November 2015
A New Kind of Gratitude
"Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss s-l-o-w-l-y. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret ANYTHING that makes you smile." ~ Mark Twain

Thankful. November is a powerful month in the world of gratitude. Expressing our readiness to show and return kindness and generosity defines the Thanksgiving holiday even though November 26th represents only one day on the calendar.

What if I told you that everyday...all 365 of them, you could be the MASTER at showing gratitude internally and externally? It would cost you nothing, take minimal time and effort, improve your relationships and confidence, and cushion your stress levels while boosting your energy. The secret that I am about to share with you is contagious, the ultimate "pay it forward activity" and yet, it will personally provide you with a gift that keeps on giving.

So, just what is this powerful tool that has so much positive impact? we all have it at our disposal, yet not all of us use it...but if we do...the message we send is dramatic.

Our biggest source of expressing our gratitude is our smile and our ability to laugh.

Children smile up to 400 times per day. We love to watch children play and their smiles and laughter are one of the reasons why. Their joy is infectious. It is simply impossible to be stressed and worried and smile and laugh at the same exact time. Laughter and smiling diffuse negative thoughts and help us to break destructive patterns. Finding our inner child each and every day helps us to reconnect to the positive, to focus on gratitude, to have fun.

One of the best ways to infuse humor into our daily lives is to dig deep for the ability to laugh at ourselves. Many of us take life a little too seriously. When we allow ourselves to find the humor in our everyday, we give ourselves permission to let go of perfection in the most traditional sense and to embrace and promote our individual silver linings. Humor allows us to play with all of our possibilities, which in turn frees us to better explore our solutions.

Smiling and laughter promote so many positive outcomes:

Naturally creates a good mood~ Boosts energy and confidence~ Increases the production of endorphins which are our bodies 
natural pain killers~ Puts a positive lens on our world~ Relaxes the body~ Generates the power of resilience~ Attracts people to us~ Makes us look and feel better~ Shifts our mood and shifts the mood of those around us~ Connects us to others~Costs nothing and gives value to everyone~ Rejuvenates the soul...

Why wait? Begin right now to increase the volume in your smile and turn it into a laugh! Make that mega-watt smile your signature style this winter and consider wearing it daily like a new winter coat! May your smile keep you warm and allow you to accentuate the positive and the gratitude in your soul. Want to alter the moment? Then just add humor and you can control the energy in the moment you are in! It's magical!

Wishing you laughter and a thankful time 
of giving,

for more
Upcoming Events

Recoloring Life Workshops 
Recoloring Time

If your relationship to time is stressed, your relationship to life itself is stressed!

Are you looking to break free of procrastination and being "busy?"

Recoloring Time Workshops are designed to help you manage your time and feel less overwhelmed and more in control of TODAY! Coloring for adults has become the new "book club," the hot, "must-do" hobby. Recoloring Time Workshops will motivate and inspire you to make the best use of the time in your life.

Recoloring Time is a combination of inspirational teaching in regard to time management, interactive group activities such as treasure mapping and even includes a hands on coloring circle!

Participation will leave you relaxed, recharged and focused with more clarity and energy in regard to to-do and today.

Ridgewood Community School, (classes held at Ridgewood High School) Ridgewood, NJ
11/12, 7-9 PM 

Lady Savant Society-open to members and non-members 11/18, 7-10 PM @ Bibi'z Restaurant, Westwood, NJ 
Please reserve your spot: Register Here 

Finding Your Forgotten Woman Workshops 

Tapping into your inner child in a whole new way, these workshops are designed to reconnect you with your playful side. Your Forgotten Woman is the one who says YES when you say NO... she is fearless! Join me to learn more about the actionable steps you can take toward discovering your true potential and maximizing your goals. You will leave refreshed, energized, and ready to prioritize YOU!

Sano Salon, Midland Park NJ 
11/16, 7-10 PM Registration Is Open

Are you looking to customize your event? Does your organization
need a keynote speaker? If so, please contact me.


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Randi Levin Coaching | 201-803-1333 | Email  | Website