Nevada System of Higher Education
Health Sciences System Newsletter 
February 2013
The Health Sciences System (HSS) was established by the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents in 2006. Its purpose is to address Nevada's community health issues through a system-wide effort to integrate and expand the education of health professionals and to foster collaborative research in health and health care.  Through collaboration among the NSHE institutions and a broad range of external partners, the HSS intends to be a catalyst for improvement in the health and wellness of Nevada.  Visit us at:
School of Medicine recognizes compassion and humanisn in medicine

Medical student Katie Lyons and trauma surgeon Dr. Deborah Kuhls at the Hearts of Gold display in the University Medical Center trauma unit in Las Vegas. Photo by Edgar Antonio Nunez. 



The University of Nevada School of Medicine joined the Gold Humanism Honor Society and nearly 60 medical schools and institutions across North America in taking a stand for humanism in medicine by observing the third Gold Humanism Honor Society Solidarity Day for Compassionate Patient Care on Feb. 14 with its "Hearts of Gold" displays in Reno and Las Vegas.


The Gold Humanism Honor Society is an international initiative of The Arnold P. Gold Foundation comprised of over 15,000 medical students, faculty and administrators recognized for practicing compassionate, patient centered care. GHHS maintains a networked community which shares ideas, resources and support to sustain and advocate for humanism in medicine.


One of the most effective ways to spread compassion is to recognize and publicize people who exemplify compassion in their work and in their everyday lives. Through the Hearts of Gold displays, examples of compassionate care and caregivers are displayed at University Medical Center of Southern Nevada, the School of Medicine's administration building in Las Vegas and the Pennington Health Science Building on the Reno campus.


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State grant enables expansion of Henderson school-based health center formed by NSC 

NSC feb 13 

Located in Henderson on the Basic High School campus, the Dr. Joel and Carol Bower facility is the longest operating school-based health center in the state of Nevada. 


The Dr. Joel and Carol Bower School-Based Health Center, formed through a Nevada State College (NSC) and Clark County School District partnership in 2004, has received a $50,000 planning grant through the Nevada State Health Division (NSHD). Funding will support expansion plans for the center including preparation for an electronic health record system, development of emergency preparedness plans, and the exploration of mental health services.


The NSHD grant will also allow the Bower center to participate in the 2013 National School-Based Health Care Convention in Washington, D.C., June 23-26.  


"We're very pleased to receive this planning grant and will be working closely with Basic High School staff on next steps," said Sherrilyn Coffman, director of the Bower center and dean of nursing at NSC. "The grant will enable our growth and movement towards full compliancy with the recently established state-wide standards for school-based health centers."  


Click here to read more

Health Care Research Symposium to address patient-centered research on Mar. 25 and 26

Joe V. Selby, M.D., MPH, executive director of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) in Washington, D.C.,will speak on "The Changing Landscape of Health Care: How Patient-Centered Research Can Lead to Improvement." He will be the inaugural speaker for the Division of Health Sciences Health Care Research Symposium(s) to be held March 25 in Reno and March 26 in Las Vegas.



Dr. Selby will be discussing PCORI's mission and how it relates to and supports current health reform initiatives and how the national research agenda for PCORI is charting a clear path to research that involves patients and stakeholders and produces information about the best available evidence to help patients and their health care provider make more informed choices. He will also address what types of patient-centered questions PCORI set out to answer and the research projects that have been funded and upcoming funding opportunities. Free CME's are available.

The Reno event will be held on Monday, March 25 in Nightingale Hall on the University of Nevada, Reno campus and is sponsored by the Division of Health Sciences at UNR. The Las Vegas event will be held on Tuesday, March 26 at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, 888 W. Bonneville Avenue and is sponsored by the University of Nevada School of Medicine, the Cleveland Clinic, the Southern Nevada Medical Industry Coalition and the Clark County Medical Society.

Please register here to attend Dr. Selby's presentation in Reno or in Las Vegas.

Did you know: 
The Nevada System of Higher Education has 150 distinct Health Sciences programs throughout eight institutions with an estimated total of 18,000 enrolled students.
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