Public School Works
November Newsletter | 2013
Safety News

In This Issue

In Remembrance: Michael Lansberry

Compliance Reminder:GHS Requirement Deadline is Approaching!

Industry News: New State School of Character (SSOC) Awards for Ohio

Observance Day: Day for Tolerance


PSW is attending:

OSBA Capital Conference
Columbus, OH
booth #203

Testimonial of the Month

“From an HR perspective, it has made our training almost seamless - a significant time-saver,”

Director of Technology at Hamilton Local School District and user of PublicSchoolWORKS’ Staff Training System

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Safety First Awards

Compliance Reminder:

GHS Requirement Deadline is Approaching!!

A Reminder regarding the GHS requirement: OSHA requires that by December 1, 2013, all appropriate staff nationwide must be trained on how to read and understand the new standardized format for Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and the new label elements. In addition, they need to be aware of the district's Hazard Communication Plan and where to access SDSs. To provide a comprehensive solution, PSW helps districts update their Hazard Communication Plan, and addresses the new requirements utilizing its Hazard Communication course, Getting a MSDS course and MSDS Now! - Bronze System. The combination of these components will help districts meet the regulation without any extra effort.

To learn more about the course and how you can implement it in your district, email

Industry News:

New State School of Character (SSOC) Awards for Ohio

The Character Council is partnering with Columbus-based Ohio Partners in Character Education to sponsor the State School of Character (SSOC) Awards for Ohio. Sponsored by the Character Education Partnership (CEP) in Washington, D.C., the SSOC Awards recognizes schools and districts with outstanding character education programs. PublicSchoolWORKS (PSW)’s offers bullying and violence prevention programs that help students build character and help others in need.

Schools can learn more about applying for the SSOC/NSOC awards by downloading the SSOC application at Ohio schools have until December 2, 2013 to apply.

To learn more about how your district can use PublicSchoolWORKS software suites and programs for bullying and violence prevention and reporting, email

Observance Day:

Day for Tolerance

In 1995, the United Nations General Assembly named November 16th as the International Day for Tolerance. This global observance challenges students and teachers alike to learn how to respect others and their beliefs. It is also an opportunity for reflection on how the various forms of injustice, oppression, racism and unfair discrimination have a negative impact on society. Living in a tolerant society allows individuals to embrace differences, decreasing violence, bullying and other mental health disturbances.

Interested in teaching tolerance on November 16th? Visit for classroom lessons and other resources.

PublicSchoolWORKS offers a wide variety of training focusing student mental health, bullying and student violence. To learn more about the training offerings, email