Centre for Civil and Political Rights
Human Rights Committee Case-Law Digest
Decisions adopted during
October 2014 session (112th)
Issue No. 11 
June 2015
Newsletter Contents:


Admissible cases

 Enforced disappearances
Fair Trial
Freedom of expression, opinion, assembly, religion

It is our pleasure to present the latest newsletter of the CCPR Centre, detailing the Individual Communications decided by the Human Rights Committee at its 112th session, held in October 2014. For full texts and summaries of each of the cases, visit the cases database of the CCPR website. 

There were in total 51 cases adopted during this session, in which 35 were found to have violations

The cases focused on four key areas; enforced disappearances, fair trial, freedom of expression, opinion, assembly and region and torture. 

13 cases focused on  enforced disappearances, of which 6 were from Algeria, 3 from Nepal, 2 from Bosnia and Herzegovina and one from Libya. 

10 cases focused on fair trial, of which 3 were inadmissible. 2 cases were form Belarus one from the Russian Federation, Australia New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Venezuela, Ukraine and Cameroon. 

12 cases on freedom of expression, opinion, assembly and region of which 1 was inadmissible.  8 cases were from Belarus 2 from Kazakhstan and one from Spain, and the Republic of Korea. 

13 cases on torture of which 3 were inadmissible. 3 cases were from Belarus, 2 from Australia and Denmark, one from Cameroon, Azerbaijan, Nepal, Croatia, the Russian Federation and Norway. 

There were 3 discontinued cases and 1 split revoked.


To read the full editorial click here.   

The CCPR Centre would like to thank Carolin Schlösser, Enkhmaa Battumur, Daniel K, Carlos Sibille, Juliette Praz, Stephanie Perez and Rhiannon Painter for their help with the newsletter.

 Human Rights Committee Case Law - 112th Session (October 2014)
Enforced Disappearances
Hero v. Bosnia Herzegovina
Violations as families of disappeared continue to wait for information and effective remedy
Full texts of decisions - E| F | S  
Summary of decision - E| F | S  
Full text of decision - E | F | S  
Summary of the decision -  E| F | S  
Zaier (Sassene) v. Algeria 
Enforced disappearance after arrest by plain-clothed police officers 
Full text of decision - E | F | S  
Summary of the decision -  E F | S 
Bhandari v. Nepal 
1000 dollars do not constitute an adequate remedy for the failure to conduct an effective investigation in a disappearance case
Full text of decision - E  | F | S  
Summary of the decision - E| F | S 
Hmeed Mohamed v. Libya 
Arrestation et détention arbitraire prolongées par une absence de droit à un recours utile et violation de l'interdiction de la torture durant la détention.
Full text of decision - E F | S   
Summary of the decision - F | S 
Basnet & Basnet v. Nepal 
Violation of article 7 for the distress suffered by the cousin of an individual forcibly disappeared    
Full text of decision - E | F | S 
Summary of the decision - E | F | S 
Shikhmuradova v. Turkmenistan 
Enforced disappearance after a one day trial of the ex-Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan
Full text of decision - E | F | S   
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Kroumi v. Algeria 
Insufficient compensation for enforced disappearance of nearly 20 years
Full text of decision - E| F| S  
Summary of decision -  EF| S 
Dehimi & Ayache v. Algeria
Enforced disappearance for a period of nearly 20 years 
Full text of decision - E | F | S   
Summary of decision - E | F | S   
Ammari v. Algeria 
The burden of proof in cases of enforced disappearance does not only lie with the claimant
Full text of decision - E | F | S     
Summary of decision - E | F | S   
Tripathi v. Nepal 
Enforced disappearance without eyewitnesses was attributable to the state
Full text of decision - E | F | S  
Summary of decision -  E | F | S   
Louddi v. Algeria
Enforced disappearance by plain clothed police officers 
Full text of decision - E | F | S 
Summary of decision - EF | S    

 Allioua & Kerouane v. Algeria 
Enforced disappearance of three members of the same family 
Full text of decision - E | F | S    
Summary of decision - E | F | S    
Fair Trial 
Kozulina v. Belarus
Le Comité conclut à la violation du droit à la liberté et à un procès équitable du père de l'auteure de la communication
Full text of decision - E | F | S    
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Lozenko v. Belarus 
Right to freedom of assembly and free speech
Full text of decision - E | F | S     
Summary of decision -  E | F | S
Bolshakov v. Russian Federation 
The author's hearing complied with article 14 (1) of the Covenant  
Full text of decision - E | F | S  
Summary of decision - E | F | S  
Griffiths v. Australia
Violation of article 9 for 15 months detention pending extradition
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E| F | S  
HK v. Norway 
No violation of article 14 for a Court of Appeal decision denying leave to appeal
Full text of decision - E | F | S
Summary of decision -  E | F | S

Garcia Bolivar v. Venezuela 
Demoras en el procedimiento judicial incoado por cobro de las prestaciones sociales debidas por la empresa son incompatibles con el artículo 14, §1, del Pacto
Full text of decision - E | F | S
Summary of decision - E | F | S
Freedom of expression, opinion, assembly and religion 
Symonik v. Belarus 
Confiscation of leaflets critical of the government was not a justified limitation of the right to freedom of expression
Full text of decision - E | F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Stambrovsky v. Belarus  
Refusal of permission for a one-person picket in a pedestrian area was not a valid limitation on the rights to freedom of expression
Full text of decision - E | F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Everzov, Nepomnyaschikh, Polyakov, Rybchenko v. Belarus 
Preventing a demonstration and imposing fines on participants was an unjustified interference with the rights to freedom of expression and assembly  
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Praded v. Belarus
Droit à la liberté d'expression, droit à la liberté de réunion pacifique, restrictions autorisées  
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Sudalenko v. Belarus
The seizure of political brochures violates the right to freedom of expression   
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Leven v. Kazakhstan
Requiring registration as a foreign missionary to participate in church
services violates the Covenant.
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - | F | S 
Toregozhina v. Kazakhstan
The Committee recommends Kazakhstan to review its legislation to comply with the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly under article 19 and 21 of the ICCPR   
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Kalyakin v. Belarus 
Refusal to register a human rights organisation was not a justified limitation of freedom of association 
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Nepomnyaschikh v. Belarus  
Conviction for inviting citizens to protest was not a valid limitation on the right to freedom of expression
Full text of decision - E| F | S
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Pinchuk v. Belarus
Refusal of the Belarus authorities to register the Viasna organisation unreasonably restricts the author's husband's right to freedom of association  
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Young-kwan Kim et. al. v. Rep. of Korea
Imprisonment for conscientious objection to military service on religious grounds violates the Covenant  
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F | S 
Yuzepchuck v. Belarus 
Imposition of a death sentence after an unfair trial
Full text of decision - E | F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F |S
Monika v. Cameroon
Assault by a government representative, not followed by investigation or prosecution 
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F |S
Blessington and Elliot v Australia 
Imposition of life sentence on juvenile
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F |S
Quliyev v. Azerbaijan
The date of the entry into force of the Optional Protocol for Azerbaijan does not prevent the Committee from considering a continuing violation of the Covenant 
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F |S
Chaulagain v. Nepal 
Failure to lead an effective investigation into an extra-judicial killing violates the ICCPR
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F |S
B.L v. Australia
Removal to Senegal in fear of life, inhuman or degrading treatment for conversion from Islam to Christianity
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E | F |S
Poliakov v. Belarus
Belarus violates the freedom of expression for fining a citizen for the distribution of political leaflets
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E| F |S
Khakdar v. Russia
A potential deportation order of the author to Afghanistan constitutes a violation of art. 7 of the ICCPR
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E| F |S
Mr. X & Mrs. X v. Denmark
The deportation of the authors to the Russian Federation will not violate the ICCPR
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E| F |S
Husseini v. Denmark
Deportation without due consideration for the rights of the family to protection would violate the Covenant
Full text of decision - E| F | S 
Summary of decision - E| F |S
 Inadmissible Cases 
A.W.K. v New Zealand CCPR/C/112/D/1998/2010
Failure to show the domestic court's decision amounted to a denial of justice rendered the claim inadmissible
Read the summary here. Full text of decision - E | F | S

Tonenkaya v. Ukraine CCPR/C/112/D/2123/2011  
Doubts about the effectiveness of a remedy does not absolve the author of the requirement to exhaust them
Read the summary hereFull text of decision - E | F | S  

Vojnović v. Croatia CCPR/C/112/D/2068/2011
Read the summary here. Full text of decision -  E | F | S 

Cañada Mora v. Spain CCPR/C/112/D/2070/2011
Complaint about the Spanish court's refusal to grant leave to appeal was inadmissible
Read the summary hereFull text of decision -  E | F | S   

N.U. v. Norway CCPR/C/112/D/2341/2014   
Inadmissibility of a non-refoulement case for failure to exhaust domestic remedies
Read the summary hereFull text of decision -  E | F | S

Kandem Foumbi v. Cameroon CCPR/C/112/D/2325/2013 
Intellectual property is not protected by the Covenant     
Read the summary hereFull text of decision -  E | F | S

E.V. v Belarus CCPR/C/112/D/1989/2010 
Committee reaffirms the autonomous meaning of the concept of "criminal charge" of article 14   
Read the summary hereFull text of decision - E | F | S

Mr. S.S.F. et. al. v. Spain CCPR/C/112/D/2105/2011
Condena de los autores por estafa: inadmisibilidad de la supuesta violación del artículo 14, §1, §5 y §7, del Pacto por España
Read the summary here. Full text of decision -  E | F | S