January / February 2016



Farm Projects
The fencing project is proving to take a long time. Brian and the guys have now mastered taking down the old fence in sections and follow close behind with the new post and fence to eliminate keeping the horses out of their pasture- which they much appreciate! 
We have had to get hay from the North- as far away as Michigan since our local supplier  Mark, is out- believe it or not, he received TOO much rain and couldn't get it out of the fields! Even getting shipped in huge 850 to 1000 lb bales, these timothy bales   are still a bit more expensive, however the horses are really liking the taste... 
More repairs are in the works for redoing the tack rooms which need their floors and ceilings redone, the stone work in the front of the barn, and a new trophy case where the wall of pictures have hung (they will be put up on our web site gallery).  
Horse Shows Results

 Aiken A Shows
Our horses and riders did great at the first two weeks of the season, Shelley Wynn was champion with her Fynn in the .85 jumpers, Lindsey Rigney and her Calypso did well in the regular large junior division, winning the WIHS equitation, Emily Orrell & Sawyer ; reserve champion in the low junior hunter division, Coleman Holland and Eli, winning the EJ Haun and competing together for the first time in the low children's jumper division, Caroline Holland, Lizzy Carter and Jordan Sigmon, doing well in the Pre- Child hunter division. Wesley Smith and AC Chapman; champion and reserve in the children's pony division on Endy & Romeo. Wynne Weatherly was champion in the large junior division week one with Elmer, and week two on Oro. Kat Smith won the USEF Pony Medal and was second in the WIHS medal class, as well as winning some of the medium pony hunter classes. The weather was questionable at times but our good humor prevailed and all was good! We look forward to returning next month to do even better!

IEA Providence Equestrian/ IEA Double R
It was a busy and successful MLK weekend for the IEA Team.  We started at PEC winning both Middle and High School Champion!! Sara Evans, Allyson Pace, and Claire Croghan all tied for High Point Rider.  Sara came out on top in the trivia challenge - congrats to Sara!.  Monday we went to Double R Stables where the team was Reserve Champion for both Middle and High School. 
The weekend allowed a lot of our members to qualify for Regionals.  It has been a great regular season and with one show left at CCA on February 7th we hope to add to the qualifying list. Congrats to all of our riders because it is truly a team effort.

Room in the Inn/ IEA Update

The IEA team had a fun time volunteering at Room In The Inn.  It is an organization that feeds and houses the homeless during the winter months.  Team members provided food, made beds, and washed clothes for the guests.  They also had the opportunity to join the guests for dinner.  The team members had a fun time hearing stories of where the guests had lived, why they were homeless, and they received interesting advice on how to not end up on the street.  Some very eye opening conversations!!!!  It is always a good reminder that we are responsible for the consequences that come with the decisions we make. 

New News & Horsemanship Tips

New Teams
Congrats to the Broadfoots whose twin daughters; Marshall & Sumner are half leasing Stuart & Romeo. They had been half leasing Dudley and Lacey and learned a lot - and are now ready for a change! We look forward to watching them continue growing in their riding. 

Caitlin McCauley was happy to hear that Marshall had moved off of Dudley- she quickly claimed him for her own... they will do well together for the next year, learning lots and having fun in the process. 

Bella Brawley is the happy girl who is full leasing Friend for the upcoming year. They make a super cute pair. Friend will advance Bella's riding tenfold and it is so nice to see that Friend has his own person again, now that Max has left for school.  I anticipate a fun show year ahead in the short stirrup division. 

Martha Chenelle Clinic
Join us for a great clinic focusing on equitation which is the basis of all good riding Friday & Saturday January 29 & 30. I will have a sign up on the main bulletin board on Monday. Martha has been here the last few years- always imparting great exercises with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and energy, making it lots of fun.  We look forward to having her again. 

We will offer the Friday clinic after school /work for those who can't miss. Let us know the earliest you can make it out to the barn on Friday- we can help tack up your mount for you to make a specific spot in certain cases. This is for all of our riders that are cantering x-rails and above. Ask your instructor if you have any questions.

The cost will be $150/day, $250/2days. Sign up on the Main Bulletin Board as soon as possible. 

Moving Trunks
We have created a chart for our trunks, since it is tricky to figure out where they should go after every horse show. The chart is posted on the main bulletin board. 

February Show Schedule
I had hoped that we could go to Ocala this year but it proves too far for our riders presently. Hopefully next year we can make it down south to some warmth. 
In any case, I have added the February A Shows in Aiken to the schedule and have a sign up on the board. THe dates are February 11-14 & February 18-21. Sign up if you can join us.

Weekend Hacking

Just want to send out a reminder of our weekend policies. Half lease hack days are Sunday.  If there are extenuating circumstances please contact us ahead of time and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.  Saturday lessons are packed and it is an all hoof on deck kind of day!  Also, an adult with a drivers license should be present the ENTIRE time a child is at the farm.  There is no official staff here on Sundays.  Shelley, Kathleen, Leah, and other adults may be here on their own time to ride but they are not working.  Some of the older girls may be willing to babysit but please do not assume you have childcare at the farm.  
Logo Wear
I have asked Kathleen Hammer to take over the ordering of all the apparel wear from now on for us. I dare say she will do a better job of keeping track of all the orders than I do/did. Let her know if you would like a new saddle pad, jacket, sweat shirt, EIS shirt etc... 
We also have these new bags for sale.. slightly smaller than the wrap bags, they make a great tote for bringing riding clothes to and from the barn...
You can reach Kathleen by email: [email protected]

Cedarhill Blog  
We have added more subjects to our blog-  Cedarhill Blog. Click on this link to learn how to care for your horse's minor injuries, dressing your rider for Winter weather, what to pack in your trunk, how to pick a summer camp, how to make copper sulfate solution (and why!), certain responsibilities full leasers and owners should abide by... the list continues.

Cedarhill's Lesson Policy
 Please Review
Our regular group lessons at Cedarhill Farm are $85 per lesson and are also called A la Cart lessons. For approximately $340 per month, essentially an additional $60 per month, a la carte/regular riders have the option of  rescheduling any lessons they might miss.
We offer a discount for riders who can commit to a full session (essentially a month) of lessons. The discounted lessons are $70 per lesson, or approximately $280 per month. With the exception of posted holidays our session riders ride every week. There are no reschedules unless extreme weather makes it dangerous to drive out to the barn. If the weather is not appropriate for riding, we teach horsemanship of all levels  under  cover. We encourage our session riders to keep their session status despite perhaps missing an occasional lesson since we give preference to session riders and strive to fill our schedule with session rather than a la cart/regular riders.
Bottom Line: We do not provide make ups/ reschedules for discounted session lessons. These discounted lessons are $60 cheaper per month (4 lesson average) than regular priced a la carte lessons. We offer the discount to keep our lessons full at all times and will give preference to riders who commit to a session over a rider who is a la carte rider.
Our a la carte and session riders are billed via email two weeks prior to the beginning of the start of the session. If you cannot commit to a session, please consider our regularly priced $85 lessons. Contact Brian Guzinski if there are any billing questions, or if you would like to discontinue lessons. His email address is : [email protected] .

Concussions need to be taken seriously
Although our riders luckily haven't had any falls in quite some time the likelihood that one of our riders might take a spill is still a chance that we all need to prepare for. How, you ask? For starters- making sure that our riders all have properly fitted helmets- helmets that snugly fit and don't move around when shaken without the aid of a chin strap. Another step in preventative care that I encourage ALL of our riders to take is a base line concussion test from Carolina Neurosurgery Concussion Test Link 
This test takes at most 30 minutes and costs $5. They then keep the test on file and if you do experience a blow to the head- horse related or not they can pull the base line test done previously to better diagnose your condition. Maxwell took it several years ago- being involved in both Hockey and Riding. Luckily he so far has not had to put the test to use but it is peace of mind knowing that it is there just in case.

In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Tentative 2015-2016 Show Schedule

3 IEA Service
6-10 Aiken A
10 IEA Service
14-17 Aiken A
16 IEA Providence
18 IEA Double R/Sunset R
29-30 Martha Chenelle 
31 SCEC Banquet

9-14 AA Ocala
17-21 AA Ocala
21 SCEC Cedarhill
27-28 IEA Regionals

2-6 AA Aiken
9-13 AA Aiken
12-13 IEA Zones
19-20 Harmon Field C
17-20 Raleigh A
26 SCEC Brandywine

13-17 AA Tryon
20-24 AA Aiken
27-1 AA Aiken

8 SCEC Cedarhill
11-15 AA Aiken
18-22 AA Tryon
20-22 C Camden 
26-5 AA Devon

1-5 Tryon or Devon
9-12 AA Tryon
16-19 C Fence  
26 SCEC Brandywine
29-3 NCHJA Raleigh

6-10 AA Tryon
6-7 Junior Hunter Finals
15-17 C Camden
26-31 AA Blowing Rock

3-7 AA Blowing Rock
16- 21 AA Kentucky
28 SCEC Cedarhill

3-4 C Fence
8-11 A Aiken
15-18 A Aiken 
17 SCEC Brandywine
25 IEA Cedarhill
24-25 SE Medal Finals

Capital Challenge
13-22 Indoors Pa Nat
28-30 C Harmon Field



Let us know if there is additional shows you are interested in!  


Sanctioning organizations we are attending:

Don't forget to ensure both you and your mount are members for your points to count!*

*except for SCEC (only rider needs membership)

Click on the links below to see Andrea's pictures on our Cedarhill Flickr - 

  View our photos on flickr Like us on Facebook