Creekside Newsletter
May 22, 2016
In This Issue

Variety Show, 5:30 pm @ MPR
Spring Vocal Music Concerts @ MPR
Last Day of School - Early Dismissal
Annual Update and Online Registration Opens for 2016-2017
On-Site Registration, 4-7:30 pm @ MPR
Back To School Bash hosted by the PTA, 5:30-7:30 pm, MPR
First Day of School

Click here to learn how to to "subscribe" to the Creekside calendar on your mobile device
5th Grade Promotion Information
Thursday, June 9
10 a.m. in MPR
Reception to Follow
Students should dress nicely for the occasion. 
How did it get so late so soon? 
It's night before it's afternoon. 
December is here before it's June. 
My goodness how the time has flewn. 
How did it get so late so soon? 
                                     ~Dr. Seuss

I picked this quote because it seems like time has flown by this year! I cannot believe that it is already time to send you home with grocery bags filled with used supplies and completed projects. It's a good time to reflect on what a great time we have had together and what a fantastic school this is. I believe our school is the best in the country and the primary reason for that is because everyone comes together here to learn, improve, and build strong, lasting relationships each and every day. As you think back of all of the memories from this year, think about all that you have learned and experienced as well as all of the friendships you have made. And don't forget the awesome relationships you have built with our teachers and staff, as these will be memories you will cherish for years to come! 
This year has been full of special recognitions for Creekside Elementary! You may remember that our school has been working with Columbia University's Teachers' College from New York City. You probably have memories of between six to ten teachers sitting in on your readers' workshop lessons listening to you have conversations about your books, coaching you, and learning from each other! Because of this work, we have made incredible and significant advancements in our teaching and your learning. Additionally, this spring, our school was recognized as a Gold Ribbon School for the work we have done improving all of your skills as readers! We wouldn't be able to make this claim and receive this recognition without having such hard working Comets who have devoted so much time to practicing and learning reading strategies and skills! Go Comet readers!
Creekside was also honored this year by one of our teachers being recognized as the San Ramon Valley Unified School District's Teacher of the Year (and now one of four Contra Costa County Teacher of the Year finalists)! Congratulations to Mrs. Rooks! Mrs. Rooks has shared that she didn't get this award by working alone. She believes that all of the teachers at Creekside are "top notch" and that the only reason she is the excellent teacher she is today is because of what she has learned from all of the teachers at our school! We should all learn from Mrs. Rooks' wise thinking. Remember this as you continue with your education and later in your career, the people that you work with impact and support you making you more successful than you could have been on your own! By being a part of Creekside, by being a member of this team, you are the reason for and a part of this special school forever!


"Mr. T"
Aaron Tarzian
Creekside Variety Show MONDAY Evening 

One show only! Join us tomorrow, Monday, June 6, at 5:30 p.m. in the MPR as students take the stage at the Creekside Variety Show. Enjoy a sampling of singing, dancing, instrumental music and more. Don't miss this fun student performance!

Please contact music teacher Alicia Smith ( with any questions.
Year-In-Review Vocal Concert
We are excited to show our friends and family all the progress we have made in chorus this school year. We will be performing on Tuesday, June 7 in the MPR. Please take note of the performance times listed below that pertain to your students. We look forward to seeing you there.
  • 8:10 a.m. - 2nd and 3rd grade vocal performances
  • 9:00 a.m. - Kindergarten and 1st grade vocal performances
  • 10:10 a.m. - 4th and 5th grade vocal performances
Site Council Elections

Please take a moment to participate in our Site Council Election. Parents elect parents to sit on the Site Council Board. There are currently two (2) parent openings on the board for a two-year term.
Please vote for two. Vote by Friday, 6/10 12:01am.
To vote, please click here: 
More info about site council:
The council is a group of teachers, parents, and classified employees that work with the principal to develop, review, and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the site council are elected by their peers: parents elect the parent representatives and teachers elect teacher representatives.

Questions school site councils ask:
  • What are the goals and priorities of our school?
  • What data do we have that shows how well we are achieving those goals?
  • Are we progressing toward our goals?
  • Are there particular groups of students who are not doing as well as others?
  • What supports could we put in place to help struggling students?
  • How will we fund those supports?
  • How will we know if our programs are effective?
To learn more about site councils and their work, please read this article:
PTA President's Message 

Dear Creekside Families,
I can hardly believe another year is behind us. This year seemed to be over in a blink of an eye. Especially since this is our final year at Creekside, with my son being in 5th grade and it's also my final year as the Creekside PTA President.
Serving as the PTA President for the last two years has been an incredible experience that I am thankful and honored to have fulfilled for the school. Dedicating my time to Creekside was a rewarding experience and I know I am leaving Creekside in good hands, with Kim Lo Porto taking over next year. None of this matters without the incredible people who have served on our Executive Board and our committee heads, thank you for your hard work.

I would also like to thank Mr. Tarzian, Mrs. Shade, Mrs. Ramsey, Mr. Kenny, and all the incredible school staff and teachers who have supported the PTA and all the wonderful things they do for our school. I am also lucky and thankful for all of the people who have taken time out of their busy lives to help make Creekside a wonderful community and school. 
So, that's it. Enjoy your time off, spend time with your family, and show all of our Comets some fun this summer! I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe summer.
Creekside PTA Logo
Signing off,
Lynette Simmons
Creekside Elementary 
PTA President
GATE Volunteers Needed

Attention Gifted And Talented Education Families:

There is a group of GATE parent volunteers that are hoping to continue to enhance our GATE extracurricular program at Creekside. We cannot do this without additional volunteers! If you are interested in helping brainstorm and get things moving, please complete the form linked below. Please know that if you complete this form, your contact information will be shared with parent volunteers organizing this work. Thank you for considering volunteering. 
IXL Math, Ed1Stop, Learning Videos, Book Adventure, and Razz Kids Summer Access   

Remind your children to read each and every day over the summer. Also consider utilizing some of the amazing online educational resources Creekside Comet Fund has made available to us. IXL Math, Book Adventure, Raz-Kids (gr. K-2), and ed1stop will all be available throughout the summer to keep young minds active! All of these links are also posted in the student links section of our website.
Farmigo a Success 

Farmigo orders are continuing and each week we are surprised by something fun. One week it was a tote bag for groceries, another it was seeds to plant. At the time of the last order Farmigo selected one lucky person to enjoy a pie from Beckmann's Bakery.  Here's what the winner had to say:
"We are really enjoying the fresh, locally grown food from Farmigo. Every week new items are added to the website and my children enjoy selecting new items to try out. The convenience of ordering online and picking up at Creekside on Monday ensures we have fresh delicious food for the school week! 
The strawberry rhubarb pie was delicious!"  -- Lisa H.
Ordering is easy. Just visit and make your selections. Then pick up your pre-bagged groceries at the MPR between 2-3 p.m. on Mondays. We are working on securing a location for summer and will notify you if orders can be picked up over the summer. Every purchase means you'll get great food items and Creekside will receive a portion of the proceeds.  It's that simple.  Please contact Jennifer with any questions at
PTA Needs You in 2016-2017

Our PTA still has some important positions to fill. Please contact if you would like more information on the following Board positions:
        • Parliamentarian

While not Board positions, we also need volunteers for:

  • Yearbook Manager...the kids and Mr. T would love to have a yearbook to chronicle their year
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Art Education/Reflections Art Contest
  • Multicultural Night
  • Parent & Community Concerns
  • Special Needs
  • Legislative Advocacy
  • Disaster Preparedness

Thank you to those that have contacted us and have helped cut the list down from a few weeks ago!  


These programs won't happen without YOU.  We appreciate all the time and talent you are able to share with Creekside. 

SRVUSD Annual Update Fall 2016
Each fall, San Ramon Valley Unified parents are asked to complete an online "Annual Update" to verify household and emergency contact information and complete the annual release acknowledgement and permission requirements.
For the 2016-2017 school year, to assist the online program in running smoothly, the parent portal will open on a different day in August for each high school and its feeder middle and elementary schools. Please note: parents do not need to fill out the annual update on the day that the portal opens. Parents will have until September 30, 2016, to fill out the information.
Parents will receive a message in their Parent Portal "In Box" with a link to begin the Annual Update process on the following dates:
Tuesday, August 2: Monte Vista High School, Los Cerros Middle School, Diablo Vista Middle School, Vista Grande Elementary, Green Valley Elementary, Sycamore Elementary School, Tassajara Hills Elementary, Creekside Elementary
For more information on other schools, please check out our FAQ.
ICYMI in case you missed it
Are you planning on missing the first few days of school in the Fall?

As you plan your summer vacation, be aware that school begins on Monday, August 15, 2016. Because our district is growing, schools are very full and many continue to have wait lists.

* As in the past, if your child does not attend the first three days of school, your student will be dropped from the school on Thursday, August 18, 2016.
In that event, you will need to re-enroll your student. A space at your resident school will not be held for your child. If there is not space at your resident school when you return, your child will be placed at the closest school based on space availability.

Please note:
In accordance with California Education Codes 48205 and 48260, and District Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5113, any student who misses 3 or more school days without a valid excuse, as defined by AR 5113, shall be reported as truant to the District attendance supervisor.
The email distribution list for our weekly newsletter includes parent email addresses provided at registration and staff email addresses (unless you've previously opted out).  You were also added to the SRV Council of PTAs list.  If at any time you no longer wish to be on a list, simply click on the SafeUnsubscribe link in the footer, at the very bottom of any of our messages, to adjust your list choices.  Also, please use the Update Profile/Email Address link in the same place to change your email address.
The Comet Flash is produced by Creekside PTA in the effort to keep the parent and teacher community informed of upcoming events at the school, in the district, and in the community. All newsletter submissions must be approved in order to be included in an upcoming Flash. 
DEADLINE IS THURSDAY AT 3:00 P.M. EACH WEEK. If you have questions, you can contact the Comet Flash Editor at

To submit information for this weekly bulletin, please email your article or announcement to:
School Information          
Comet Education Fund Info
PTA Information              
Community Announcements