September 17th, 2014
What's happening with Philly Achilles

Last week was marked by several big events for Achilles.


Our second annual fundraiser with FBR last Thursday at McGillin's was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who made it out to support us, and a big shout out to Philadelphia Runner, GoreTex, Philadelphia Brewing Company, McGillin's and New Balance for donating items for our raffles.



Congrats to our award winners


At Saturday's workout we celebrated our chapter's 2-year anniversary! Congratulations to our Philly Achilles Leader award winner, Pat McCool, and our Rookie of the Year winner, Troy Roundtree. We are looking forward to many more years to come!

Good luck to everyone participating in this weekend's Rock 'n Roll Half marathon. Philly Achilles will have several athletes and volunteers out there, painting the town lime green! Come out and cheer them on! The race starts at 8:00 am on the Parkway.

Andrew and Company bringing it home!
Help Represent Us!
The Global Abilities Rec Fest is taking place on September 27th from 10:00am - 7:00pm at the Carousel House, and we have the opportunity to represent Achilles for the third year! It's a great event that showcases local opportunities for individuals with disabilities. We are still looking for a few volunteers to help represent us and recruit new members in the afternoon. Email if you want to help out! For more information about the Rec Fest visit:

See you all at the workout this Saturday!
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Achilles International- Philadelphia Chapter
2 Liberty Place
1601 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19192