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December 10, 2014
A Devotional Life

 A Devotional Life


Throughout Advent, we will read and reflect upon the same scripture. These devotions have been written by many different members of our church family. If you didn't pick up your free Advent devotional this past Sunday after church, don't worry; there are still many available. 

Click here for an online copy:  Advent Devotions 



John 7:53-8:11


"Now what do you say?" (John 8:5)


John 7:53-8:11 is a familiar passage about a woman who is caught in adultery and brought before Jesus by the Pharisees so they could trap Him and have a basis for accusing Him. They said that the Law of Moses required she be stoned, and they wanted to know what Jesus was going to advise.

Frankly, this is hardly the type of passage I would choose to read to prepare myself for Christmas. I don't recall adultery, stoning, and entrapment being the gifts from the three wise men or even making up any of the elements of the song "Twelve Days of Christmas." But when I think of Christmas, humility and understatement are traits that do come to mind.

In this reading, when Jesus is approached by the Pharisees and challenged to provide an answer, He does not puff Himself up, step forward and bellow out a response. Instead, He bends down and starts writing on the ground, which I'm sure confounded those watching Him. When they continued pelting Him with questions, Jesus finally stood up and simply stated, "If any of you is without sin, throw the first stone." Then He stooped down and went back to writing. I recall from another source that Jesus was actually writing in the dirt the sins of the others in the crowd who were ready to pounce. If you recall from the story, after writing for awhile longer Jesus stands up to see that everyone had left Him and the woman. Each of the condemners realizing their own foibles left them alone. It's the essence of understatement, but packed a wallop of comeuppance.

When I think of the things I don't like about Christmas, big, bold, brashness come to mind. How much money can we spend on "stuff" so we have the best of whatever to impress people that we often don't even care for?! Some of my favorite times around Christmas are sitting in a darkened room lit only by the lights of our Christmas tree (which I have to admit is often big, bold and brash, but that is Kathy's fault because the tree always has to be "bigger!") and listening to an artist like Nat King Cole singing a Christmas carol. That's also why I cherish the Christmas Eve service at Center Church. Surrounded by family and friends, in a darkened church singing Christmas carols - it almost feels like we're in an upscale manger watching the Child being born again.

I can't speak for others, but for me life seems to be speeding up as each year passes. As technology continues to advance at lightening speeds, there seems to be more things to bombard our senses, leaving us with no place to hide and always having to respond to someone or something. It feels like there are fewer chances to be still, quiet, meditate, pray or just be. Fortunately, God has provided me with numerous reminders of the beauty of Christmas that comes in the most basic of packages - picking out a tree, cleaning the seven fish for Christmas Eve dinner, or watching the DVD Elf with Kathy and the kids. These are things I've treasured about Christmas for years.

I am also thankful that God has given me the ability to grow as a person and learn to become more tolerant of those that may be different from me. At times, He has given me the ability to slow things down and see what is happening behind the bright lights and glitz. I realize that this is still a work in progress and pray that Jesus gives me the strength to grow into a person deserving of all of the blessings He has provided.


~Dave DeLuca



A Worshipful Life

Advent Series:   "The Gifts of God"

Sermon Title:     "The Needed Gift"

Matthew 2:1-8

This sermon is for those of you who have received socks and underwear as a Christmas gift (this was a staple of my childhood, at any rate). We tend to think of "gifts" in terms of luxuries we wouldn't pursue for ourselves. The love of God is no luxury; it is a needed gift. Yet its necessity should not detract from it's "gift-ness," because we can never pursue God's love; we can only ever receive it.

An Advent-ful Life
Each week in Advent will bring a different experience to Center Church worship. 



  • December 14th worship at 8:30 and 11:00.  Plan to arrive in time for the Advent Breakfast.  Everyone is asked to bring a breakfast/brunch dish to feed at least 8.  Serving begins at 9:45 and will be followed by an entertaining program.
  • December 21st brings us together again with one worship service for the Annual Musical Presentation.  What a wonderful way to lead us up to Christmas Eve.
  • Candle light Christmas Eve Worship will be at 7:30 and 11:00 pm.  The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated at both services. 
A Servant's Life
Upcoming Events
  • With heavy hearts, we extend condolences to the family of Reed Day who passed into the Church Triumphant on Tuesday December 9th.  The funeral service will be held at Center Church on Friday December 12th at 11:00.  The family has invited all to a luncheon immediately following in the dining room.  Please keep Chris in your prayers during this terribly difficult time.

  • We also extend condolences to the family of Dave Gove who passed away suddenly at Washington Hospital on December 4th.  All arrangements were private for family only.  Please keep young Dave in your prayers during this difficult time.

  • The Giving Tree in the Narthex is filled with gift suggestions for Soldiers Angels and Family Promise.  Please return your gift (please do not wrap), with the tag attached by this Sunday.
  • Presbyterian Women again are sponsoring C-Mail.  Christmas cards for your Center Church friends can be placed in the alphabetical slots in the box provided.  These cards will be sorted and placed on tables ready for pick up.  Please check each week for cards addressed to you and to be sure that cards you have addressed have been claimed.  PW asks that in lieu of the of postage saved, a donation be made to support the mission projects of the Presbyterian Women.
  • Once again we are accepting donations of interesting cr�ches for display in our library throughout Advent.  If you have one to share, please contact Amy Davis 724-745-9048.  Each will be set up in the library with an information card identifying the donor and whatever information you would like to share about it.

  • Do you have any gently worn coats in your closets that you won't be wearing this season?  Think about donating them. Family Promise is looking for winter apparel for their families and the balance will be sent to Mancan Staffing Agency's 4th Annual Coats for Kids Campaign.  Boxes will be set up in the Gathering Place for the next 2 weeks.

A Joyful Life

During Christmas, let your heart grow three sizes: