NSHE mourns the passing of Thalia Dondero
Sept. 6, 2016

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LAS VEGAS, Nev. -- Thalia Dondero, a former regent and community leader, died Sunday at the age of 96. 

Dondero served two terms as a regent for the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) from 1996 to 2008, including two successful terms as Board chair, followed by one term as vice chair. She also served as chair of the Board's Investment Committee and was founding chair of the ad hoc Health Care Education Committee, which later became the Health Sciences System Committee. 

She was named a Distinguished Nevadan in 1995, the most prestigious award conferred by the Board of Regents.

"Thalia was a Nevada icon," said Rick Trachok, current Board of Regents chair. "Her passion for education and the communities she served will continue to positively impact our students for generations to come." Dondero was known for her tireless work as an ambassador for higher education, working to promote and improve the quality of higher education in Nevada. She was also instrumental in the formation of Nevada State College and served as an ex-officio member on several of the college's task forces. 

A Nevada resident since 1943, Dondero's record of public service to the state is long and distinguished. When her five children were young, she served as president of the state Parent Teacher Association and later became executive director of the Girl Scouts. In 1974, she became one of the first women to be elected as a Clark County Commissioner, and went on to serve the Commission for 20 years. 

In 2007, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) presented Dondero with an honorary doctor of law degree for her commitment to higher education and distinguished service to the community.

About the Nevada System of Higher Education
The Nevada System of Higher Education -- comprised of two doctoral-granting universities, a state college, four comprehensive community colleges and one environmental research institute -- serves the educational and job training needs of Nevada. NSHE provides educational opportunities to nearly 106,300 students and is governed by the Nevada Board of Regents.

John Kuhlman, (702) 889-8426