NACE Corrosion Conference, which this year is being held in Dallas, Texas, between 16th and 19th March.


We will be active in both the conference program and exhibit hall showing our corrosion modelling services and software. 


Please come and visit us at booth 21096, or if you would like to set up a meeting to discuss any aspect of BEASY's modelling and software services, please contact us



Training courses can be provided at customers' sites and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the client.

To discuss your requirements further, please contact us.

Canada Anti-Spam Legislation


On July 1, 2014 new laws were implemented that regulate how we can communicate electronically with our contacts in Canada, and we would ask that you reconfirm your newsletter subscription by clicking on the button below.
By confirming your subscription you're granting us permission to email you. You can revoke permission to mail to your email address at any time using the Safe Unsubscribe link found at the bottom of every newsletter.