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Talking Lean E-News:  
Lean- Does it Work? 
(Part 3 of 3)

By Larry Cote, President Lean Advisors Inc.  

Part 3 of 3   

To read Part 1 Click Here  

To read Part 2  Click Here 


At Lean Advisors, we have been involved with training, adapting and applying Lean since close to its inception and prior to that using Deming, JIT and the other concepts

or theories that were very prevalent in the 80s and 90s. My career has given me the opportunity to 'see' Lean at work in 100's of organization/companies in a variety of environments including our earlier implementations in manufacturing and then as we evolved (and improved the concept) we adapted it to service type industries such as healthcare, government, and education.    


Continued from Part 2...

First, let's alleviate the misconception, apprehension or anxiety that Lean doesn't work.  It does work!


The caveat is that you must discover the 'right' or proper adaptation of the thinking and concept to  your unique situation!


The Focus in this final section will be that once you have acknowledged the above, you can then begin to search for the proper solution and resources to lead your Lean Transformation and at the same time be aware of some of the 'red flags' to keep in mind while deciding on the expertise required


Chances are you will try to find the expertise internally first and then if you feel you don't have the internal expert, or need additional resources or guidance, you will go outside your organization to either hire someone or find a credible consultant.


This decision becomes even more stressful because you know that you only get one chance to make the right decision...  


We thought it might be helpful in this post to highlight some of the red flags to be aware of when hiring a person(s) to lead the change in your organization and that you are willing to put your reputation on the line for...Read More


Lean Advisors Announces:
 Online Yellow Belt Certification
for Lean Healthcare
Lean Online Healthcare Workshops- Flexible and Effective learning at your Pace and Place!!

Developed in partnership with medical professionals and the Ministry of Health, Lean Advisors offers an Online Lean Healthcare Yellow Belt Certification Program.

Do you require comprehensive Lean knowledge across locations, departments, and levels?

The Lean Healthcare Yellow Belt Program is a flexible and cost-effective way to deliver consistent Lean training across your organization.  


To Learn more Click Here! 

Lean Advisors Inc.
(877) 778-6413