Community Resource Center Monthly E-Newsletter
Success Strategies for Colorado Nonprofits
January 2014
Happy New Year!
It has been a year since I took leadership at the Community Resource Center and what a year it has been. The word that comes to mind when describing 2013 is perseverance. Staff, board, volunteers, funders and our state-wide partners alike persevered in offering quality programming across the state, building nonprofit capacity and thus strengthening communities across Colorado. As we head into the unknown of 2014, the opportunities that CRC has to continue the good work that we started 33 years ago are immense. I look forward to seizing those opportunities and working with you all along the way.
Sincerely, |
Accepting Applications for the 2014 Nonprofit Leadership & Management Program
Now celebrating its 24th year, this nine-month adventure in personal and professional development includes; 4 two-day training sessions in Denver, a 3-day Executive Course in Breckenridge, access to a professional coach and ongoing networking with your peers, nonprofit entrepreneurs, funders and expert presenters. This program is open to Executive Directors of 501(c)3 incorporated nonprofits who have at least four years of experience working in the nonprofit sector.
Tech4Good: Tell Your Story Through Data
Join Tech4Good Denver to learn about data visualization practices in the Colorado nonprofit community. Our guest speakers will cover topics such as creating infographics, producing maps, and building charts and graphs. Don't miss the FREE appetizers, wine and beer, as well as time to network with other nonprofit professionals.
Date & Time: January 21, 4pm-6pm
Location: CO Collaborative for Nonprofits | 789 Sherman St | Denver
2014 Nonprofit Day at the Capitol
Sponsored by the Colorado Nonprofit Association and Aponte & Busam. Nonprofit Day at the Capitol is a great day for you to schedule meetings with your state legislators, learn how to navigate the Capitol, and advocate for your cause. The program includes dialogue with Colorado's statewide elected officials, and trainings and resources to develop your advocacy skills. This program includes breakfast and lunch.
Date & Time: January 29, 8am-3pm
Location: Colorado State Capitol | 200 E. Colfax | Denver
Volunteer Fest Colorado
Metro Volunteers is once again hosting VOLUNTEER FEST COLORADO and invites nonprofits and individuals from across the state to participate in the event. Nonprofits will be hosting an information booth about their organization and year-round volunteer opportunities. This is a great event for individuals to learn more about organizations, see all the great work going on in their community and participate in a volunteer project that day! Questions? Contact Chris, csizemore@metrovolunteers.org
Date & Time: March 4, 1pm-6pm
Location: McNichols Civic Center Building | Denver
Equitable Transportation Initiative Grant Fund
Mile High Connects is interested in funding effective, integrated approaches to building healthy and prosperous communities and ensuring equity and opportunity through transit in the Denver Metro Area. Mile High Connects will have its first grant application deadline for 2014 for the Equitable Transportation Initiatives Grant Fund on February 28, 2014. A grant application workshop is being offered to learn about the application process and funding priorities.
Date & Time: January 29, 2pm-3:30pm
Location: The Denver Foundation | 55 Madison Street, Denver, CO
Community Room | 7th Floor
CRC Training Calendar
Development Roundtable with AV Hunter Trust - DENVER
January 23, 2:00pm-3:30pm
Rural Grantwriting Workshop, Part 1 - SALIDA
January 29, 1:00pm-4:00pm
New to Nonprofits - DENVER
January 30, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Rural Grantwriting Workshop, Part 2 - SALIDA
February 11, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Making the Ask - DENVER
Feburary 12, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Organizational Effectiveness - DENVER
February 26, 9:00am-4:00pm
Get Grants - SALIDA
February 27, 9:00am-4:00pm
Development Roundtable with Venoco, Inc. - DENVER
Feburary 27, 2:00pm-3:30pm
Development Officer Series, Part 2 - DENVER
March 3, 9:00am-4:00pm
Rural Grantwriting Workshop, Part 3 - SALIDA
March 4, 1:00pm-4:00pm
March 17, 9:00am-4:00pm
2-Day Grant Seeking Clinic - DENVER
March 27 & 28, 9:00am-4:00pm
Upcoming Grant Deadlines
February 1, 2014
American Honda Foundation
Best Buy Children's Foundation
The Denver Foundation
ECA Foundation
Toshiba America Foundation
February 3, 2014
PeyBack Foundation, Inc.
February 6, 2014
Boulder Arts Commission Grants
February 7, 2014
Ent Federal Credit Union
February 15, 2014
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
CDPHE: Emergency Medical & Trauma Service Provider Grants
CDPHE: Recycling Resource Economic Opportunity Fund Grant
Clif Bar Family Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation
Colorado Rural Health Care Grants
Gennett Foundation
National Emergency Medicine Assocation
Open Meadows Foundation, Inc.
Subaru of America Foundation
February 18, 2014
CDE: Colorado Chapter Schools Program Grant
February 21, 2014
Chinook Fund
February 28, 2014
Henry P. Crowell & Susan C. Crowell Trust
February 29, 2014
AKC CAAR Canine Support & Relief Fund
Thank you to CRC's
Major Contributers
Adolph Coors Foundation
Anschutz Family Foundation
Boettcher Foundation
Caring for Colorado Foundation
Daniels Fund
Denver Foundation
El Pomar Foundation
Gates Family Foundation
Helen K. & Arthur E. Johnson Foundation
Rose Community Foundation
Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Trust
Contact Us
Community Resource Center
789 Sherman Street Ste 210 | Denver, CO 80203