Island Park Eagle News Banner
Island Park Elementary PTA
August 31, 2015 
David Hoffman

September is a month of change. Summer sings its annual swan song, baseball season sends most if its teams to an early shower, and a new school year begins.
I grew up in Nebraska and can distinctly remember the changes that September brought to the Midwest. The cicadas' incessant summer song came to a close, the blue sky over the flat plains became two shades darker, Cornhusker football fever burned bright red on Saturdays, and my school, Hillside Elementary, opened its sunny yellow front doors to greet returning children.
My mother always took my siblings and me to school a week early to make sure we knew where our classrooms were. Sometimes we went twice-just in case. Each year, the school looked brand new. The gray, faux marble linoleum floors were spotless and shiny. The coat hooks outside each classroom were beckoning fingers, gesturing for students to hang up their new jackets and enter the room. The smell of Spanish rice and cornbread from the previous spring still permeated the cafeteria air.
I was always nervous at the start of a new school year, my head filled with questions: Who will be in my class? Will I get on the right bus? What will my teacher be like?
I will never forget my fourth grade year. My instructor was Mrs. Law. Like her surname implied, Mrs. Law had a reputation for being strict, merciless, established in her ways, and to the point. Before school started, when I told my parents that I was fearful of Mrs. Law, they recited their yearly mantra, "You will respect your teacher, you will do your best, and you will one day be grateful that you had the opportunity to learn from and study with different types of teachers and students." Continue reading here......


Welcome back Island Park Families!   We hope all of you enjoyed all the sunny and hot weather we had this summer!  We have several exciting events approaching... 
This Wednesday, September 2nd, you can find out which teacher your child will have this year by logging in to your Skyward account after 5:00 PM. 
The next day, Thursday the 3rd, everyone is welcome to come to school between 3-4:00 PM (only) to visit your child's new classroom, say hello to his/her teacher, and get a tour of the school.  This was previously just for new families and Kindergarten families but this year ALL FAMILIES are welcome! 
The first day of school will be Tuesday, Sept 8th.  Please join us at 9:15 in the Multipurpose Room for our Welcome Back Coffee and PTA General Meeting.  (Please feel free to bring your younger kids with you!!)  It's a great time to catch up with Island Park Families over coffee and treats.  You will be able to learn about events planned for the upcoming year and be able to sign up to volunteer for one (or many!) of them.  We'll introduce this year's EC and hear from our principal, David Hoffman. 
It's going to be a great year!  We look forward to seeing you all soon!  Jen and Abigail

In This Issue
:: Welcome back
:: School Tours
:: First Day Coffee
:: Steps! Jog-a-thon
:: New Family Coffee
:: Parent Pack Info
:: New School Supply Program
:: IP Choir Rehearsals
:: Ice Cream Social
:: Music Room Volunteers
Welcome Back to School!  
School starts on Tuesday, September 8th!

School will be back in session on Tuesday, 9/8. Elementary start time is at 9:10 AM.  Be sure to check the 2015/2016 bus schedule for times. Early release day remains on Wednesdays at 2:00pm starting 9/9.   

More Back to School information can be found on the new Mercer Island School District website,! Teacher placements will be available on Skyward Family Access on Wednesday, September 2nd at 5:00pm. 
All Families Tours
Thursday, September 3rd
from 3:00-4:00pm Eagle Logowear

The school will be open for all incoming and current families to "meet your teacher" and tour your classroom and school. Volunteers will be present to answer any questions you might have about Island Park. Current families will receive notification of your new teacher via Skyward on September 2nd at 5 pm. Kindergarten families will receive teacher information via letter from the school. 

Stay informed by subscribing to the Island Park PTA Eagle E-News and the Island Park Facebook page. If you would like to talk with an Island Park parent about the Mercer Island community, please contact IP PTA Co-Presidents Jen Sadlier and Abigail Little or IP Co-VPs of Family Services Lesley Poole and Beth Goodman.
Celebrate the First Day of School at the PTA Opening Day Coffee
Tuesday, September 8th at 9:10 - 11:00am in the Island Park Multi-purpose Room(MPR)

Deliver your kids to their new teachers, and then head on over to Island Park's Opening Day Coffee in the Island Park Multi-Purpose Room!  Sample a few home made treats (for parents and young siblings alike), meet and reconnect with other parents, and hear from our principal, David Hoffman!  

Most importantly, this is a time to learn about all of the PTA-sponsored programs and events held at Island Park throughout the year.  You can meet the PTA Officers and Committee Chairs, ask questions, and sign up to volunteer to help in any areas that interest you.

This coffee will also serve as the first PTA General Membership meeting of the 2015-16 school year. Hope you can join us!
STEPS! A Jog-a-thon
Get your running shoes ready, Eagles!!
Save the Date for our annual fundraiser Steps!, a jog-a-thon that helps achieve our goal of fully funding our PTA Operating Budget of $75,000 by the end of September. This event happens rain or shine after school on Wednesday, September 30th from 2:00-4:00pm. Volunteer Sign-up here. 
Upcoming Events

All Families Tours
Thurs., Sept 3rd 3:00 - 4:00pm

First Day of School
Tues., Sept 8th 9:10am-3:30pm

PTA Opening Day Coffee
Tues., Sept 8th, 9:10am-11am

PTA New Family Coffee
Mon., Sept 14th 9:10-11am

PTA Ice Cream Social
Thur, Sept 10th 6-7:30pm

Curriculum Nights
K-2, Wed, Sept 16th 5-8PM
3-5, Sep 17th, 5-8PM

Steps! a Jog-a-thon
Wed, Sept 30th 2-4pm

New Families Coffee
Monday, September 14th from 9:10-11:00am
in Room #8

A wonderful chance to come to the school and find out more from experienced Island Park families. Also a great opportunity to meet other new families starting at the school. Please contact Lesley Poole and Beth Goodman at
 2015-16 Parent Pack Information
Parent Packs Are Coming
School supplies2To continue moving forward with our Green Schools initiative, the back-to-school parent packs will be completely online this year.  Please check your email inbox for the E-Parent Pack message this Friday, September, 4th.
School Supply Program Continuing 
School supplies come directly from the school

The MISD has streamlined the school supply ordering process across elementary schools.  Supplies will now be ordered by Islandcolored pencils Park Elementary and a fee for the supplies will be included in the Parent Pack.  More information at Island Park School Supplies

Island Park Choir starts Tuesday, September 22nd
Calling All 4th and 5th Graders

All fourth and fifth graders are invited to join the Island Park Choir for the fall session! Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, September 22nd at 8:00am in the music room. We will learn music to perform at a community Veterans Day celebration on November 10th. Look for more information coming home soon! 
Sincerely, Mrs. and Mr. Hamp
Please Join the PTA for an Ice Cream Social
Thursday, September 10th from 6:00-7:30pm 

Ice Cream Social
This relaxed event is an opportunity for all Island Park families to come together and enjoy a sweet treat during the first week of school. The evening event provides a chance to visit with new and old friends. Please contact Lesley Poole and Beth Goodman at with questions or to volunteer to help with this event.
Classroom Volunteers Needed in the Music Room!

If you can spare an hour or more a week during the months of late September through early December, you can be a great help in the music room. You need not have any prior experience, just a willingness to listen to the students play and learn along with them.

During the months of September, October, November and early December all students in second, third, and fifth grades focus on the concept of melody by learning piano skills while fourth graders learn to play the recorder. The units end with a performance in which every child plays a song of their choice for a class parent recital. With all the different levels and individual rates of learning, extra teachers are extremely important. I need parents who are willing to assist students with their instruments and with small group instruction. Except in the fifth grades, we start with the very basics, so you can learn along with the students.

Past parent volunteer quotes:

"I looked forward to working with the students every week and
thoroughly enjoyed the experience."

"I was amazed at how much I learned and it was easy!"

If you, or someone you know, could volunteer in the music class, we would be very grateful! Please contact Susan Hamp at or 230-6254.
Parent Edge  MI Parent Edge - 2015-2016 Calendar of Parent Education Events
Join  Parent Edge for a great year of stimulating speakers and events!  From our kick-off event with the much-heralded Julie Lythcott-Haims speaking on the risks of helicopter parenting while sharing practical alternative strategies, to an evening with New York Times columnist and author Ron Lieber sharing wisdom for turning conversations about money into lessons about living - it's quite a line up! Please visit for more information. 

MI Parent Edge Presents: Throw Out the Checklisted Childhood! 
Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of "How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success"
Join Parent Edge as we welcome Julie Lythcott-Haims, author and former Stanford University Dean of Freshmen, for an engaging and informative evening taking a hard look at the overparenting trend in today's society. While the stories and statistics can be tough to hear, especially since we will likely catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mix, the solutions and end-result of raising self-sufficient, resourceful kids is well worth the pain! Go to for recent press, articles and interviews with Julie!
Thurs., October 29 at 7 PM at the MIHS PAC
Free for PTA Members
For parents of kids of all age

MI Parent Edge is jointly sponsored by the PTA's of Lakeridge, Island Park, West Mercer, Islander Middle, and MIHS schools.


Looking for sports or activities for your child?  Check out Mercer Island Activities for Kids for a listing of the most recent activities!

All 5th-8th grade boys interested in playing select basketball are encouraged to try out for the Mercer Island Select Program. There will be: a Parent Information Night on Thurs, 9/10 from 7:30 to 8:30 at the MI Community and Events Center, a Tune Up Clinic for 5th and 6th Graders on Sun, 9/13 ($35), an Open Gym for 7th and 8th Graders on Sun, 9/13, and Tryouts on Sun, 9/20 and Sun, 9/27  

For more information please go to  

Does it suddenly feel like EVERYONE's playing lacrosse?
They are! It's the fastest growing sport in North America!
Don't watch from afar! Get in on the action!
1st-4th Grade FALL BALL!
  • Returning players, learn the latest skills and strategy!
  • New players, master the basics before spring!
  • Sundays, September 20th - November 8nd, 12:00-1:00pm
  • Players grouped by level of play
  • Cost - $100 for 8 weeks
  • 5th grade girls play with the middle school girls.
  • Sundays, September 20th - November 14th, 10:30am-12:00pm
  • Cost - $150 for 9 weeks Including 11/14 Turkey Shoot Tournament
Registration is open!
Visit  www.migirlslacrosse.comor email for more information.
Stay fit, have fun and get a head start on the season!

Mercer Island FC Registration for K-1st graders Still Available
Registration for Mercer Island FC's Fall Microsoccer for Kindergarten and 1st graders is filling up fast. But there is still time for you to register your son or daughter. Mercer Island FC has been our Community's soccer club for over 50 years, providing outstanding soccer coaching and development to thousands of Mercer Island players over the years. We are a non-profit club run by community members passionate about our youth and the game of soccer.

The goal of Microsoccer is to introduce kids, and their parents, to soccer in a fun, safe environment. Microsoccer has weekly sessions that include skills clinics led by a soccer professional, followed by scrimmages. Players are placed on teams of 6 players. After the skills clinic, they scrimmage against other teams in a 3 vs 3 format without goalies. Major League Soccer replica uniforms are included for the players as part of the registration fee. Microsoccer clinic and scrimmage are held on Saturday mornings at Homestead Park. The season begins September 12th and runs through October 31st (8 weeks).

To more information and to register, go to 

Mercer Island Boy Scouts
Attention all parents of 5th grade boys.  Is your son interested in adventure, leadership and serving your community? Has he ever thought about becoming an Eagle Scout?  Does he like to have fun?  Is he active?  Mercer island Boy Scouts Troop 457 has provided these opportunities to boys since it began in 1953.    Boy Scouts is open to all boys ages 11 & up with no prior scouting experience required.  If you are thinking about joining or want more information, please view our website or contact outreach coordinator, Karen LeMaster at or scoutmaster, Dan Hanson at

Mercer Island Parks & Recreation Fall/Winter Classes
Parks and Recreation Fall/winter registration begins online Monday, August 24 and by phone and in person Wednesday, August 26. Find more information and register here.  You can register by clicking the course code in the online digital guide.  Or call the Community & Event Center on 8/26 to register 206-275-7609.
Kids Co - Before and After School Care
Kids Co.'s before and after-school programming is designed to meet the particular needs kids have during the non-school hours.  Please feel free to contact Amanda Sherry, Program Manager at 206-437-8396 or visit

Sponge Language Classes
Hola! Ni Hao! Bonjour! At Sponge, we see language as a passport to global citizenship. Students learn to see the world through a different lens while acquiring language skills and the confidence to use them. Young learners are especially primed for language learning - research shows that students are 70% more likely to gain fluency if they begin in elementary school. We are excited to offer Spanish, Mandarin, and French at Mercer Island schools this fall, with our engaging, research-driven curriculum, taught completely in language. Students learn important, everyday language through exciting thematic units and a wide variety of interactive games, activities, songs and art projects. Our goal is to build a strong foundation of comprehension and communication skills, all while having fun! More information can be found here. 

Classes are held before and after school at Island Park, Lakeridge and West Mercer. Busing is available between schools for all morning classes. Students can learn their favorite language regardless of the school they attend. Visit to register. Contact us by email at or give us a call at (425) 274-5188 with any questions. Register now and secure your spot in class!

TechSmartKids, a leading provider of computer science education for K-12 is offering afterschool computer coding classes this fall. Coding classes are available as fall session only or full year. Coding classes begin the week of October 5th. More information can be found here.

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Mercer Island School District
Island Park PTA
THANK YOU 2014 -2015 Learning Support SPRING AUCTION SPONSORS!

2014 Sponsors:                                                                                     Special Thanks To:

Definitive Dance Studio                                                                             Ben Bridge
Silver Creek Capital Management                                                              The Red Balloon Company
JayMarc Homes                                                                                         Dr. David Weed Orthodontics
MI Dermatology                                                                                          Stroum Jewish Community Center
MI Pediatrics                                                                                               Kona Brewing                                                              
                                                                                                                  Titos Vodka                                                                                                                                                                                      Mercer Island LaCrosse
Table Sponsors: 
Brotherton Cadillac  
Orthodontic Associates of Mercer Island

Video Production:   Kendra Hubbell