Darla Henry & Associates
In This Issue
Greetings to our new friends & champions of  3-5-7 Model(c) from:
Toronto CCAS
Nebraska Families
Family & Children Services of Winnipeg
Connecticut DCF
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Social Services
The 3-5-7 Model
Nov/Dec 2014 

In response to one of my more recent trainings, I received the following comment:


"I thought the workshop was great.  I am still struggling with knowing that there is very little I can do to implement any of this when my caseload sits at over thirty children.  When  I only see kids once every 4-8 weeks (and some of these visits are just really quick check-ins due to time constraints).  Within the time frame I have, it becomes very hard not to rely on therapists...to try and help kids work on their grief and trauma." 

This is a frequent comment made by child welfare professionals who learn the 3-5-7 Model� framework and who are re-connected to the reasons they pursued careers in this critical field.  And, if you don't have Santa magic to be able to visit all your youth on one day, what can you do?

In my over 40 years as a social worker, I have been a part of the growth and establishment of the child welfare system. Through federal and state policies that have provided resources for program development and guidelines, research theory expansion and methodologies, we have built a service delivery system for children and families. And so, this is how I respond to the comment about caseloads that prevent us from spending time with children and families:
We built the system, and now we must change the system to better meet the needs of our children, youth and families.   

Will you stay committed to the cause?  I know I will.  



Federal Grants Involving the 3-5-7 Model�

Part of making change to our system is exploring the use of practice approaches through researched-based grant projects.  We are honored to be part of four Children's Bureau Intensive Child-Focused Adoptive Parent Recruitment grants that were awarded in October.  The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to test intensive and exhaustive child-focused adoptive parent recruitment strategies for children in foster care.  There were 7 awards made for these discretionary grants.  The 3-5-7 Model� is part of the following projects:

  • Children's Service Society of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI  
  • Family Service of Rhode Island, Inc., Providence, RI   
  • Nebraska Families Collaborative, Omaha, NE 
  • Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Oklahoma City, OK

We are looking forward to our work with these new partners over the next 17 months!


Meanwhile, we are now in Year 4 of the Determined, Responsible, Empowered Adolescents Mentoring Relationships (DREAMR) Federal Demonstration Grant in Clark County, Nevada.  The DREAMR Project is evaluating a multi-faceted approach to reducing pregnancy in foster youth and building relationship capacity for those youth already pregnant or parenting and increasing relationship competencies for foster youth. 


If you are interested in including the 3-5-7 Model� in a grant proposal or in developing a program that incorporates the model, please contact us early in the proposal process and/or development process so we can collaborate with you.  The 3-5-7 Model� is a unique practice framework that must be fully supported to ensure model fidelity. Darla L. Henry & Associates can provide consultation to projects in the grant response phase to inform program design that includes the appropriate levels of training and coaching on the model.  Consultation provided during this phase is at no charge. 

As a licensed and copyrighted product, the 3-5-7 Model� cannot be used without our expressed written permission.

Comforting Grieving Children and Youth

Comforting Grieving Children and Youth by Darla Henry, Ph.D., is the Feature Article in the November/December 2014 Issue of Fostering Families Today 


Children and youth in the child welfare system want a life free of pain and full of love. If possible, most want to live with their parents. We in the system cannot discount or minimize the power of love between children and their birth parents. While parents may have had inadequate parenting capacity, most have loved their children and have conveyed this love to their children in some way. Acknowledging these basic facts-and the resulting grief children experience at the loss of their parents-is the basis for helping children prepare for permanency.  For the full article please visit this link. 


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3-5-7 Model� Newsletter Archives

We invite you to view our past newsletters for tips, encouragement and support in using the 3-5-7 Model� .

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�2014 Darla L. Henry & Associates
P.O. Box 4847 Harrisburg, Pa 17111-0847
office@darlahenry.org   |   717-919-6286