Shekinaspeaks/ Blue Ray Transmissions



Cathedral Rock Vortex Goddess Temple Sedona AZ, USA 


 Sacred Star Family of Light, Blue Rays, Angelic, the New Forerunners & Peace keepers



Thank you for being in Service to the light. Beloved we praise and honor your amazing awakening, remembering, your journey, your challenges and great courage, for being here on Gaia, your gifts of sensitivity and kindness You are an invaluable treasure beyond measure, for you have shifted the frequency, healed lineages, and reopened light pathways upon the planet


Who you are is so very important, you have a place, a divinity, a community we are here, You are meeting your star family in person, and we speak to you through your heart, in your empathic ways of knowing and when you acknowledge us, you make us real and connected in your world, in the frequency ~ Your family of light, the Galactic, fairy and elemental, dolphins, Devas, Angelics, Angels and Gaia,~ together


in our divine power of Unity and Peace, Law of One, in the full activation of our Crystalline Christ Template {Divine Original blueprint}


Enjoy this BlueRay News Letter!


  Graphic Design by Mary Angelico Healing Activators, Goddess Portraits  



Blue Ray Transmission  

11:11 Universal Galactic Starseed ET Peace Alliance 333


 Click here for: the 11 11 ET Galactic Alliance Peace and Unity Alliance with the Star Seeds, BlueRay and

 Gatekeeper LightBearers    





2015 1st Quarter New Earth Ascension Symptoms: The Empath Ultra Sensory Integration                


The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.


*Find out if you are from the Blue Ray here:

"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.


In the coming weeks the New Earth frequency will require the ultra sensitive forerunners and Blue Rays to take some private and alone time. Taking periods of time to be in your own energy field will allow for your new sensory multidimensional upgrade integration. Many of you, the New World Servers, Light Bearers and Blue Rays are the first in experiencing and carrying these expanded resonances field vibrations through for the New Earth. 333

As you take this respite for recharging, a transformational renewal cosmically empowered by the expansion of Galactic cellular Light is creating your new foundation, a truer frequency. The old, outmoded restrictions and limitations that you may not even have known existed and that were placed upon you by others will be lifting. The universe is preparing you by shifting, rearranging, orchestrating endings and new beginnings and these can occur unexpectedly.

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Ascension Symptoms Ultra Sensitivity and Emotional

For some Blue Rays, you may find yourself being ultra sensitive and emotional, not being able to hold back, speaking your truth and not being silent anymore. The Blue Ray of Creation is healing the emotional body through the sacred divine feminine and male integration to strengthen your inner being and heart center.

At times you may feel alone due to the increase of sensitivity, emotion, and the frequency dimensional shift that can appear as a division. This space is taking you to your deeper core essence where you connect in the unity field. Blue Rays work empathically on many dimensions and sensory levels at the same time and when going through a shift, it can feel overwhelming. You may feel more psychically and emotionally vulnerable to outside influences and any negative emotions can affect you.

Heart Core Expansion

Know at the same time a Heart Core Awakening is occurring in the body, being and Cosmos where you feel a heart burst expansion of gratitude, love and oneness. You may experience this as a physical sensation in the higher heart center of the chest.


Blue Ray Energy Transmuter 55

When feeling psychically and emotionally vulnerable to outside influences, group consciousness or any negative emotions, the Blue Ray Energy Transmuter can assist. 55


In the Blue Ray 55 is the number sequence for the Power of Archangel Michael.

Say: Not of Love projection, be rectified in the Source Power of Light; Serve now in the higher divine plan known as Love, Light, Peace.

Power of the Blue Ray, strengthen my energy field of resilience and release all not of harmony to my being. Thank you.

The Blue Ray Hermit Shell

A tendency for the Blue Ray is to go into the hermit shell, going deeper into the separation of self and the outer worlds. As this has served as protection in your past while here on the Earth plane, now you are learning new ways that empower your abilities and strengths. Experience the allowance of the harmonization of your energy field which can require alone and quiet and at the same time start sensing the unified field and law of one also there. Using your intuiting and sensory awareness be open to the unified field and law of one through Nature. Nature and the realms you have been part of on a grander scale will support and nourish you.

The Light is showing in multidimensional ways how you, your true Divine Power and Divine Authority are to be a greater Earth steward of Light, love and compassion.

Endings and Beginnings: New Earth Relationships

As your Ultra Sensory template is upgrading and configuring you will not be able to tolerate negative or harsh energies. In relationships where you were holding a higher resonance field, you may find yourself not able to do so any more. The expanded awareness of your soul's divinity as a new Earth steward with new purpose is placing you in perfect harmonic alignment for the new year.

Your being needs to evolve and expand naturally in the new Earth frequencies that your soul and guides have been aligning and working toward. You cannot match, transform or harmonize the energies any longer that are not a part of your new resonances field. You are shifting. In these relationships and spaces you may experience inner tension and friction, wanting to cry, dense energies, and not having the freedom to be who you are naturally.

This is a breaking and choice point for the both of you and is the natural occurrence of the evolutionary Cosmic force that is part of your soul's forging nature. Know your inner being and sacred sensitive nature is creating many new pathways and alliances as you will be connecting and meeting your soul and star families. 55


Good News

The good news is this down time and hermit time will not be like others as you are much stronger in your energy field. You will be coming out to gather and connect in spirit with others and then go back in to allow the energies to assimilate with your new expansion of integrated awareness, this your divine template Blue Ray, a must for your well being, health and harmony. At different times in your life, cycle and day you will require more private and alone time than others.

Your alone cycles and sometimes hermitages cannot be compared to the normal 3d way of living; it must be uniquely yours and lovingly honored for you to thrive. Know that the Blue Ray codes have gotten stronger and more aligned in the Divine matrix resonances field, and this makes it easier for you to be in the world as you.


 EMERGING by Montserrat at  



During this time of emerging and empathic awareness integration, trust your inner knowing as it will call you to have stronger energetic boundaries to know what is personally right for you. To also remember to allow yourself freedom from previous constructs and restrictions of how you did it in the past, even if that was two weeks or six months ago. You are going beyond past belief systems of what you thought was in spiritual alignment. You are coming into a greater wholeness at a whole new level, realm and dimension. You are experiencing the fuller aspects of your Divine Original Blueprint that brings more opportunities, abundance, sacred connections and beauty. 444

Enjoy this blessed time and opportunity of integration and transformation as the energies will shift and your renewed soul's purpose of radiance will be called into action, movement and service. 33

You are being called to honor, nurture and care for the self, body and being, to be empowered by the shifts, growth and the other realms and dimensions that have awakened in you. Your sensitivity and love toward yourself to integrate in your being is a great preparation and divine quality of the sacred feminine needed for the balance and harmony of life. We, the Universe, the Light, your star family, the Blue Ray, your soul family of Earth, thank you. At times, it can feel as though you have been left alone, but know this message is telling you otherwise; the higher divine plane honors and is with you! 333

Copyright �  by Shekina Rose of - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:

Click Here For: Transformational 528hz Miracle Healings, Soul Readings and DNA Upgrade Activations


                                      For Quan Yin Healer StarGate Amulets   




  For Pleiadian Peace StarGate  


**Make a donation and thank you Here!!  




Mother Mary Rose Ray Activator
Miracles & Transformation
Take a moment to feel blessings from Mother Mary and your I AM presence, by placing hands up towards Mother Mary's  
Where the Rose Ray Apparitions and Mother Mary appeared in Sedona AZ USA

 The New "I am Presence of the Rose Ray in the Violet Flame" 


 {For the Ultra sensitive BLUE RAYS and STARSEEDS forerunners of the new earth}


I call mine my Mother Mary Communicator


                          Mother Mary Visitations of Cathedral Rock Sedona AZ

 Mother Mary Rose Ray Activator has now been placed in store fronts and door entrances where it has been a powerful blessing for all who enter. The Mother says to place your hands at hers for Rose Ray blessings of healing and love.    






 Graphics by Mary Angelico and created through Shekina Rose

*Click Here For the Stargate Activator Pleiadain Peace Portal   


Pleiadian Peace Portal, Cathedral Rock Vortex Sedona, Arizona.



*For the 11:11 Universal Peace ET Alliance with the Starseeds and LightBearers  Pleiadians of Peace on the 11:11  


StarGate Portal Light Language ~ Galactic  Activation  Sedona AZ Vortex 
StarGate Portal Light Language ~ Galactic Activation Sedona AZ Vortex
Shekina Rose is being visited by the Pleiadians and the Pleiadians Peace ships. They have been showing her interdimensional ancient sacred technologies that she has created and is sharing. She has been anointed in the Rose Ray by the ascended master Mother Mary where the apparitions and appearances occurred at Cathedral Rock Vortex in Sedona, Arizona. The Rose Ray in the Violet Flame of Supreme Divine Love is back on the planet to restore the balance of the sacred divine feminine that empowers our I Am presence.


Shekina Rose was activated by her star family decades ago and given prophecies to assist in restoration and activation of the Divine Original Blueprint, the New Man of Light.

As a Blue Ray Sirian starseed, Shekina is a vehicle for the Shekinah in the Language of Light 528 Hz Miracles/Transformation Ancient Solfeggio scale and she is the Channel of the Blue Ray that assists the ultra-sensitive Star Being to be here and be empowered on the planet, so they may awaken to their higher purpose and spiritual gifts to raise the vibrational frequency of Gaia.

                                   Click Here: Soul Reading and BlueRay

Copyright �  by Shekina Rose of - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:


Please pass on to other light Star beings and post to your amazing sites to connect and share thank you Shekina Rose




Shekinaspeaks/ Blue Ray
888 Divine Harmony BLVD
Sedona, Arizona 86336
Power of the BlueRay
Transformation 528 Hz Miracle Healings, Reconnections & Soul Reading
 *Click Here for connection