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November 20, 2012 






CFA Feline Agility Results:

36 cats competed (18 of which learned CFA Feline Agility and competed for the first time) with an additional 11 cats which learned for the first time but did not compete.

Please NOTE: 8 of the top ten had NEVER run before!!


Best - Ra's Abi's Elijah an Egyptian Mau with Carol Babel time 0:08.8 seconds.
2nd Best - Rockn Spots Honey Pie an Ocicat with Luka Wagner time 0:09.6 seconds.
3rd Best - Catastery Buster Brown a Japanese Bobtail with Gena Garton time 0:11.4 seconds.
4th Best - Nascat Hemi a Maine Coon with Donna Hinton time 0:12.2 seconds.
5th Best - Catiators Dinosaur of Blackwater with Sonja Moscoffian time 0:12.6 seconds
6th Best - Catastery Red Wing a Japanese Bobtail with Gena Garton time 0:14.1 seconds.
7th Best - Miley an Ocicat with Robin Madigan time 0:14.9 seconds.
8th Best - Folie A Deux Cardinal Sin of Balerin a Turkish Angora with Sarah Sieffert time 0:16.1 seconds.
9th Best - Folie A Deux Impurpriety a Turkish Angora with Sarah Sieffert time 0:17.0 seconds.
10th Best - Folie A Deux TLC of Spunkepawz a Turkish angora with Sarah Sieffert time 0:19.0 seconds

Jill ^. .^
Jill Archibald
CFA Feline Agility Coordinator, Scorer