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April 2016

As we head into Spring, the calendar is once again filling up with new organizations exploring the use of the 3-5-7 Model� in their programs.  We have learned a great deal over the years about the need to think more comprehensively about practice implementation, and we have used these lessons to create a process to engage organizations in preparation that is designed to support true integration of 3-5-7 Model� practice.  In our Initial Inquiry Process, we learn about your organization and work with you to develop an Implementation Team.  We provide foundational training, followed by coaching, to reinforce practice applications, influence systems change and ensure fidelity.  We hope you will engage with us as we explore together what strategies make the most sense for your 3-5-7 Model� implementation!
Read on for more detail about our implementation process, and visit our recently updated website for additional information.  We look forward to seeing you soon! 
What Does 3-5-7 Model� Implementation Look Like?
The 3-5-7 Model� is more than just a process, and organizational preparation to "shift" the culture of the agency is critical to integrating the practice into a day-to-day routine and to assure sustainability.  Typically, organizations interested in implementing the 3-5-7 Model� are engaged in an Initial Inquiry Process, and guided through a customized implementation plan that is designed to meet organizational needs while assuring the support needed from Darla L. Henry & Associates is provided to achieve desired outcomes.  Outlined below describes possible activities that comprise each phase of implementation.
Installation (Clarification)
Includes foundational training of two consecutive days followed by two on-site days for coaching and consultation, one day approximately 4 months after training and the fourth day about 6 months later.
Initial Implementation (Integration)
Coaching begins about one month (minimally) following the initial training continuing for 10 months. Coaching is usually a one hour session, once or twice a month in which direct staff and/or supervisors receive coaching on applications of the 3-5-7 Model�.
In the second year we continue consultation/coaching and build upon the foundation laid by introducing enhanced programming such as the 3-5-7 Model� Resource Parent Program and 3-5-7 Model� Groups Program.
Full Implementation (Actualization)
In the third year, coaching continues based on staff and supervisory skill development needs to maintain fidelity to the practice of the 3-5-7 Model�.
Measurement and Evaluation of Outcomes and Internal Trainer Certification are features that we can include at any step of programming.  These activities should be explored in the Implementation Planning phase.

AGENCY SPOTLIGHT: Catawba County, North Carolina Social Services
This month we are recognizing Catawba County Social Services in North Carolina for their efforts to begin implementation of the 3-5-7 Model� over the past year.  Catawba started 2015 with a bang and held their foundational training in early January 2015. They didn't waste any time and in March 2015 a follow-up on site day focused on implementation planning.  Ideas for their vision, which included using the 3-5-7 Model� to support stability and to understand child and family readiness, were explored.  The identified team driving and restraining forces, brainstormed strategies around these factors.  Coaching began shortly thereafter and continued until March 2016.  The Catawba staff were well prepared for each and every coaching session, taking time to submit case information and to do the work of conceptualizing their application questions so that they could make the most of the session.  Leadership presence was consistent throughout coaching, which was critical in keeping the energy and momentum going around 3-5-7 Model� practice.  We are looking forward to our ongoing work with this fantastic and dedicated group of professionals!  
Learn more about Catawba County Social Services here: http://www.catawbacountync.gov/dss/

In late February, Adoption at the Movies announced their annual movie awards.   Visit the site to see the nominees and winners  and follow their Facebook page to see their most current reviews.
About the 3-5-7 Model� Groups Program
The 3-5-7 Model� Groups Program is an experiential group intervention for youth in out-of-home care or who are system-involved.   The program is a facilitated 10 session, closed group experience that provides pre-adolescent and adolescent youth opportunities do the work of grieving losses and rebuilding relationships.  The program is adaptable for younger participants.  The 3-5-7 Model� Groups Program is made up of the following elements:
  • Pre-Group Readiness Activities
  • Ten Group Sessions, covering the topics Resilience, The Parent Paradox, Making Sense of the System, Getting Real about Relationships, Forming the Future, and Reflection
  • Individual Sessions with a 3-5-7 Model� Worker
A 3-5-7 Model� Groups Program Manual is provided.  The manual includes:
  • Description of the 3-5-7 Model� Groups Process
  • Overview of Readiness and Preparation Steps
  • Master set of Full Color Activity Worksheets for 10 Group Sessions (also provided on CD)-over 30 activities included
  • Complete Facilitator's Guide for all orientation and group sessions
  • Organizational Tools for Group Delivery (also provide d on CD)
Giving youth opportunities to voice feelings and emotions supports the healing process.  Especially during the group process, youth are encouraged to explore topics of interest to them-allowing them to start where they are.  The group process provides many opportunities for youth to explore their past.  Youth are encouraged to think about the connections they have and to explore building relationships that will support them on their journeys.  The group process promotes exploration of the answers to their questions, thereby improving feelings of self-worth and further increasing the capacity to reconcile previous relationships and form new relationships.  For more information about the Groups Program, please contact Darla L. Henry & Associates, Inc. at office@darlahenry.org.

Darla L. Henry & Associates, Inc. is the sole authorized provider of 3-5-7 Model� training & programs.

Know and use today's 3-5-7 Model�!  lf you have never fully implemented the 3-5-7 Model� in practice or if you would like to learn about our tools and resources that help you to maintain fidelity to the model we'd love to hear from you!

WE'VE UPDATED OUR WEBSITE  to better reflect the current work of the 3-5-7 Model� program and have added lots of new content.  We hope you will visit us! Link