Public School Works
February Newsletter | 2015
Safety News

In This Issue

February Articles and a Special Request

Teen Dating Violence Prevention & Awareness Month

National Go Red for Women Day

New Discriminatory Harassment Training Course!

8 TED Talks to Foster Creativity

Our Client Services is a STEVIE Award Finalist!


Relationships matter, especially those we share with school administrators.

Stop by our booth at this upcoming venue to see a demonstration of the EmployeeSafe and StudentWatch suites, and learn why 100% of school districts who use our safety compliance suites renew their license to continue our programs year after year. We hope to see at:

NCASBO Annual Conference
Greensboro, NC
booth TBD

Testimonial of the Month

�It is great working with you. You are always very prompt, knowledgeable, and of much help to me! I appreciate your expertise."

Trimble Local School District

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Safety First Awards

Here Is What's In Store for February

In this issue, you�ll read about:
Teen Dating Violence Prevention & Awareness Month
National Go Red for Women Day
• A new online training Discriminatory Harassment � Identification & Response
Eight TED Talks to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing
• Our Client Support is STEVIE Awards for Customer Service finalist!

We have a special request this month: we want to celebrate your successes! If your district has realized improvement in school safety, reduced occurrence of accidents, lowered insurance costs, or more time to focus on your core mission of educating kids, as a result of using PublicSchoolWORKS � or if we have helped you run an innovative safety program � let us know!

February is Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month

According to this Huffington Post article, domestic violence is reported less during specific holidays than on other days. It also states that acts of domestic violence typically do not happen in isolation; they are often repeated. So how can schools help educate both males and females on the awareness and prevention of teen dating violence?

Take advantage of the designation of February as Teen Dating Violence (DV) Prevention and Awareness Month to help preteens and teens understand that early intervention, and prevention, can help stop the abuse.

The CDC reports that nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. And with 72 percent of eighth and ninth graders dating, it is important for students to learn the characteristics of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, as well as what to do if they or a friend are involved in an unhealthy relationship. has informational resources for students, parents and schools on sating violence and "Teen DV Month." February 9th-13th is the National Youth Advisory Board�s Respect Week. Download the 2015 guide here. Also, Tuesday, February 10th is Wear Orange 4 Love day.

PublicSchoolWORKS �Teen Dating Violence� online training course describes abuse, lists teen dating violence risk factors, discusses the impact of such violence on victims and explains why victims stay with perpetrators. Educators and administrators who take the course also will learn about the common indicators of teen DV, how to properly meet with both the victim and the perpetrator and the common intervention strategies that schools can use.

Email or contact your Program Coordinator to learn how you can enroll your staff in this training in time for Teen DV Month.

Friday, February 6, 2015: National Wear Red Day - Go Red for Women

Since 2003, the first Friday of February � this year on February 6th � has been National Wear Red Day � Go Red for Women. The American Heart Association started the Go Red campaign to bring awareness to what experts call the Silent Killer: heart disease. Research shows that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women and it affects more woman than men.

Encourage your staff and colleagues to wear red on February 6th. Spreading awareness about the perils of heart disease � for both men and women � may help decrease the probability that today�s students will be tomorrow�s victims of heart disease.

The American Heart Association shares free print materials; to access them, sign up here. The National Institute of Health also posts free resources here.

Of course, we hope spreading awareness about heart disease and its prevention will help eradicate the disease. In the meantime, make sure your staff is trained to use your school�s automated external defibrillator (AED) in the case of an emergency. Email us to learn about our catalog of first aid online training courses.

New online training courses available

PublicSchoolWORKS is pleased to introduce its newest course release, �Discriminatory Harassment � Identification and Response�, as part of its library of more than 500 school-focused courses.

Some student misconduct may qualify as peer discriminatory harassment under one or more of the federal anti-discrimination laws enforced by the U.S. Department of Education�s Office of Civil Rights. With that in mind, PublicSchoolWORKS has produced a new course that addresses this Title 6 topic. While there is no training requirement yet, it is a high profile and potential high liability topic for schools.

The �Discriminatory Harassment � Identification and Response� course defines student-to-student (peer) discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin and religion. The course also mentions LGBT, how peer discrimination is different from bullying, and how school employees should respond and intervene. The course teaches educators how to recognize and respond to student-to-student discriminatory harassment and outlines important legal requirements and considerations for districts. Lastly, the course includes online resources for districts.

Email us to find out how you can incorporate this new training into your annual staff training plan.

Staying Creative: 8 TED Talks to foster creativity

With all the hustle and bustle of daily school matters, sometimes it�s a challenge to stay afloat. Everyone can benefit from some inspiration when looking to solve problems or try new techniques, both in and out of the classroom. TED Talks, which feature thought leaders from industries across the globe, have been a valuable resource for viewers. TED Talk speakers provide unique perspectives on many common problems � including creativity.

Remaining a student of your profession has never been easier. eSchool News selected eight TED Talks to help foster creativity. See what experts had to say about inspiration by checking out the videos here.