Who We Are...
The Achilles Track Club was founded in 1983 by Dick Traum, the first amputee to run a marathon distance. Now, an international organization, our mission is to enable people with all types of disabilities to participate in mainstream athletics in order to promote personal achievement, enhance self-esteem, and lower barriers to living a fullfilling life.
Get Involved!
Achilles membership is free, and we welcome anyone with a disability, including amputations, cerebral palsy, cancer, multiple sclerosis, organ transplants, paraplegia, stroke, traumatic brain injury, autism and vision impairment.For volunteers, there are many opportunities to get involved and share the spirit and joy of achievement. We are looking for energetic volunteers who enjoy running or walking, to accompany athletes with disabilities at regular workouts and races, including marathons.
For volunteers, there are many opportunities to get involved and share the spirit and joy of achievement. We are looking for energetic volunteers who enjoy running or walking, to accompany athletes with disabilities at regular workouts and races, including marathons. |